ambigs.awk | Add ambiguity codes to codons. |
blather2.awk | Fill out a genetic code with nucleotide abiguity codes. |
fasta2seq.awk | Extract the sequences in a fasta file. |
firstcmnt.awk | Extracts the first comment in program source. |
firstsentence.awk | Extracts the first sentence in a text. |
makegcs.awk | Extract genetic codes from a web page like the ones found on NCBI. |
revcomp.awk | Return the reverse complement of a sequence of bases. |
seq2fasta.awk | Convert raw sequences to fasta format. |
translate.awk | Translate from RNA to sequences of amino acids and stop codons. |
transposetxt.awk | Transpose text as if it were a matrix of characters. |
allcodons.c | Print a list of all possible codons using IUPAC standard nucleotide codes. |
complement.c | Convert base codes into their complements. |
eprintf.c | Print error messages. |
fastac.c | Converts a fasta file into a compressed code for DNA. |
markov.c | Markov Chain Random Sequence Generator |
wrap.c | Wrap a stream of characters into even lines. |
wrapFasta.c | Wrap a fasta format file at 60 characters. | | Complement of nucleotide sequences including ambiguity codes. | | Reverse complement of nucleotide sequences including ambiguity codes. | | Reverse complement all the sequences in a fasta file. | | Print the longest open reading frame in each line. | | Print open reading frames. | | Converts peptide sequences in fasta format to single strings. |
Codes.html | Codes |
GeneticCodes.html | Genetic Codes |
SequenceMarkup.html | Biological Sequence Markup - Blossom Associates West | | DNA -> RNA -> Protein | | Find ORFs in DNA. | | Find ORFs in DNA. |
standard.genetic.code | |
vertebrate.mitochondrial.code | |
IGB | Integrated Genome Browser |
siRNA | Small Interfering RNA |