Typing German on Computers

HTML Unicode1 Windows Alt+2 Windows USI3 OS X KDE4 vim5
Ä Ä c4 = 196 Ä Alt+0196 or Alt+142 RightAlt+Q or " A Option+u A Compose " A Ctrl+k : A
ä ä e4 = 228 ä Alt+0228 or Alt+132 RightAlt+q or " a Option+u a Compose " a Ctrl+k : a
é é e9 = 233 é Alt+0233 or Alt+130 RightAlt+e or ' e Option+e Compose ' e Ctrl+k ' e
Ö Ö d6 = 214 Ö Alt+0214 or Alt+153 RightAlt+P or " O Option+u O Compose " O Ctrl+k : O
ö ö f6 = 246 ö Alt+0246 or Alt+148 RightAlt+p or " o Option+u o Compose " o Ctrl+k : o
Ü Ü dc = 220 Ü Alt+0220 or Alt+154 RightAlt+Y or " U Option+u U Compose " U Ctrl+k : U
ü ü fc = 252 ü Alt+0252 or Alt+129 RightAlt+y or " u Option+u u Compose " u Ctrl+k : u
ß ß df = 223 ß Alt+0223 or Alt+225 RightAlt+s Option+s Compose s s Ctrl+k s s
€ 20ac = 8364 Alt+0128 RightAlt+5 Option+Shift+2 Compose = c Ctrl+k = e
« &laquo; ab = 171 « Alt+0171 RightAlt+[ Option+Shift+\ Compose < < Ctrl+k < <
» &raquo; bb = 187 » Alt+0187 RightAlt+] Option+\ Compose > > Ctrl+k > >
&bdquo; 201e = 8222 Alt+0132 Option+Shift+w Compose < " Ctrl+k : 9
&ldquo; 201c = 8220 Alt+0147   Option+[ Compose , " Ctrl+k " 6
° &deg; b0 = 176 ° Alt+0176 Shift+RightAlt+; Option+Shift+8 Compose o o Ctrl+k D G
&#9837; 266d = 9837 ? ? ? ? Ctrl+k M b
&#9838; 266e = 9838 ? ? ? ? Ctrl+k M x
&#9839; 266f = 9839 ? ? ? ? Ctrl+k M X

1 The unicode characters in this file are encoded as UTF-8.
2 These Alt codes are for the Windows-1252 code page, not unicode. Press and hold down the Alt key while typing the digits on the numeric keypad (not the digits in the top row of the keyboard). On laptops you may need to hit the NmLk or NumLock key and then use the "789 uio jkl m" special keys. When you release the Alt key the correct character should appear. The euro symbol and the curved quotes are different in unicode and Windows-1252.
3 Microsoft's US International Keyboard
4 Use the KDE control panel to set a Compose key.
5 The vim enc=utf-8 doesn't seem to work quite right. Or, more likeley, I don't understand it. I was getting somewhat different characters for the o and u umlaut. You can use Ctrl-k P A to get the Windows-1252 version of the euro symbol in your file. You can then use win2utf to encode it as though it had been unicode all along. The curved lower double quotes would be Ctrl-k I N, and the other curved quote would be Ctrl-k T S. Or you can try entering the unicode directly with ^vuhhhh where hhhh are the hex digits. e.g. ^vu20ac for €.

In Gnome applications try Ctrl+Shift+Unicode hex digits. I have yet to get this to work (with gedit anyway). Supposedly this is one ISO 14755 compliant key sequence.

For further details see Character Codes.

Valid XHTML 1.0! Valid CSS! http://www.BlossomAssociates.net/German/Computers.html 2007-11-30

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