in D
To the tune of Janice Joplin's Mercedes Benz.
Oh DLord, won't you Dbuy me a Gbrand new i-DPad?
My Dold one's ob-Dsolete, and Gthat makes me Asad.
The Dkids down the Dcafe will Gall think I'm Drad.
So, oh DLord, won't you Dbuy me a Abrand new i-DPad?
Oh DLord, won't you Dbuy me a Gsmarty TDV?
My Dstreaming is Dso lame, it's Gembarass-Aing,
The Dinternet's Dso vast it's Gtoo much for Dme,
So, DLord won't you Dbuy me a Asmarty DTV?
Oh DLord won't you Dbuy me a Gred Tesla Dcar,
My Drusty old Dbicycle Gwon't get me Afar,
There's Droom in the Dback seat Gfor my gui-Dtar,
So DLord won't you Dbuy me a Ared Tesla Dcar.
Oh DLord, won't you Dbuy me my Gown private Djet?
I'm Dseeking Nir-Dvana, but I Gaint found it Ayet.
DSearching is Dso hard, but Gyou'll help I Dbet.
So, oh DLord, won't you Dbuy me my Aown private Djet?
Oh DLord, won't you Dgive me some GHugh Miller DTea,
My Dpride and my Dego get the Gbetter of Ame,
DNobody Dlikes it, Git's plain to Dsee,
My Dold age will Dserve me AHugh Miller DTea.
Oh DLord, won't you Dbuy me a Gnight on the Dtown?
There's an Dopen mic Dtonight, at the GFireside ALounge.
DHelp me re-Dmember the Gwords to the Dsongs,
And DLord, won't you Dbuy me a Anight on the Dtown?