Brand New iPad

Tall Papa B - with apologies to Janice Joplin

in D

a cappella

to the tune of Janice's Mercedese Benz

Oh DLord, won't you Dbuy me a Gbrand new i-DPad?
My Dold one's ob-Dsolete, and Dthat makes me Asad.
The Dkids down the Dcafe will Dall think I'm Grad.
So, oh DLord, wont you Dbuy me a Abrand new i-DPad?

Oh DLord, wont you Dbuty me a Gnice smart TDV?,
My Dstreaming is Dso lame, it's Dembaras-Asing,
The Dinternet's Dso vast it's Dtoo much for Dme,
So, DLord wont you Dbuy me a Asmarty DTV?

Oh Lord wont you buy me a slick Tesla car,
My rusty old bicycle wont get me far,
There'll be plenty room for my guitar,
There'll be room in the back seat for my guitar,
So Lord wont you buy me a slick Tesla car.

Oh DLord, wont you Dbuy me my Gown private Djet?
I'm Dseeking Nir-Dvana, but I Daint found it Ayet.
DSearching is Dso hard, but you'll Dhelp me I Gbet.
So, oh DLord, wont you Dbuy me my Gown private Djet?

Oh Lord, wont you give me some humilty,
My pride and my ego get the better of me,
Nobody likes it, not even me,
My old age will serve me Hugh Miller Tea.

Oh DLord, wont you Dbuy me a Gnight on the Dtown?
There's an Dopen mic Dtonight, at the DFireside ALounge.
DProve that you Dlove me, and Dby the next Ground,
Oh DLord, wont you Dbuy me a Gnight on the Dtown?