in Dm
modified for Nick.
Play a little.
I went Dmdown to Aold A7Joe's Dmbarroom,
You know, on the Dmcorner Bbby the A7square;
They were Dmserving the Adrinks A7as Dmusual,
And the Bbusual A7crowd was Dmthere.
On my Dmleft stood Aold A7Joe BmMcKennedy,
And his Dmeyes were Bbbloodshot A7red;
He Dmturned to the Acrowd A7gathered Dmaround him,
And Bbthese are the A7words he Dmsaid:
I went Dmdown to the AIC-A7U at DmBellview,
Looking for my Dmoldest Bbson A7there;
He was Dmlyin' on a Along A7white Dmgurney,
So Bbsweet, so A7cool, so Dmfair.
I ran Dmup to Asee A7the Dmdoctors,
Dm"He's Bblow, but he's tough" they A7said;
Ran Dmback Ato A7my Dmbaby,
Oh BbSon, you A7were almost Dmdead.
Let him Dmgo, let him Ago, A7God Dmbless him,
Wher-Dmever Bbhe may A7be;
He may Dmtravel the Awide A7world Dmover,
And never Bbfind a better A7friend than Dmme.
Play a while.
So, Dmwhen I Adie, A7please Dmbury me,
In my Dmten dollar BbStetson A7hat;
Put a Dmtwenty-dollar Agold piece A7on my Dmwatch chain,
So the Bbfools will think I A7died standin' Dmpat.
Get six Dmgamblers to Acarry A7my Dmcoffin,
A pretty Dmshow girl to Bbsing us a A4song;
Put a Dmtwenty-piece jazz Aband A7on my Dmtail gate,
To raise BbHell as we A7go a-Dmlong.
DmNow that you have Aheard A7my Dmstory, boy,
Dmpour me another Bbshot of that A7booze;
If Dmanyone Ashould A7ask Dmyou,
You tell 'em I got those old BbSaint James In-A7firmary DmBlues.