Library Committee
The Library Committee manages the Meeting's lending library,
orders and catalogues new, replacement, or donated items,
and assists members and attendees in using the materials.
The committee also orders and stocks pamphlets and educational materials
for sale and for use by Meeting activities.
Specific duties include:
- Obtain suggestions for new books and materials
and accept orders from other Meeting committees.
The Committee normally makes the final decision
on books that will be part of the lending or reference library,
whether bought or donated.
(If the commettee cannot reach clearness in a particular case,
the matter may be referred to Ministry and Oversight.)
- Assist with the use of the Library,
particularly by having a committee member present after Meeting for Worship
while members and attendees are looking for materials,
and consult with committees and Meeting groups on request.
The Library will normally remain open for use
one hour after the rise of Meeting for Worship.
- New acquisitions catalogued
in accord with instruction below.
They may also be announced in the Newsletter from time to time.
- Keep fresh stock of pamphlets and free magazines in the foyer.
The library receives several categories of periodicals
(Quaker, non-Quaker, paid subscriptions, and free)
which are processed and displayed using the instructions below.
- Provide a place for returned books,
and replace the book cards when returning books to the shelves.
- Notices may be sent of phone calls made
to those who have kept books over two months.
- A non-circulating book of Meeting newsletters should be kept for five years,
and then handed over to the archivist.
Another non-circulating item is the book of Meeting structure
in which this description should be kept up-to-date.
- Normal cleaning of floor and windows is done
by those responsible for general janitorial activities.
The committee will supplement this with special cleaning or work parties
as needed to maintain the materials in good condition.
- Prepare the Library portion of the Meeting budget
by the time set by Finance Committee,
and clarify new or changed items to the Finance Committee
and Meeting for Business.
- The budget should provide for all expense,
including cards, card pockets, tape, stickers, and stamps.
All bills and receipts are handled by Meeting treasurer,
who may provide checks to accompany mail orders
when necessary or advantageous.