s: Fager, Charles (Charles Eugene), 1942-
t: A continuing journey: papers from the Quaker Peace Roundtable, Eleventh Month 10-12, 1995
a: Quaker Peace Roundtable (1995: Wallingford, Pa.)
c: BX7732 Q255 1995
r: edited by Chuck Fager
p: Wallingford, PA: Issues Program of Pendle Hill, c1996

s: Faith
t: Dynamics of Faith
a: Tillich, Paul, 1886-1965
c: BT771 T54 1957
r: by Paul Tillich; planned and ed. by Ruth Nanda Anshen
p: New York: Harper & Row, 1957

s: Faith
t: The Christian's secret of a happy life
a: Smith, Hannah Whitall, 1832-1911
c: BX7758 S665 C5 1875
r: by H. W. S
p: Boston: Willard Tract Repository, 1875

s: Family -- United States -- Case studies
t: To love and let go
4 copies
a: Morrison, Grace
c: HV875.64 A75 1983
r: by Grace Morrison
p: Alameda CA: Pillar Press, 1983

s: Family violence -- Religious aspects
t: Addressing sexual abuse in Friends Meetings
c: BX7698 S5 N532 1994
r: by the Working Party on Sexual Abuse of New England Yearly Meeting, Ministry and Counsel
p: Worcester MA: New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1994

s: Family--North America--History--18th century 
t: The Quaker family in colonial America : a protrait of the Society of Friends
a: Frost, J. William (Jerry William)  
c: BX7749 F928 Q3
r: by J. William Frost
p: New York: St. Martins's Press, 1973

s: Family--religious life
t: One small plot of heaven: reflections on family life by a Quaker sociologist
a: Boulding, Elise
c: HQ503 B54 1989
r: Elise Boulding
p: Wallingford, Pa: Pendle Hill

s: Famines -- Africa
t: Fighting the famine
a: Twose, Nigel
c: HC800 Z9 F3 1985
r: text by Nigel Twose; photographs by Mike Goldwater
p: San Fransisco: Institute for Food and Development Policy, 1985

s: Farm life -- Virginia -- Orchard Gap  
t: Simple living : one couple's search for a better life 
a: Levering, Frank  
c: S521.5 V8 L48 1992  
r: by Frank Levering and Wanda Urbanska 
p: New York : Viking, 1992 
l: Urbanska, Wanda, 1956- 

s: Farm life--Religious aspects--Buddhism
t: The barn at the end of the world : The Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Spepherd
2 copies
a: O'Reilley, Mary Rose
c: BQ5480 F37 O74 2000
r: by Mary Rose O'Reilley
p: Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2000

s: Farm life--Soviet Union
t: The peasants of central Russia
a: Dunn, Stephen Porter, 1928-1999
c: HN523.5 .D8 
l: Dunn, Ethel
p: Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, 1967

s: Fell family
t: The Fells of Swarthmore Hall and their Friends: with an account of their ancestor Anne Askew, the martyr
a: Webb, Maria Lamb, 1804-1873
c: BX7721 F3 W3
r: by Maria Webb
p: Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth, 1884
n: "A portraiture of religious and family life in the 17th century, compiled chiefly from original letters and other documents, never before published"

s: Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.)
t: Peace is the way : writings on nonviolence from the Fellowship of Reconciliation
a: Wink, Walter, ed.
c: BL65 P4 P4315 2000
r: edited by Walter Wink
p: Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 2000

s: Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) -- History  
t: Creating the beloved community : a journey with the Fellowship of Reconciliation 
a: Dekar, Paul R  
c: JZ5520.5 F44 2005
r: by Paul R. Dekar ; foreword by Donald B. Kraybill ; preface by Pat Clark 
p: Telford, Pa. : Cascadia Pub. House ; Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, c2005 

s: Femininity of God
t: A God Who Looks Like Me: Discovering a Woman-affirming Spirituality
a: Reilly, Patricia Lynn
c: BL625.7 R45 1995
r: Patricia Lynn Reilly
p: New York: Ballantine Books

s: Femininity of God
t: Women and the Word : The gender of God in the New Testament and the spirituality of women
a: Schneiders, Sandra Marie
c: BT153 M6 S36 1968
p: New York: Paulist Press
r: by Sandra Marie Schneiders

s: Femininity of God
t: Women and the word : the gender of God in the new testament and the spirituality of women
a: Schneiders, Sandra Marie
c: BT153 M6 S36 1986
r: by Sandra M. Schneiders
p: N.Y.: Paulist Press, 1986
n: 1986 Madaleva Lecture in spirituality

s: Femininity of God. 
t: Women and the word : the gender of God in the New Testament and the spirituality of women 
a: Schneiders, Sandra Marie 
c: BT153 M6 S35 1986
r: Sandra M. Schneiders. 
p: New York : Paulist Press, c1986. 
i: Madeleva lecture in spirituality ; 1986 

s: Feminism -- United States  
t: Why we lost the ERA 
a: Mansbridge, Jane J  
c: HQ1236.5 U6 M37 1986  
r: Jane J. Mansbridge 
p: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1986 

s: Feminists -- United States -- Biography 
t: Valiant Friend : the life of Lucretia Mott
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope 
c: BX7796 M91 B22 1980
r: by Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: New York: Walker & Co., 1980

s: Feminists -- United States -- Biography 
t: Valiant Friend : the life of Lucretia Mott
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope 
c: BX7796 M91 B22 1999
r: by Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: Philadelphia, Pa.: Friends General Conference, 1999 
e: 2nd ed.

s: Feminists -- United States -- Biography  
t: Abby Hopper Gibbons : prison reformer and social activist 
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope  
c: BX7796 G38 B33 2000 
r: Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: Albany : State University of New York Press, c2000 
i: SUNY series in women, crime, and criminology  

s: Feminists -- United States -- Biography  
t: Two sisters for social justice : a biography of Grace and Edith Abbott 
a: Costin, Lela B.  
c: HV27 C67 1983  
r: by Lela B. Costin 
p: Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1983 

s: Feminists--United States--Biography  
t: Susan B. Anthony : a biography of a singular feminist
a: Barry, Kathleen
c: BX7745 A638 Z24 1990  
r: by Kathleen Barry
p: New York: Ballantine Books, 1990

s: Ferris, David, 1707-1779. Memoirs of the life of David Ferris -- Study and teaching  
t: Resistance and obedience to God : memoirs of David Ferris (1707-1779) 
a: Ferris, David, 1707-1779  
c: BX7795 F4 A3 2001  
r: ed by Martha Paxson Grundy ; ill. by Anne Nydam 
p: Philadelphia, Pa. : Friends General Conference, 2001 
n: Rev. ed. of: Memoirs of the life of David Ferris. 1855 
l: Grundy, Martha Paxson 

s: Festschriften
t: Seeking the light : essays in Quaker history in honor of Edwin B. Bronner
c: BX7796 B8695 S3
r: ed. by J. William Frost and John M. Moore
p: Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1986

s: Findley, Paul, 1921-
t: They dare to speak out
a: Findley, Paul, 1921-
c: E183.8 I7 F56
r: By Paul Findley
p: Westport, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill & Co.

s: Fisk University
t: Light on the horizon: the Quaker pilgrimage of Tom Jones
a: Jones, Thomas Elsa, 1888-1973
c: BX7755 J73 A3
r: by Thomas E. Jones, foreword by D. Elton Trueblood
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, 1973

s: Five Years Meeting of Friends in America
t: Quaker meditations - number two, for youth and adults
a: Haworth, Cecil E., ed.
c: BX7613 H42 1944
r: edited by Cecil E. Haworth
p: Richmond Ind.: Friends Publication Board [1944]

s: Fletcher, Elizabeth, 1638?-1658  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Flood control -- California -- Eel River 
t: The river stops here : how one man's battle to save his valley changed the fate of California
a: Simon, Ted
c: TC424 C2 S56 1994 
r: by Ted Simon
p: Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001

s: Flushing, N.Y. Friends Meeting House
t: The story of Flushing Meeting House
a: Lowry, Ann Bertha Gidley, 1880-
c: BX7780 F63 L9
r: by Ann Gidley Lowry
p: Flushing, NY: Case, the printer, [1939]
r: by Ann Gidley Lowry

s: Fogelklou, Emilia, 1878-1972
t: Whirlwind of life : the story of Emilia Fogelklou 
a: Andrews, Malin Bergman
c: BX7796 F65 A62 2004
r: by Malin Bergman Andrews ; translated from Swedish by the author
p: London : Quaker Books, 2004

s: Fogelklou, Emilia, 1878-1972  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Folklore -- United States
t: Forms upon the frontier
c: GR105 F67
r: ed by Austin and Alta Fife and Henry H. Glassie
p: Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 1969

s: Folly
t: In praise of folly
a: Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536
c: PA8514 E5 1941
p: Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press, 1941
r: tr. from the Latin with essay by Hoyt Hopewell Hudson

s: Food relief
t: Bread for the world
a: Simon, Arthur, 1930-
c: HD9000.5 S49
r: by Arthur Simon
p: New York: Paulist Press and Wm. B. Eerdmans publishing Co., 1975

s: Food relief
t: Ending hunger : The time to begin is now
c: HV696 F6E53 1985
p: New York: Praeger, 1985

s: Food relief
t: Ending hunger: an idea whose time has come
c: HV696 F6 E53 1985
r: the Hunger Project
p: New York: Praeger, 1985

s: Food supply
t: Bread for the world
a: Simon, Arthur, 1930-
c: HD9000.5 S49
r: by Arthur Simon
p: New York: Paulist Press and Wm. B. Eerdmans publishing Co., 1975

s: Food supply
t: The geography of hunger
a: Castro, Josue de, 1908-1973
c: TX353 C3
r: foreword by Lord Boyd-Orr
p: Boston: Little, Brown, 1952
n: tr. of: Geografia da fome

s: Food supply
t: World hunger: ten myths
a: Lappe, Frances Moore
c: HD9000.6 L343
e: 4th ed
r: by Frances Moore Lappe and Joseph Collins
p: San Francisco: the Institute for Food and Development Policy, 1979

s: Food supply -- Africa
t: Fighting the famine
a: Twose, Nigel
c: HC800 Z9 F3 1985
r: text by Nigel Twose; photographs by Mike Goldwater
p: San Fransisco: Institute for Food and Development Policy, 1985

s: Food supply -- Developing countries
t: Food first resource guide: documentation on the roots of world hunger and rural poverty
c: HD9000.5 I56 1979
r: by the staff of the Institute for Food and Development Policy
p: San Francisco: the Institute for Food and Development Policy, 1979

s: Food supply -- Developing countries
t: Hunger for justice: the politics of food and faith
a: Nelson, Jack A.
c: HD9000.6 N38
r: by Jack A. Nelson
p: New York: Orbis Books, 1980

s: Food supply--Nicaragua
t: What difference could a revolution make?
a: Collins, Joseph, 1945-
c: HD1817 C64 1983
r: by Joseph Collins, 1945-
p: San Francisco: Institute for Food and Development Policy

s: Forecasting
t: The home of man
a: Jackson, Barbara Ward, Lady, 1914-
c: HN18 J23 1976
r: by Lady Barbara Ward Jackson
p: New York: W. W. Norton & Co.

s: Forest biological diversity conservation -- Tropics
t: Breakfast of biodiversity : the political ecology of rain forest destruction
a: Vandermeer, John
c: SD414 T76 V36 2005
r: by Jonh Vandermeer and Ivette Perfecto
e: second edition
p: Oakland, CA: Food First Books, c2005

s: Forten, Charlotte L  
t: Lift up thy voice : the GrimkÈ family's journey from slaveholders to civil rights leaders 
a: Perry, Mark, 1950-
c: E185.98.A1 P47 2001  
r: by Mark Perry
p: New York : Viking, 2001

s: Fossil fuels -- Environmental aspects -- United States 
t: Coming clean : breaking Americaís addiction to oil and coal 
a: Brune, Michael
c: TD887 F69 B78 2008
r: by Michael Brune 
p: San Francisco : Sierra Club Books ; [Berkeley, Calif.] : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2008 

s: Foster, Abby Kelley, 1811-1887  
t: The advocates of peace in antebellum America 
a: Ziegler, Valarie H., 1954-  
c: JX1961 U6 Z54 2001 
r: by Valarie H Ziegler 
p: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2001 

s: Foster, Abigail Kelley, 1810-1887
t: I speak for my slave sister: the life of Abby Kelley Foster
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope
c: E449 F742 B32 1974
r: by Margaret Hope Bacon
p: N.Y.: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1974

s: Foster home care -- United States -- Case studies
t: To love and let go
4 copies
a: Morrison, Grace
c: HV875.64 A75 1983
r: by Grace Morrison
p: Alameda CA: Pillar Press, 1983

s: Fothergill Family
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Fothergill Family
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Fothergill Family
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 v.4 
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1916]

s: Fothergill, John, 1676-1744 and children
t: Quaker biographies: brief biographical sketches concerning certain members of the Religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 1 v4
r: With illustrations
p: Philadelphia : For sale at Friends' Book Store, 1916

s: Fothergill, John, 1712-1780
t: Dr. John Fothergill and his Friends: Chapters in Eighteenth Century Life
a: Fox, Richard Hingston, 1853-
c: BX7732 F97 Z4 1919
r: by R. Hingston Fox
p: London, Macmillan, 1919

s: Fothergill, John, 1712-1780
t: Dr. John Fothergill and his Friends: Chapters in Eighteenth Century Life
a: Fox, Richard Hingston, 1853-
c: BX7732 F97 Z4 1919
r: by R. Hingston Fox
p: London, Macmillan, 1919

s: Foundation for Inner Peace. 
t: Accept this gift : selections from a Course in miracles 
a: Levin, Diane E
c: BP605 C6727 2008
r: ed. by Frances Vaughan and Roger Walsh ; photographs by Jane English.   
p: Los Angeles : J.P. Tarcher ; New York : Distributed by St. Martinís Press, c1983. 
l: Vaughan, Frances E. 
l: Walsh, Roger N. 
l: English, Jane. 
l: [ Course in miracles. Selections] 

s: Fox, Caroline, 1819-1871
t: Caroline Fox
a: Harris, Henry Wilson, 1883-1955
c: BX7749 F82 Z4
r: by Wilson Harris
p: London: Constable, 1944
e: reprinted 1946

s: Fox, Caroline, 1819-1871
t: Caroline Fox: Quaker blue-stocking, 1819-1871
a: Tod, Robert J. N.
c: BX7749 F82 Z87
r: by Robert Tod
p: York, Eng.: William Sessions, 1980

s: Fox, Caroline, 1819-1871  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Fox family
t: Caroline Fox
a: Harris, Henry Wilson, 1883-1955
c: BX7749 F82 Z4
r: by Wilson Harris
p: London: Constable, 1944
e: reprinted 1946

s: Fox, George, 1624-1621
t: "Dear George": George Fox, man and prophet
2 copies
a: Monaghan, Hanna Darlington
c: BX7795 F8 M62
r: by Hanna Darlington Monaghan
p: Philadelphia: Franklin Publishing Co. [c.1970]

s: Fox, George, 1624-1621
t: "Dear George": George Fox, man and prophet
2 copies
a: Monaghan, Hanna Darlington
c: BX7795 F8 M62
r: by Hanna Darlington Monaghan
p: Philadelphia: Franklin Publishing Co. [c.1970]

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: An Autobiography
a: Fox, George, 1624-1691
c: BX7795 F8 A3 1904
r: by George Fox, ed. by Rufus Jones
p: Philadelphia: Ferris & Leach, 1904

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: Apocalypse of the word
a: Gwyn, Douglas, 1948-
c: BX7795 F7 G85 1986
r: Douglas Gwyn
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: Apocalypse of the word : The life and message of George Fox (1624-1691)
a: Gwyn, Douglas, 1948-
c: BX7795 F7 G85 1986
r: Douglas Gwyn
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, 1986

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: Cameos from the life of George Fox
a: Taylor, Ernest Edwin, 1869-1955
c: BX7795 F873
p: London: Headley [190-?]
r: by Ernest E. Taylor

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: Cameos from the life of George Fox
a: Taylor, Ernest Edwin, 1869-1955
c: BX7795 F873
p: London: Headley [190-?]
r: by Ernest E. Taylor

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: First among Friends : George Fox and the creation of Quakerism
a: Ingle, H. Larry (Homer Larry), 1936-
c: BX7795 F7 I54 1994
r: by H. Larry Ingle
p: N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1994

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: Friend : The Story of George Fox and the Quakers
a: Yolen, Jane
c: BX7734 Y5 F91 1972
r: by Jane Yolen
p: N.Y.: Seabury Press [c.1972]

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: George Fox
a: Hodgkin, Thomas, 1831-1913
c: BX7734 H6 G3 1896
r: by Thomas Hodgkin, D.C.L.
p: London: Methuen & Co., 1897
e: second ed.

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: George Fox & the Quakers
2 copies
a: Sharman, Cecil W.
c: BX7734 S531 G34 1991
r: by Cecil W. Sharman
p: London: Quaker Home Service; Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1991

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: George Fox and the early Quakers
a: Bickley, Augustus Charles
c: BX7795 F7 B5
r: by A. C. Bickley
p: London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1884

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: George Fox and the Quakers
a: Etten, Henry Van
c: BX7795 F7 E853
r: by Henry Van Etten
p: New York: Harper Torchbooks, c.1959
n: translated and revised by E. Kelvin Osborn

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: George Fox and the Quakers
2 copies
a: Etten, Henry Van
c: BX7795 F7 E853
r: by Henry Van Etten
p: New York: Harper Torchbooks, c.1959
n: translated and revised by E. Kelvin Osborn

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: George Fox and the Valiant Sixty
a: Vipont, Elfrida, 1902-
c: BX7795 F8 F68
r: by Elfrida Vipont
p: London: Hamish Hamilton, 1975

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: New light on George Fox, 1624-1691: A collection of essays
2 copies
a: Hamm, Thomas D. et al.
c: BX7795 F7 N48 1994
p: York: William Sessions [c.1994]
r: ed. by Michael Mullett

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: New light on George Fox and early Quakerism : the making and unmaking of a god
a: Bailey, Richard George
c: BX7676.2 B25 1992
r: by Richard Bailey
p: San Francisco: Mellen Research University Press,1992

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: Quaker biographies, a series of sketches, chiefly biographical, concerning members of the Society of Friends, from the seventeenth century to more recent times;
With illustrations
c: BX7790 P5  v. 1  
p: Philadelphia : For sale at Friends' Book Store, 1912

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: The man in leather breeches: The life and times of George Fox
2 copies
a: Noble, Vernon
c: BX7795 F8 N7
p: N.Y.: Philosophical Library, 1953
r: by Vernon Noble

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: The man in leather breeches: The life and times of George Fox
2 copies
a: Noble, Vernon
c: BX7795 F8 N7
p: N.Y.: Philosophical Library, 1953
r: by Vernon Noble

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: The religious philosophy of Quakerism: the beliefs of Fox, Barclay and Penn as based on the Gospel of John
5 copies
a: Brinton, Howard H., 1884-1973
c: BX7691 B78 R38
p: Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill Publications, 1973
r: by Howard H. Brinton

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691
t: The story of George Fox
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BX7795 F8 J8 1943
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: Phila.: Friends Book Store, 1943

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691  
t: British Quakerism, 1860-1920 : the transformation of a religious community 
a: Kennedy, Thomas C. (Thomas Cummins), 1937-  
c: BX7676.3 K46 2001  
r: by Thomas C. Kennedy 
p: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691  
t: Fresh winds of the spirit
a: Kolp, Alan, 1944-  
c: BX7734.K81 F88 1991
r: Alan Kolp  
p: Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1991 

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691  
t: The Lambs' War : Quaker essays to honor 
a: Birkel, Michael L.
c: BX7613 .L2 1992  
r: ed. by Michael L. Birkel and John W. Newman
p: Richmond IN: Earlham College Press, 1992
n: Introduction / John W. Newman--An appreciation of Hugh Barbour as Quaker historian / Michael L. Birkel--Spilgrimage / Hugh S. Barbour--A selected bibliography of the writings of Hugh S. Barbour / Michael L. Birkel, James R. Kennedy, Jr.--The letters of James Nayler / Geoffrey F. Nuttall--William Penn, Puritan moderate / Stephen Ward Angell--John Woolman on the cross / Michael L. Birkel--The problem of the inner light in nineteenth-century Quakerism / Thomas D. Hamm--The Hicksites and the discipline, 1827-1850 / Bridget K. Bower--American Friends in transition, as viewed through British Quaker periodicals, 1865-1880 / Edwin B. Bronner--John Frederick Hanson / Arthur O. Roberts--The English Quaker firm / John Punshon--William I. Hull and the Quaker search for peace, 1908-1920 / J. William Frost--Thomas Kelly : a Brother Lawrence for our time / Douglas V. Steere--The pre-Pendle Hill spirituality of George Fox / Alan L. Kolp--Meditations on the flood / Eleanor Ferris Beach--Theological implications of the image of "the inward teacher" / Paul A. Lacey

s: Fox, George, 1624-1691 -- Correspondence 
t: "The power of the Lord is over all" : the pastoral letters of George Fox
a: Fox, George, 1624-1691  
c: BX7733 E64 1989 
r: Ed. & intro. by T. Canby Jones
p: Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1990
l: Jones, T. Canby (Thomas Canby), 1921- 
n: signed by author

s: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell
t: Margaret Fell and the Rise of Quakerism
2 copies
a: Kunze, Bonnelyn Young
c: BX7732 F3 Z56 1994
r: by Bonnelyn Young Kunze
p: Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1994

s: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702
t: "Dear George": George Fox, man and prophet
2 copies
a: Monaghan, Hanna Darlington
c: BX7795 F8 M62
r: by Hanna Darlington Monaghan
p: Philadelphia: Franklin Publishing Co. [c.1970]

s: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702
t: "Dear George": George Fox, man and prophet
2 copies
a: Monaghan, Hanna Darlington
c: BX7795 F8 M62
r: by Hanna Darlington Monaghan
p: Philadelphia: Franklin Publishing Co. [c.1970]

s: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702
t: Margaret Fell, mother of Quakerism
a: Ross, Isabel, d.1964
c: BX7732 F3 Z83 1949
r: by Isabel Ross
p: London, New York : Longmans, Green, [1949]

s: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702
t: Margaret Fell, mother of Quakerism
a: Ross, Isabel, d.1964
c: BX7732 F3 Z83 1984
r: by Isabel Ross
p: York: William Sessions Book Trust: Ebor Press, 1984

s: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702
t: The Fells of Swarthmore Hall and their Friends: with an account of their ancestor Anne Askew, the martyr
a: Webb, Maria Lamb, 1804-1873
c: BX7721 F3 W3
r: by Maria Webb
p: Philadelphia: Henry Longstreth, 1884
n: "A portraiture of religious and family life in the 17th century, compiled chiefly from original letters and other documents, never before published"

s: Fox, Margaret Askew Fell, 1614-1702  
t: A sincere and constant love : an introduction to the work of Margaret Fell 
a: Wallace, T. H. S. (Terry H. S.)  
c: BX7795 F82 W25 1992
r: edited with introductions by T.H.S. Wallace  
p: Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1992 

s: Fox, Margaret (Fell), 1614-1702
t: Quaker biographies, a series of sketches, chiefly biographical, concerning members of the Society of Friends, from the seventeenth century to more recent times;
With illustrations
c: BX7790 P5  v. 1  
p: Philadelphia : For sale at Friends' Book Store, 1912

s: Fox, Matthew
t: Encounter with silence: Reflections from the Quaker tradition
3 copies
a: Punshon, John, 1935
c: BX7693 P98 E56 1987
r: by John Punshon
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, 1987
n: with a forward by Matthew Fox

s: France -- Colonies -- Africa
t: The wretched of the earth
a: Fanon, Frantz, 1925-1961
c: DT33 F2613
r: by Frantz Fanon; preface by Jean-Paul Sartre; tr. by Constance Farrington
p: New York: Grove Press, 1966
n: tr. of: Damnes de la terre

s: Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226
t: St. Francis of Assisi
a: Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
c: BX4700 F6 C55 1924
r: by G. K. Chesterton
p: Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1957

s: Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226 -- Criticism and interpretation  
t: Saint Francis, nature mystic : the derivation and significance of the nature stories in the Franciscan Legend 
a: Armstrong, Edward Allworthy  
c: BX4700 F6 A7 1973 
r: by Edward A. Armstrong 
p: Berkeley : University of California Press, 1973 
i: Hermeneutics, studies in the history of religions, 2  

s: Francis, of Assisi, Saint, 1182-1226 -- Legends  
t: Saint Francis, nature mystic : the derivation and significance of the nature stories in the Franciscan Legend 
a: Armstrong, Edward Allworthy  
c: BX4700 F6 A7 1973 
r: by Edward A. Armstrong 
p: Berkeley : University of California Press, 1973 
i: Hermeneutics, studies in the history of religions, 2  

s: Franck, Frederick, 1909-
t: The Zen of seeing; seeing/drawing as meditation
a: Franck, Frederick, 1909-
c: NC139 F65 A58
r: drawn and handwritten by Frederick Franck
p: New York: Vintage Books, 1973

s: Frankl, Viktor Emil
t: The pursuit of meaning: Logotherapy applied to life
a: Fabry, Joseph B.
c: RC489 L6 F33 1969
r: by Joseph B. Fabry
p: Boston: Beacon Press

s: Freedmen -- Education -- History -- 19th century  
t: Gentle invaders : Quaker women educators and racial issues during the Civil War and reconstruction 
a: Selleck, Linda  
c: BX7619 .S35 G3 1995 
r: Linda B. Selleck 
p: Richmond, IN : Friends United Press, c1995 

s: Freedmen -- United States  
t: Dear ones at home : letters from contraband camps 
a: Swint, Henry Lee, ed.  
c: BX7643 S97 D28
r: ed. by Henry L. Swint 
p: Nashville : Vanderbilt University Press, 1966 
n: Letters written 1861-1870, chiefly by Lucy and Sarah Chase, Friends from Worcester, Mass 
l: Chase, Sarah  
l: Chase, Lucy, 1822-1909  

s: Freedom of religion -- India
t: Religious freedom
a: Chandran, J.R.
c: BV741 R44
p: Bangalore City, India: Committee for Literature on Social Concerns, 1956
r: ed. by J.R. Chandran and M.M. Thomas

s: Freedom of religion -- Pennsylvania -- History  
t: A perfect freedom : religious liberty in Pennsylvania
a: Frost, J. William (Jerry William)  
c: BL2527 P4 F76 1993 
r: by J. William Frost 
p: University Park, Pa. : Penn State University Press, 1993 

s: Freedom of Religion--Early works to 1800
t: The political writings of William Penn
a: Penn, William, 1644-718
c: BV741 P45 2002
p: Indianapolis: Liberty Fund, 2002
l: Murphey, Andrew R., 1967-
r: by William Penn, intro. and annotations by Andrew R. Murphey

s: Freedom of religion--Pennsylvania--History
t: A perfect freedom : religious liberty in Pennsylvania
a: Frost, Jerry William
c: BL2527 P4F76 1993
r: by J. William Frost
p: University park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1993

s: Freedom of religion--United States
t: Church-state separation : a keystone to peace
a: Moeller, Clark
c: BR516 M6 2003 
r: by Clark Moeller
p: Harrisburg PA: Pennsylvania Alliance for Democracy, 2003

s: Freedom (Theology)
t: A theology of human hope
a: Alves, Rubem A., 1933-
c: BT810.2 A55 1969
r: by Rubem A. Alves
p: Corpus Books

s: Friends' Ambulance Unit  
t: Quiet helpers : Quaker service in postwar Germany 
a: Borries, Achim von  
c: BX7747 G7 S8413 2000  
r: Achim von Borries ; edited by Peter Daniels 
p: London, England ; Philadelphia, PA : published jointly by QHS and the AFSC, 2000 

s: Friends Boys School, Ramallah, Palestine
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BR1070 G4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Friends Boys School, Ramallah, Palestine
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BX7632 F943 Z4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Friends Committee on National Legislation (U.S.)--History
t: Witness in Washington: fifty years of friendly persuasion
c: BX7748 C5 W58 1996
r: Edward F. Snyder...[et al]: edited by Tom Mullen
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press

s: Friends Committee on National Legislation, Washington D.C.
t: Uphill for peace
a: Wilson, Edward Raymond, 1896-
c: BX7748 C5 W54
r: E. Raymond Wilson
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press

s: Friends Committee on National Legislation, Washington D.C.
t: Uphill for peace: Quaker impact on Congress
a: Wilson, E. Raymond (Edward Raymond), 1896-1987
c: BX7748 C5 W54
r: by E. Raymond Wilson
p: Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1975

s: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College  
t: Guide to the records of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting 
a: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Records Committee  
c: Ref. BX7649 P5 P55 1989 
r: compiled by Jack Eckert 
p: [Haverford, PA] : Haverford College ; [Philadelphia] : Records Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting ; [Swarthmore, PA] : Swarthmore College, 1989 

s: Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College  
t: Guide to the records of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting 
a: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Records Committee  
c: Ref. BX7649 P5 P55 1989 
r: compiled by Jack Eckert 
p: [Haverford, PA] : Haverford College ; [Philadelphia] : Records Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting ; [Swarthmore, PA] : Swarthmore College, 1989 

s: Friends Relief Service 
t: Quiet helpers : Quaker service in postwar Germany 
a: Borries, Achim von  
c: BX7747 G7 S8413 2000  
r: Achim von Borries ; edited by Peter Daniels 
p: London, England ; Philadelphia, PA : published jointly by QHS and the AFSC, 2000 

s: Friends' Service Committee  
t: British Quakerism, 1860-1920 : the transformation of a religious community 
a: Kennedy, Thomas C. (Thomas Cummins), 1937-  
c: BX7676.3 K46 2001  
r: by Thomas C. Kennedy 
p: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 

s: Friends, Society of -- Doctrinal and controversial works
t: The doctrines of the Society of Friends, as set forth in the life and writings of Thomas Story
a: Story, Thomas, 1662-1742
c: BX7730 S8
p: Philadelphia: Association of friends for the diffusion of religious and useful knowledge, 1870

s: Friends, Society of--History
t: Quakers and Atlantic Culture
a: Tolles, Frederick Barnes, 1915-
c: BX7631.2 T6 1980
r: Frederick Barnes Tolles
p: New York: Octagon Books

s: Friends, Society of--Influence
t: Quakers and Atlantic Culture
a: Tolles, Frederick Barnes, 1915-
c: BX7631.2 T6 1980
r: Frederick Barnes Tolles
p: New York: Octagon Books

s: Friends, Society of--Political activity
t: Uphill for peace
a: Wilson, Edward Raymond, 1896-
c: BX7748 C5 W54
r: E. Raymond Wilson
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press

s: Friends, Society of-United States-Biography
t: Life on Two levels : an autobiography
a: Duveneck, Josephine Whitney, 1891-
c: BX7795 D83 A34
r: by Josephine Whitney Duveneck
p: Los Altos, Ca.: William Kaufmann, 1978

s: Friends University -- History  
t: Founded by Friends : the Quaker heritage of fifteen American colleges and universities 
c: LC571 F68 2007
r: ed. by John W. Oliver, Jr., Charles L. Cherry, Caroline L. Cherry 
p: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007 

s: Friends World Committee for Consultation
t: New call to peacemaking: a challenge to all Friends
a: Hadley, Norval, ed.
c: BX7698 W2 H131
r: edited by Norval Hadley
p: Philadelphia: The Faith and Life Movement, 1976

s: Friendship -- Literary collections
t: The book of friendship: an international anthology
a: Selden, Elizabeth S., 1888- comp.
c: PN6071 F7 S4
r: compiled by Elizabeth Selden
p: Cambridge, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1947

s: Frontier and pioneer life -- Michigan  
t: Remember the distance that divides us : the family letters of Philadelphia Quaker abolitionist and Michigan pioneer Elizabeth Margaret Chandler, 1830-1842 
a: Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret, 1807-1834  
c: E449 C445 A3 2004    
r: ed. by Marcia J. Heringa Mason 
p: East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, c2004 

s: Frontier and pioneer life -- West (U.S.) 
t: The life and legacy of Annie Oakley
a: Riley, Glenda, 1938- 
c: GV 1157 O3 R55 1994 
r: by Glenda Riley
p: Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c1994
i: Oklahoma western biographies ; v. 7 

s: Fry, Elizabeth, 1779-1845
t: Quaker biographies: brief biographical sketches concerning certain members of the Religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 1 v4
r: With illustrations
p: Philadelphia : For sale at Friends' Book Store, 1916

s: Fry, Elizabeth, 1779-1845
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Fry, Elizabeth, 1779-1845
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Fry, Elizabeth, 1779-1845
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 v.4 
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1916]

s: Fry, Elizabeth Gurnen, 1786-1845
t: Elizabeth Fry
a: Ashby, Irene M.
c: BX7796 F9 A8
p: London: Edward Hicks, Jr., 1892
r: by Irene M. Ashby

s: Fry, Elizabeth Gurnen, 1786-1845
t: Elizabeth Fry
a: Ashby, Irene M.
c: BX7796 F9 A8
p: London: Edward Hicks, Jr., 1892
r: by Irene M. Ashby

s: Fry, Elizabeth Gurney, 1780-1845
t: The Gurneys of Earlham
a: Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert, 1834-1903
c: BX7791 G9 1895 vol.1
r: by Augustus J.C. Hare
p: London: George Allen, 1895
n: Library has vols. 1 & 2

s: Fry, Elizabeth Gurney, 1780-1845
t: The Gurneys of Earlham
a: Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert, 1834-1903
c: BX7791 G9 1895 vol.2
r: by Augustus J.C. Hare
p: London: George Allen, 1895
n: Library has vols. 1 & 2

s: Fry, Elizabeth Gurney, 1780-1845
t: The prisoners' friend : the story of Elizabeth Fry
a: Pringle, Patrick
c: BX7749 F96 Z74
r: by Patrick Pringle
p: London: G. G. Harrap & Co., [1953]

s: Fry, Elizabeth Gurney, 1780-1845 
t: Elizabeth Fry 
a: Kent, John, 1923- 
c: BX7749 F96 Z54 
p: New York: Arco, [1962]

s: Fry, Margery, 1874-1958
t: Margery Fry, the essential amateur 
a: Jones, Enid Huws
c: BX7796 F94 J6
r: by Enid Huws Jones
p: London : Oxford University Press, 1966

s: Funeral Rites and Ceremonies
t: A manual of death education and a simple burial
a: Morgan, Ernest
c: BD444 M66 1980
r: by Ernest Morgan
e: Ninth Edition
p: Celo Press

s: Funeral rites and ceremonies. 
t: Grief, mourning, and death ritual
c: HQ1073 G77 2001
r: ed. by Jenny Hockey, Jeanne Katz, Neil Small
p: Buckingham, England ; Philadelphia : Open University Press, 2001

s: Funeral service -- Society of Friends -- Meditationss: Bereavement
t: Shadow and Light in Bereavement
a: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Representative Meeting
c: BD431 F8 1959
p: Philadelphia: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1959

s: Future Life
t: On death and dying; Questions and Answers on life after death
a: Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth
c: BF789 D4 K8
p: New York: Quality Paperback Book Club, 1992
r: by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

s: Future life
t: To live until we say goodbye
a: Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth
c: BF789 D4 K83
p: Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

s: Games
t: A manual on nonviolence and children
c: JX1955 M26
r: comp. and ed. by Stephanie Judson; ill. by Meg Richardson
p: Philadelphia: Nonviolence and Children Program, Friends Peace Committee, c1977

s: Gandhi, -- Mahatma, -- 1869-1948. 
t: Lead, kindly light
a: Sheean, Vincent, 1899-1975
c: DS481 G3 S48 1949  
r: by Vincent Sheean
p: New York : Random House, [1949]

s: Gandhi, -- Mahatma, -- 1869-1948. 
t: Lead, kindly light
a: Sheean, Vincent, 1899-1975
c: DS481 G3 S48 1949  
r: by Vincent Sheean
p: New York : Random House, [1949]

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: All men are brothers: life and thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi as told in his own words
a: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
c: B133 G4 A3 1969
r: compiled and ed. by Krishna Kripilani
p: New York: World Without War Publications, c.1969

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: All men are brothers: life and thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi as told in his own words
a: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
c: B133 G4 A3 1972
r: compiled and ed. by Krishna Kripilani
p: Chicago: World Without War Publications, 1972

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Conquest of Violence: The Gandhian Philosophy of Conflict
6 copies
a: Bondurant, Joan V. (Joan Valerie), 1918-
c: HM278 B6
r: by Joan V. Bondurant
p: Berkeley CA: University of California Press, 1967

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Gandhi, a memoir
a: Shirer, William L. (William Lawrence), 1904-
c: DS481 G3 S487
r: by William L. Shirer

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Gandhi: his life and message for the world
a: Fischer, Louis, 1885-1970
c: DS481 G3 F43
p: New York: New American Library

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Gandhi, the man
a: Eswaran, Eknath
c: DS481 G3 B54 1973
r: by Eknath Eswaran
p: San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1973

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Gandhi, the man
a: Eswaran, Eknath
c: DS481 G3 B54 1973
r: by Eknath Eswaran
p: San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1973

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Gandhi the man
2 copies
a: Black, Jo Anne, compl.
c: DS481 G3 B53 1973
r: compiled by Jo Anne Black, Nick Harvey, and Laurel Robertson
p: San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1973

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Gandhi's autobiography : the story of my experiments with truth
a: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
c: DS481 G3 A35
r: by M. K. Gandhi, tr from the original Gujarati by Mahadev Desai
p: Washington: Public Affairs Press, c1948

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Gandhi's autobiography : the story of my experiments with truth
a: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
c: DS481 G3 A35 1983
r: by M. K. Gandhi, tr from the original Gujarati by Mahadev Desai
p: Mineola, NY: Dover Pub., 1983

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Lead, kindly light
a: Sheean, Vincent, 1899-
c: DS481 G3 S48
p: New York: Random House, 1949

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: Mahatma Gandhi: the man who became one with the universal being
a: Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944
c: DS481 G3 R6
p: New York: The Century Co., 1924
r: by Romain Rolland, tr. by Catherine D. Groth

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: The life of Mahatma Gandhi
a: Fischer, Louis, 1885-1970
c: DS481 G3 F4
p: New York: Collier Books, 1962

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: The power of non-violence
a: Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1855
c: HM 278 G8 1944
n: introduction by Rufus M. Jones.
r: by Richard B. Gregg
p: New York: Fellowship Publications, 1944

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948
t: The power of non-violence
a: Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1885-
c: HM278 G8
p: Nyack, N.Y., 1959
r: introduction by Rufus M. Jones

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948 
t: Gandhi : his relevance for our times
a: Ramachandran, G., comp
c: DS481 G3 R29 
p: Berkeley: World Without War Council, 1967

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948 
t: Practicing the gospel of hope in the nuclear age
a: Seeger, Daniel A.
c: Pam BX7733 S467 P7 
r: by Daniel A. Seeger
p: Philadelphia: Wider Quaker Fellowship, 1983

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948--Political and social views
t: Gandhi today: a report on Mahatma Gandhi's successors
a: Shepard, Mark, 1950-
c: HN683.5 S54
r: Mark Shepard, 1950-
p: Arcata, Calif: Simple Productions

s: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1896-1948
t: On Gandhi
a: Gruzalski, Bart
c: B133 G4 G78 2001
r: by Bart Gruzalski
p: Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth, 2001

s: Gardening--Juvenile literature
t: My garden companion
a: Jobb, Jamie
c: SB457 J6
r: by Jamie Jobb
p: San Francisco: Sierra Club Books

s: Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879  
t: The advocates of peace in antebellum America 
a: Ziegler, Valarie H., 1954-  
c: JX1961 U6 Z54 2001 
r: by Valarie H Ziegler 
p: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2001 

s: Gautama Buddha -- Teachings
t: Jesus and Buddha: the parallel sayings
c: BT306 J47 1997
r: ed. by Marcus Borg and Ray Riegert
p: Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press, 1997

s: Gay liberation movement - United States
t: How to make the world a better place for gays and lesbians
a: Fahy, Una
c: HQ76.3 U5 F328 1995
r: by Una Fahy
p: New York : Warner Books, 1995

s: Gay men -- Biography
t: Homosexuals in history: a study of ambivalence in society
a: Rowse, A. L. (Alfred Leslie), 1903-
c: HQ75.7 R68 1983
r: by A.L. Rowse
p: New York: Dorset Press, 1983

s: Gay youth -- United States
t: Bridges of respect: creating support for lesbian and gay youth
2 copies
a: Whitlock, Katherine
c: HQ76.25 W54 1988
r: by Katherine Whitlock
p: Phila.: American Friends Service Committee, 1988
n: A resource guide from the AFSC

s: Gays -- United States
t: Positively Gay
c: HQ76.3 U5 P68 1984
r: ed. by Betty Berzon
p: Los Angeles, CA: Mediamix Associates, 1984

s: Gaza Strip--International status
t: A Compassionate peace: a future for the Middle East
3 labels
c: DS63.1 C62 1982
p: New York: Hill & Wang
n: Prepared by a working party appointed by the board of directors, A.F.S.C.; Everett Mendelsohn, chairperson and principal author.

s: Geiger, Calhoun D  
t: Lives that speak : stories of twentieth-century Quakers
2 copies
c: BX7791 L52 2004    
r: by the Religious Education Committee of Friends General Conference; Marnie Clark, editor p: Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, c2004 
n: "Designed for students in the 4th to 8th grade..."--back cover 

s: General Meeting for Australia (Society of Friends). Education Committee 
t: The Quaker way
a: Religious Society of Friends. Australian General Meeting. Education Committee 
c: BX7652 F923 Q2 1958
r: Tasmania: General Meeting for Australia. Education Committee, 1958
p: Hobart, Tasmania: Printed by Cox Kay Pty. Ltd., 1958

s: George Fox University -- History  
t: Founded by Friends : the Quaker heritage of fifteen American colleges and universities 
c: LC571 F68 2007
r: ed. by John W. Oliver, Jr., Charles L. Cherry, Caroline L. Cherry 
p: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007 

s: George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820  
t: Hannah Regina : Britain's Quaker queen 
a: Kreps, Michael  
c: BX7737 L705 Z5 2003
r: by Michael Kreps 
p: London : Cardinal Press, 2003 
e: 2nd revised ed 

s: George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820  
t: Hannah Regina : Britain's Quaker queen 
a: Kreps, Michael  
c: BX7737 L705 Z5 2003
r: by Michael Kreps 
p: London : Cardinal Press, 2003 
e: 2nd revised ed 

s: George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820  
t: Hannah Regina : Britain's Quaker queen 
a: Kreps, Michael  
c: BX7737 L705 Z5 2003
r: by Michael Kreps 
p: London : Cardinal Press, 2003 
e: 2nd revised ed 

s: Germany -- History -- 1933-1945
t: Quakers and Nazis : inner light in outer darkness
2 copies
a: Schmitt, Hans A.
c: DD256.5 S3356 1997
r: by Hans A. Schmitt
p: Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Press, 1997

s: Gibbons, Abby Hopper, 1801-1893  
t: Abby Hopper Gibbons : prison reformer and social activist 
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope  
c: BX7796 G38 B33 2000 
r: Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: Albany : State University of New York Press, c2000 
i: SUNY series in women, crime, and criminology  

s: Gibbons, J. S. (James Sloan), 1810-1892  
t: Abby Hopper Gibbons : prison reformer and social activist 
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope  
c: BX7796 G38 B33 2000 
r: Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: Albany : State University of New York Press, c2000 
i: SUNY series in women, crime, and criminology  

s: Gingrich, Newt. To renew America
t: Challenging Newt Gingrich, chapter by chapter: an in-depth analysis of America's options at its economic, political, and military crossroads...
a: Anderson, Alfred F., 1919-
c: JK424 A54 1996
r: Alfred F. Anderson
p: Eugene, Oregon: Tom Paine Institute, 1996

s: Ginsberg, Allen, 1926-
t: Enough of dying
a: Boyle, Kay
c: JX1963 E5
r: ed. by Kay Boyle and Justine Van Gundy
p: New York: Dell, 1972

s: Global environmental change  
t: Field notes from a catastrophe : man, nature, and climate change 
a: Kolbert, Elizabeth  
c: QC981.8 G56 K655 2006 
r: by Elizabeth Kolbert 
p: New York : Bloomsbury Pub. : Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers, 2006 

s: Global temperature changes. 
t: Safe trip to Eden : 10 steps to save planet Earth from the global warming meltdown 
a: Steinman, David
c: QC981.8 G56 S76 2007
r: by David Steinman ; foreword by Wendy Gordon Rockefeller. 
p: New York : Thunderís Mouth Press, 2007. 
l: Rockefeller, Wendy Gordon. 

s: Global temperature changes  
t: Field notes from a catastrophe : man, nature, and climate change 
a: Kolbert, Elizabeth  
c: QC981.8 G56 K655 2006 
r: by Elizabeth Kolbert 
p: New York : Bloomsbury Pub. : Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers, 2006 

s: Global warming. 
t: Safe trip to Eden : 10 steps to save planet Earth from the global warming meltdown 
a: Steinman, David
c: QC981.8 G56 S76 2007
r: by David Steinman ; foreword by Wendy Gordon Rockefeller. 
p: New York : Thunderís Mouth Press, 2007. 
l: Rockefeller, Wendy Gordon. 

s: Global warming  
t: Field notes from a catastrophe : man, nature, and climate change 
a: Kolbert, Elizabeth  
c: QC981.8 G56 K655 2006 
r: by Elizabeth Kolbert 
p: New York : Bloomsbury Pub. : Distributed to the trade by Holtzbrinck Publishers, 2006 

s: Global warming > Anecdotes
t: Thoreau's legacy : American stories about global warming
a: Richard Hayes, ed.
c: QC981.8 G56 T54 2009  
p: Cambridge, Mass. : Union of Concerned Scientists, 2009

s: Global warming--Prevention
t: Nuclear power is not the answer 
a: Caldicott, Helen
c: HD9698.U52 C33 2006
r: by Helen Caldicott

s: Gnosticism -- Collected works
t: The Nag Hammadi Library in English
c: BT1391 A3 1988
p: San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1988
r: trans. and intro. by members of the Coptic Gnostic Library Project of the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity, Claremont, California ; James M. Robinson, general ed.
l: Coptic Gnostic Library Project

s: God
t: God's meaning in life
a: McComb, Samuel, 1864-1938
c: BT101 M3
r: by Samuel McComb
p: New York: Harper [1917]

s: God
t: Pathways to the reality of God
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BT101 J68
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: New York: The Macmillan Company, 1931

s: God -- Knowableness
t: I and thou
a: Buber, Martin
c: BM723 B753 1958
p: N.Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958 
r: by Martin Buber, with a postscript by the author added; trans. by Ronald Gregor Smith

s: God -- Knowableness
t: I and thou
a: Buber, Martin, 1878-1965
c: BM723 B78
r: by Martin Buber

s: God -- Knowableness. 
t: Pseudo-Dionysius : the complete works 
a: Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite 
c: BR65 D6 E51 1987
r: trans. by Colm Luibheid ; foreword, notes, and translation collaboration by Paul Rorem ; preface by Rene Roques ; introductions by Jaroslav Pelikan, Jean Leclercq, and Karlfried Froehlich. 
p: New York : Paulist Press, c1987. 
i: Classics of Western spirituality. 

s: God -- Worship and love
t: Waiting for God
a: Weil, Simone
c: BV4817 W413 1973
r: by Simone Weil, intro. by Leslie Fiedler
p: New York: Harper Colophon, c. 1951

s: God Attributes.
t: Godless for God's sake : nontheism in contemporary Quakerism 
a: Boulton, David.    
c: BX7775 N6 B6 2006
r: by 27 Quaker nontheists; ed. by David Boulton.  
p: Dent, Cumbria [U.K.] : Dales Historical Monographs, [2006]

s: Goddess religion
t: The divine feminine: exploring the feminine face of god throughout the world
c: BL325 F4 D58 1996
r: compiled by Andrew Harvey & Anne Baring
p: Berkeley: Conari Press, 1996

s: Goddesses
t: The divine feminine: exploring the feminine face of god throughout the world
c: BL325 F4 D58 1996
r: compiled by Andrew Harvey & Anne Baring
p: Berkeley: Conari Press, 1996

s: God--History of doctrines--20th century
t: The darkness of God : theology after Hiroshima
a: Garrison, James
c: BR115 A85 G38 1983
r: by Jim Garrison
p: Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983

s: Goldbeck, David, co-author
t: Choose to reuse: an encyclopedia of services, Businesses, tools & charitable programs that facilitate reuse
a: Goldbeck, Nikki, co-author
c: TD794.5 G635 1995
p: Woodstock, N.Y.:  Ceres Press, 1995
r: by Nikki and David Goldbeck

s: Golden Rule (Ketch)
t: The voyage of the Golden Rule; an experiment with truth
a: Bigelow, Albert Smith
c: UF767 B49
r: drawings by the author
p: Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1959

s: Good and Evil
t: The heart of man: Its genius for good and evil
a: Fromm, Erich, 1900-
c: BL25 R45 1968
p: Harper and Row
r: by Erich Fromm

s: Good and evil
t: The problem of pain
a: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963
c: BV4905 L48
p: New York: The Macmillan Company, 1962
r: by C.S. Lewis

s: Gospel of Thomas (Coptic Gospel)--criticism, interpretation, etc.
t: Beyond belief : the secret Gospel of Thomas
2 copies
a: Pagels, Elaine H.
c: BS2860 T52 P34 2003 
r: by Elaine Pagels
p: New York: Random House, 2003

s: Gould, Lisa Lofland
t: Becoming a friend to the creation: earthcare leaven for Friends and Friends Meetings
c: BX7698 S7 B397 1994
r: ed. by Lisa Lofland Gould
p: Burlington, Vt.: Friends Committee on Unity With Nature, 1994 

s: Government, Resistance to
t: Liberating the early American dream
a: Andersen, Alfred F., 1919 -
c: JC328.3 A52 1985
r: Alfred F. Anderson
p: New Brunswick: Transaction Books

s: Government, Resistance to
t: The Geography of Faith: Conversations between Daniel Berrigan when underground, and Robert Coles
a: Coles, Robert
c: BX4705 B3845 A294 1971
p: Boston: Beacon Press, 1971

s: Government, Resistance to -- California -- Livermore
t: Risking Peace: Why we sat in the road
a: Cabasso, Jackie, ed.
c: HM278 R57 1985
r: edited by Jackie Cabasso and Susan Moon
p: Berkeley, CA: Open Books, 1985

s: Government, Resistance to -- History -- 19th century  
t: The advocates of peace in antebellum America 
a: Ziegler, Valarie H., 1954-  
c: JX1961 U6 Z54 2001 
r: by Valarie H Ziegler 
p: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2001 

s: Government, Resistance to -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
t: Bread and water: a spiritual journey
a: Haines, Jennifer
c: BR1725 H16A3 1997
r: by Jennifer Haines
p: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1997

s: Government, Resistance to -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
t: Of beasts and beastly images: essays under the bomb
a: Berrigan, Philip
c: BT736.6 B47
r: by Philip Berrigan
p: Portland, OR: Sunburst Press, 1978

s: Government, Resistance to--Addresses, essays, lectures
t: Civil disobedience in America
c: JC328.3 C55
p: Ithaca : Cornell University Press

s: Graham, John W. (John William), 1859-1932  
t: British Quakerism, 1860-1920 : the transformation of a religious community 
a: Kennedy, Thomas C. (Thomas Cummins), 1937-  
c: BX7676.3 K46 2001  
r: by Thomas C. Kennedy 
p: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 

s: Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885  
t: Our red brothers and the peace policy of President Ulysses S. Grant 
a: Tatum, Lawrie  
c: E93 T22 1970 
p: Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [1970] 

s: Great Britain -- Colonies -- Asia
t: The case for India
a: Durant, Will, 1885-
c: DS480.45 D93
r: by Will Durant
p: New York: Simon and Schuster, 1930

s: Great Britain -- Foreign relations -- Middle East 
t: The high walls of Jerusalem : a history of the Balfour Declaration and the birth of the British mandate for Palestine 
a: Sanders, Ronald
c: DS125.5 S26 1984
r: by Ronald Sanders

s: Great Britain -- History -- Civil War, 1642-1649  
t: George Bishop : seventeenth-century soldier turned Quaker 
a: Feola-Castelucci, Maryann  
c: BX7730 B6 Z37 1996 
r: by Maryann S. Feola 
p: York : William Sessions Ltd, c1996 

s: Great Britain -- History -- Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660  
t: George Bishop : seventeenth-century soldier turned Quaker 
a: Feola-Castelucci, Maryann  
c: BX7730 B6 Z37 1996 
r: by Maryann S. Feola 
p: York : William Sessions Ltd, c1996 

s: Great Britain -- History -- Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660.
t: The world turned upside down : radical ideas during the English Revolution
2 copies
a: Hill, Christopher, 1912-
c: DA380 H53
r: by Christopher Hill
p: London: Penguin Books, 1991

s: Great Britain -- Intellectual life -- 17th century.
t: The world turned upside down : radical ideas during the English Revolution
2 copies
a: Hill, Christopher, 1912-
c: DA380 H53
r: by Christopher Hill
p: London: Penguin Books, 1991

s: Great Britain -- Social conditions
t: Religion and the rise of capitalism: A historical study
a: Tawney, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1880-1962
c: BR115 E3 T3 1947
r: by R. H. Tawney
p: N.Y.: Penguin Books, 1947

s: Great Britain --Religious life and customs 
t: Living between worlds : place and journey in Celtic spirituality 
a: Sheldrake, Philip
c: BR737 C4 S44 1995 
r: by Philip Sheldrake. 
p: Cambridge, Mass. : Cowley Publications, [1996] 

s: Great Britain--History--Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660--Biography 
t: Unbridled spirits : women of the English Revolution, 1640-1660 
a: Davies, Stevie
c: DA407 A1 D38 1998 
r: by Stevie Davies
p: London: The Women's Press, 1998

s: Great Britain--History--Puritan Revolution, 1642-1660--Women 
t: Unbridled spirits : women of the English Revolution, 1640-1660 
a: Davies, Stevie
c: DA407 A1 D38 1998 
r: by Stevie Davies
p: London: The Women's Press, 1998

s: Great Britain--Industries--History.
t: Quakers in science and industry; being an account of the Quaker contributions to science and industry during the 17th and 18th centuries.
a: Raistrick, Arthur
c: BX7676 R3
p: N.Y.: Philosophical Library, 1950
r: Arthur Raistrick

s: Greek language, Biblical -- Dictionaries. 
t: The interlinear literal translation of the Greek New Testament : with the authorized version conveniently presented in the margins for ready reference & with the various readings of the editions of Elzevir 1624, Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Alford & Wordsworth ; to which has been added a new Greek-English New Testament lexicon, supplemented by a chapter elucidating the synonyms of the New Testament, with a complete index to the synonyms 
c: Ref. BS1965 1974
l: Bible. N.T. Greek. 1974 
r: trans. by George Ricker Berry. 
p: Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1974
l: Berry, George Ricker, 1865-1945. 

s: Greek language, Biblical -- Dictionaries -- English
t: Analytical concordance to the Bible on an entirely new plan containing about 311,000 references...
a: Young, Robert, 1822-1888
c: Ref. BS425 Y7
r: rev. by Wm. B. Stevenson.
l: Albright, William Foxwell, 1891-1971
l: Recent discoveries in Bible lands

s: Greek language, Biblical -- Dictionaries -- English  
t: Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible 
a: Strong, James, 1822-1894  
c: Ref. BS425 S8 1990 
r: by James Strong 
p: Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 19790

s: Greek language, Biblical -- Synonyms and antonyms. 
t: The interlinear literal translation of the Greek New Testament : with the authorized version conveniently presented in the margins for ready reference & with the various readings of the editions of Elzevir 1624, Griesbach, Lachmann, Tischendorf, Tregelles, Alford & Wordsworth ; to which has been added a new Greek-English New Testament lexicon, supplemented by a chapter elucidating the synonyms of the New Testament, with a complete index to the synonyms 
c: Ref. BS1965 1974
l: Bible. N.T. Greek. 1974 
r: trans. by George Ricker Berry. 
p: Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 1974
l: Berry, George Ricker, 1865-1945. 

s: Green, Harriet, 1844-1903
t: Harriet Green
a: Sophia Matilda Fry, lady, 1865-1945
c: BX7750 G77 Z2 1903
r: by Sophia M. Fry
p: London: Headley Brothers, 1903

s: Green movement  
t: The green Bible : New Revised Standard Version 
c: Ref. BT695.5 G75 2008
l: Bible. English. New Revised Standard. 2008  
p: San Francisco, Calif. : HarperOne, 2008 
r: Foreword by Desmond Tutu

s: Green movement -- United States 
t: Coming clean : breaking Americaís addiction to oil and coal 
a: Brune, Michael
c: TD887 F69 B78 2008
r: by Michael Brune 
p: San Francisco : Sierra Club Books ; [Berkeley, Calif.] : Distributed by Publishers Group West, c2008 

s: Green Movement-United States
t: Let the mountains talk, let the rivers run : a call to those who would save the earth
a: Brower, David Ross, 1912-
c: GE197 B76 2000
r: by David R. Brower with Steve Chapple
p: Gabriola Island, New Society Publishers, 2000
l: Chapple, Steve

s: Greenhouse effect, Atmospheric. 
t: Safe trip to Eden : 10 steps to save planet Earth from the global warming meltdown 
a: Steinman, David
c: QC981.8 G56 S76 2007
r: by David Steinman ; foreword by Wendy Gordon Rockefeller. 
p: New York : Thunderís Mouth Press, 2007. 
l: Rockefeller, Wendy Gordon. 

s: Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855
t: Quaker biographies: brief biographical sketches concerning certain members of the Religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 1 v4
r: With illustrations
p: Philadelphia : For sale at Friends' Book Store, 1916

s: Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 v.4 
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1916]

s: Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855
t: Stephen Grellet
a: Guest, William, 1818-1891
c: BX7796 G8 G9 1906
p: Philadelphia: E. P. Smith, 1906
r: by William Guest
i: Men worth remembering

s: Grellet, Stephen, 1773-1855 
t: A short life of Stephen Grellet (1773-1855)
a: Garrett, Alfred Cope, 1867-1946  
c: BX7750.G82 Z38 
r: compiled by Alfred C. Garret
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1914]
n: reprinted from vol.IV of Quaker Biographies

s: Grief
t: A Time to Grieve: loss as a universal human experience
a: Simos, Bertha G.
c: BJ1487 S57 1979
r: Bertha G. Simos
p: New York : Family Service America

s: Grief
t: Living When a Loved One Has Died
a: Grollman, Earl A.
c: BJ1487 G73 1987
r: Earl A. Grollman
e: Second Edition
p: Boston : Beacon Press

s: Grief
t: Living With an Empty Chair: a guide through grief
a: Temes, Roberta
c: BF575 G7 T45
r: Roberta Temes
p: New York: New Horizon Press

s: Grief.
t: Living with grief : loss in later life 
c: BF575 G7 L585 2002
r: ed. by Kenneth J. Doka ; foreward by John Breaux ; introduction by Jack D. Gordon
i: Living with grief.

s: Grief
t: Preparing for grief
a: Childers, Dorothy
c: BJ1487 C35 1994
r: by Dorothy Childers
p: Kingwood, TX: the author, 1995

s: Grief
t: Recovery From Loss : A Personalized Guide To The Grieving Process
a: Tagliaferre, Lewis
c: BF575 G7 T34 1990
r: Lewis Tagliaferre and Gary L. Harbaugh
p: Deerfield Beach, Florida: Health Communications, Inc

s: Grief. 
t: Grief, mourning, and death ritual
c: HQ1073 G77 2001
r: ed. by Jenny Hockey, Jeanne Katz, Neil Small
p: Buckingham, England ; Philadelphia : Open University Press, 2001

s: GrimkÈ, Angelina Emily, 1805-1879  
t: Lift up thy voice : the GrimkÈ family's journey from slaveholders to civil rights leaders 
a: Perry, Mark, 1950-
c: E185.98.A1 P47 2001  
r: by Mark Perry
p: New York : Viking, 2001

s: GrimkÈ, Angelina Weld, 1880-1958  
t: Lift up thy voice : the GrimkÈ family's journey from slaveholders to civil rights leaders 
a: Perry, Mark, 1950-
c: E185.98.A1 P47 2001  
r: by Mark Perry
p: New York : Viking, 2001

s: GrimkÈ, Archibald Henry, 1849-1930  
t: Lift up thy voice : the GrimkÈ family's journey from slaveholders to civil rights leaders 
a: Perry, Mark, 1950-
c: E185.98.A1 P47 2001  
r: by Mark Perry
p: New York : Viking, 2001

s: GrimkÈ family  
t: Lift up thy voice : the GrimkÈ family's journey from slaveholders to civil rights leaders 
a: Perry, Mark, 1950-
c: E185.98.A1 P47 2001  
r: by Mark Perry
p: New York : Viking, 2001

s: GrimkÈ family  
t: The advocates of peace in antebellum America 
a: Ziegler, Valarie H., 1954-  
c: JX1961 U6 Z54 2001 
r: by Valarie H Ziegler 
p: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2001 

s: GrimkÈ, Francis J. (Francis James), 1850-1937  
t: Lift up thy voice : the GrimkÈ family's journey from slaveholders to civil rights leaders 
a: Perry, Mark, 1950-
c: E185.98.A1 P47 2001  
r: by Mark Perry
p: New York : Viking, 2001

s: GrimkÈ, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873  
t: Lift up thy voice : the GrimkÈ family's journey from slaveholders to civil rights leaders 
a: Perry, Mark, 1950-
c: E185.98.A1 P47 2001  
r: by Mark Perry
p: New York : Viking, 2001

s: Group decision making--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
t: Building consensus : conflict and unity
a: Snyder, Monteze M.
c: BX7748 B95 S69 2001 
r: by Monteze M. Snyder
p: Richmond, IN : Earlham Quaker Foundations of Leadership Program, c2001. 

s: Group decision making--Religious aspects--Society of Friends 
t: Embraced by other selves : enriching personal nature through group interaction
a: Stevenson, Charles
c: Pam. BX7624 J27 1998 
r: by Charles Stevenson
p: North Hobart, Tasmania: Australia Yearly Meeting, 1998
i: 1998 James Backhouse Lecture

s: Group relations training
t: A manual on nonviolence and children
c: JX1955 M26
r: comp. and ed. by Stephanie Judson; ill. by Meg Richardson
p: Philadelphia: Nonviolence and Children Program, Friends Peace Committee, c1977

s: Group relations training
t: Reducing social tension and conflict through group conversation method
a: DuBois, Rachel Davis
c: HM133 D83
r: by Rachel Davis DuBois and Mew-soong Li
p: New York: Association Press, 1971

s: Grubb, Edward, 1854-1939  
t: British Quakerism, 1860-1920 : the transformation of a religious community 
a: Kennedy, Thomas C. (Thomas Cummins), 1937-  
c: BX7676.3 K46 2001  
r: by Thomas C. Kennedy 
p: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 

s: Grubb, Sarah, 1756-1790  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Grubb, Sarah, 1773-1842  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Guaranteed annual income--United States
t: The $30,000 solution
a: Schutz, Robert R.
c: HB523 S38 1996
r: by Robert R. Schutz
p: Santa Barbara : Fithian Press

s: Guilford College -- History  
t: Founded by Friends : the Quaker heritage of fifteen American colleges and universities 
c: LC571 F68 2007
r: ed. by John W. Oliver, Jr., Charles L. Cherry, Caroline L. Cherry 
p: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007 

s: Gun control -- United States -- Directories  
t: The campaign to prevent handgun violence against kids : a resource directory
c: LB3013 D48 1995 
e: 2nd ed.
p: San Rafael, CA: The Wellness Foundation, c.1995
l: Pacific Center for Violence Prevention  

s: Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847
t: Joseph John Gurney: banker, reformer and Quaker
a: Swift, David E.
c: BX7751.5 S97
r: by David E. Swift
p: Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press, 1962

s: Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847
t: The Gurneys of Earlham
a: Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert, 1834-1903
c: BX7791 G9 1895 vol.1
r: by Augustus J.C. Hare
p: London: George Allen, 1895
n: Library has vols. 1 & 2

s: Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847
t: The Gurneys of Earlham
a: Hare, Augustus John Cuthbert, 1834-1903
c: BX7791 G9 1895 vol.2
r: by Augustus J.C. Hare
p: London: George Allen, 1895
n: Library has vols. 1 & 2

s: Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847  
t: Dear Friends and brethren : 25 short biographies of Quaker men
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7792 S64 2000 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 2000
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Gurney, Joseph John, 1788-1847 -- Criticism and interpretation  
t: Then and now : Quaker essays historical and contemporary 
c: BX7632 B81 T3 1960 
r: by friends of Henry Joel Cadbury, on his completion of twenty-two years as chairman of the American Friends Service Committee 
p: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [1960] 

s: Habitat (Ecology) -- California -- San Francisco Bay Watershed - History
t: From the Sierra to the sea : the ecological history of the San Francisco Bay-Delta watershed
a: Bay Institute of San Francisco (San Rafael, Calif.) 
c: QH105 C2 F76 1998
p: San Rafael, CA: The Bay Institute, [1998]

s: Habitat for Humanity International, Inc
t: The excitement is building
a: Fuller, Millard, 1935-
c: HD7287.96 U6 F85 1990
r: Linda and Millard Fuller
p: Dallas, Texas: Word Publishing

s: Habitat for Humanity International, Inc.
t: The excitement is building
a: Fuller, Millard, 1935-
c: HD7287.96 U6 F85 1990
r: Linda and Millard Fuller
p: Dallas, Texas: Word Publishing

s: Hallucinogenic drugs and religious experience
t: A separate reality; further conversations with Don Juan
a: Castaneda, Carlos, 1931-
c: E99 Y3 C29
p: New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974

s: Hanson, John Frederick, 1841-1917  
t: The Lambs' War : Quaker essays to honor 
a: Birkel, Michael L.
c: BX7613 .L2 1992  
r: ed. by Michael L. Birkel and John W. Newman
p: Richmond IN: Earlham College Press, 1992
n: Introduction / John W. Newman--An appreciation of Hugh Barbour as Quaker historian / Michael L. Birkel--Spilgrimage / Hugh S. Barbour--A selected bibliography of the writings of Hugh S. Barbour / Michael L. Birkel, James R. Kennedy, Jr.--The letters of James Nayler / Geoffrey F. Nuttall--William Penn, Puritan moderate / Stephen Ward Angell--John Woolman on the cross / Michael L. Birkel--The problem of the inner light in nineteenth-century Quakerism / Thomas D. Hamm--The Hicksites and the discipline, 1827-1850 / Bridget K. Bower--American Friends in transition, as viewed through British Quaker periodicals, 1865-1880 / Edwin B. Bronner--John Frederick Hanson / Arthur O. Roberts--The English Quaker firm / John Punshon--William I. Hull and the Quaker search for peace, 1908-1920 / J. William Frost--Thomas Kelly : a Brother Lawrence for our time / Douglas V. Steere--The pre-Pendle Hill spirituality of George Fox / Alan L. Kolp--Meditations on the flood / Eleanor Ferris Beach--Theological implications of the image of "the inward teacher" / Paul A. Lacey

s: Happiness
t: Field notes on the compassionate live : a search for the soul of kindness
a: Barasch, Marc Ian 
c: BJ1531 B27 2005
r: by Marc Ian Barasch
p: Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale: Distributed by Holtzbrinck Publishers, c2005

s: Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace
t: Instead of Violence
a: Weinberg, Arthur
c: JX1952 W44
r: ed. and with notes and introductions by Arthur and Lila Weinberg
p: Boston, Beacon Press: 1963
e: 2nd printing, 1968

s: Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace
t: My quest for peace
a: Lansbury, George, 1859-1940
c: DA566.9 L19
r: by George Lansbury
p: London: Michael Joseph Ltd., 1938

s: Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace
t: Risking Peace: Why we sat in the road
a: Cabasso, Jackie, ed.
c: HM278 R57 1985
r: edited by Jackie Cabasso and Susan Moon
p: Berkeley, CA: Open Books, 1985

s: Harry S. Truman Center for the Advancement of Peace
t: The United States and the Soviet Union, some Quaker proposals for peace
a: American Friends Service Committee
c: E183.8 R9 F7
p: New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1949
r: a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee

s: Hart, Heidi, 1971-  
t: Grace notes : the waking of a woman's voice 
a: Hart, Heidi, 1971-  
c: BX7767 H32 G72 2004
r: Heidi Hart 
p: Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c2004 

s: Haverford College -- History  
t: Founded by Friends : the Quaker heritage of fifteen American colleges and universities 
c: LC571 F68 2007
r: ed. by John W. Oliver, Jr., Charles L. Cherry, Caroline L. Cherry 
p: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007 

s: Haverford College -- History -- 20th century
t: Love at the heart of things: a biography of Douglas V. Steere
a: Hinson, E. Glenn
c: BX7796 S783 H54 1998
r: by E. Glenn Hinson
p: Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, c1998

s: Haverford College -- History -- 20th century  
t: The intrepid Quaker : one man's quest for peace : memoirs, speeches, and writings of Stephen G. Cary 
2 copies
a: Cary, Stephen G.  
c: BX7796 C33 A3 2003 
r: edited by Alison Anderson and Jack Coleman 
p: Wallingford, PA : Pendle Hill, [2003] 

s: Haverford College. Quaker Collection  
t: Guide to the records of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting 
a: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Records Committee  
c: Ref. BX7649 P5 P55 1989 
r: compiled by Jack Eckert 
p: [Haverford, PA] : Haverford College ; [Philadelphia] : Records Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting ; [Swarthmore, PA] : Swarthmore College, 1989 

s: Haverford College. Quaker Collection  
t: Guide to the records of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting 
a: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends. Records Committee  
c: Ref. BX7649 P5 P55 1989 
r: compiled by Jack Eckert 
p: [Haverford, PA] : Haverford College ; [Philadelphia] : Records Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting ; [Swarthmore, PA] : Swarthmore College, 1989 

s: Hawaii Biography
t: Change we must : my spiritual journey
a: Veary, Nana
c: BL624 V443 1989
p: Honolulu : Institute of Zen Studies, c1989
r: by Nana Veary

s: Hazing -- South Africa  
t: The jack bank : a memoir of a South African childhood 
a: Retief, Glen  
c: CT1928 R47 A3 2011  
r: by Glen Retief 
p: New York : St. Martin's Press, 2011 
e: 1st ed 
n: author is a Quaker

s: Healing 
t: George Fox's 'Book of miracles' 
a: Fox, George, 1624-1691  
c: BX7733 B72 2000   
r: ed. with an intro. and notes by Henry J. Cadbury; with forewords by Rufus M. Jones, Jim Pym, Paul Anderson  
p: Philadelphia: Friends General Conference, c.2000 
l: Cadbury, Henry Joel, 1883-1974 
l: Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 

s: Healing, Mental
t: Treatment, or healing by true prayer
a: Rawson, Frederick Lawrence, 1859-1923
c: RZ401 R3
r: by F.L.Rawson
p: London: The Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer, 1949

s: Healing--Religious aspects
t: Healing words: the power of prayer and the practice of medicine
a: Dossey, Larry, 1940-
c: BL65 M4 D67 1993
r: by Larry Dossey
p: HarperSanFrancisco

s: Health -- Decision making
t: Making informed medical decisions : where to look and how to use what you find 
a: Oster, Nancy, 1949- 
c: RA776.5 O684 2000
r: by Nancy Oster, Lucy Thomas, and Darol Joseff
p: Cambridge, MA: OíReilly, 2000

s: Hebrew language -- Dictionaries -- English
t: Analytical concordance to the Bible on an entirely new plan containing about 311,000 references...
a: Young, Robert, 1822-1888
c: Ref. BS425 Y7
r: rev. by Wm. B. Stevenson.
l: Albright, William Foxwell, 1891-1971
l: Recent discoveries in Bible lands

s: Hebrew language -- Dictionaries -- English  
t: Strong's exhaustive concordance of the Bible 
a: Strong, James, 1822-1894  
c: Ref. BS425 S8 1990 
r: by James Strong 
p: Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 19790

s: Hendrie, Joseph M.
t: Shutdown: nuclear power on trial
a: Honicker, Jeannine, plaintiff
c: KF228 H66 D57
p: Summertown, TN: Book Pub. Co, c1979

s: Hennacy, Ammon, 1893-1970
t: The book of Ammon
a: Hennacy, Ammon, 1893-1970
c: CT275 H564 A3 1964
p: [Salt Lake City, 1965]
r: foreword by Steve Allen
n: Autographed

s: Hicks, Edward, 1780-1849 
t: And a little child shall lead them
2 copies
a: Palmer, Parker J.
c: Pam. BX7757 P184 A54 
r: by Parker J. Palmer
p: Friends Publishing Corporation, 1978
i: Henry J Cadbury lecture, 1978

s: Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830
t: Quakers in conflict: the Hicksite reformation
a: by H. Larry Ingle
c: BX7752 I53
p: Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1998
e: 2nd ed.

s: Hicks, Elias, 1748-1830
t: The life and labors of Elias Hicks
a: Wilbur, Henry Watson, 1851-1914
c: BX7752 H59 Z8 1910
r: by Henry W. Wilbur
p: Philadelphia: Friends General Conference Advancement Committee, 1910

s: Hicks Family
t: The life and labors of Elias Hicks
a: Wilbur, Henry Watson, 1851-1914
c: BX7752 H59 Z8 1910
r: by Henry W. Wilbur
p: Philadelphia: Friends General Conference Advancement Committee, 1910

s: Hicks, Isaac, 1767-1820  
t: Isaac Hicks : New York merchant and Quaker, 1767-1820 
a: Davison, Robert Allan  
c: BX7795 H63 D23  
p: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1964 

s: Hicksites  
t: Then and now : Quaker essays historical and contemporary 
c: BX7632 B81 T3 1960 
r: by friends of Henry Joel Cadbury, on his completion of twenty-two years as chairman of the American Friends Service Committee 
p: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [1960] 

s: Hicksites - United States - History - 19th century
t: Quakers in Conflict
a: Ingle, H. Larry
c: BX7752 I53 1986
r: by H. Larry Ingle
e: First Edition
p: Knoxville, Tennessee : The University of Tennessee Press, 1986
n: Bibliography

s: Hicksites -- United States -- History -- 19th century
t: Quakers in conflict: the Hicksite reformation
a: by H. Larry Ingle
c: BX7752 I53
p: Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1998
e: 2nd ed.

s: Hindu philosophy  
t: Philosophies of India
a: Zimmer, Heinrich Robert, 1890-1943  
c: B131 Z52 1951  
r: edited by Joseph Campbell 
p: [New York]: Pantheon Books [1951] 
i: Bollingen series, 26  

s: Hinduism
t: The complete idiotís guide to Hinduism 
a: Johnsen, Linda, 1954- 
c: BL2007.7 J64 2002
r: by Linda Johnsen. 
p: Indianapolis, IN : Alpha Books, c2002. 

s: Hinduism  
t: Hinduism 
a: Renou, Louis, 1896-1966, ed  
c: BL1107 R4 1961 
p: New York : G. Braziller, 1961
i: Great religions of modern man  

s: Hirabayash, Gordon K  
t: Lives that speak : stories of twentieth-century Quakers
2 copies
c: BX7791 L52 2004    
r: by the Religious Education Committee of Friends General Conference; Marnie Clark, editor p: Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, c2004 
n: "Designed for students in the 4th to 8th grade..."--back cover 

s: Hiroshima (Japan)--Bombardment, 1945
t: Friends of the Hibakusha
a: Naeve, Virginia, ed.
c: D767.25 H6 N3
r: ed. by Virginia Naeve for the World Peace Mission
p: New York: Alan Swallow, 1964

s: Hiroshima Jogakuin High School 
t: Summer cloud
c: D767.25 H6 S86 1983
r: ed. and tr. by English Department, Hiroshima Jogakuin High School
e: english edition
p: Tokyo: San-yu-sha, 1976

s: Hiroshima-shi (Japan) -- History -- Bombardment, 1945
t: Hiroshima
a: Hersey, John, 1914-
c: D767.25 H6 H4
r: by John Hersey
p: New York: Bantam Books, 1959

s: Hiroshima-shi (Japan) -- History -- Bombardment, 1945 -- Personal narratives, Japanese 
t: Summer cloud
c: D767.25 H6 S86 1983
r: ed. and tr. by English Department, Hiroshima Jogakuin High School
e: english edition
p: Tokyo: San-yu-sha, 1976

s: Hiroshima-shi (Japan)--Bombardment, 1945
t: The darkness of God : theology after Hiroshima
a: Garrison, James
c: BR115 A85 G38 1983
r: by Jim Garrison
p: Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1983

s: Historic peace churches  
t: Creating the beloved community : a journey with the Fellowship of Reconciliation 
a: Dekar, Paul R  
c: JZ5520.5 F44 2005
r: by Paul R. Dekar ; foreword by Donald B. Kraybill ; preface by Pat Clark 
p: Telford, Pa. : Cascadia Pub. House ; Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, c2005 

s: Historic peace churches -- Congresses  
t: Seeking cultures of peace : a peace church conversation 
c: BT736.4 S43 2004
r: ed. by Fernando Enns, Scott Holland, and Ann Riggs ; foreword by Samuel Kobia 
p: Telford, Pa. : Cascadia Pub. House ; Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, c2004 
e: 1st ed 

s: Historic sites  
t: Sacred sites, sacred places 
c: BL580 S24 1994  
r: edited by David L. Carmichael ... [et al.] 
p: London ; New York : Routledge, 1994 
l: World Archaeological Congress (2nd : 1990 : Barquisimeto, Venezuela) 
i: Series One world archaeology ; 23 

s: History -- Philosophy
t: Beyond tragedy : essays on the Christian interpretation of history
a: Niebuhr, H. Richard (Helmut Richard), 1894-1962
c: BR100 N55 1937
p: New York: Scribner, 1937
r: by H. Richard Niebuhr

s: History -- Philosophy
t: The witnessing community, the Biblical record of God's purpose
a: Dietrich, Suzanne de.
c: BR115 H5 D5
p: Philadelphia: Westminster Press [1958]
r: by Suzanne de Dietrich

s: History, Modern -- 20th century
t: Force or reason: issues of the twentieth century
a: Kohn, Hans, 1891-1971
c: D421 K7
r: by Hans Kohn
p: Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1938

s: Hobhouse, Stephen Henry, 1881-1961  
t: The autobiography of Stephen Hobhouse, reformer, pacifist, Christian 
a: Hobhouse, Stephen Henry, 1881-  
c: HV28 H614 A3 1952 
p: Imprint Boston, Beacon Press [1952] 

s: Hodgkin, George Lloyd, 1880-1918
t: George Lloyd Hodgkin, 1880-1918
a: Hodgkin, Lucy Violet, b.1869
c: BX7752 H795
r: by his sister L.V.H.
p: Edinburgh: Edinburgh Press, 1921

s: Hodgkin, Henry Theodore, 1877-1933  
t: Pendle Hill : a Quaker experiment in education & community 
a: Mather, Eleanore Price, 1910-  
c: BX7628 P23 M2  
r: by Eleanore Price Mather ; foreword by Douglas V. Steere 
p: Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill, c1980 

s: Hodgkin, Henry Theodore, 1877-1933  
t: Pendle Hill : a Quaker experiment in education & community 
a: Mather, Eleanore Price, 1910-  
c: BX7628 P23 M2  
r: by Eleanore Price Mather ; foreword by Douglas V. Steere 
p: Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill, c1980 

s: Hodgkin, L. V. (Lucy Violet), b. 1869  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Holiness  
t: The unselfishness of God and how I discovered it : a spiritual autobiography
a: Smith, Hannah Whitall, 1832-1911  
c: BX7758 S665 U5  
r: by H. W. S  
p: New York: F.H. Revell, [c1903] 

s: Holme, Elizabeth Leavens, d. 1665  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Holocuast, Jewish (1939) -- Psychological aspects
t: Man's search for meaning; an introduction to logotherapy
2 labels
a: Frankl, Viktor Emil
c: D805 G3 F7233
p: New York: Washington Square Press
r: tr. by Ilse Lasch. Pref. by Gordon W. Allport

s: Holtby, Winifred, 1898-1935
t: Testament of friendship: The story of Winifred Holtby
a: Brittain, Vera, 1893-1970
c: PR6003 R385 Z479
r: by Vera Brittain
p: New York: Seaview Books, 1980

s: Holy Spirit -- History of doctrines -- 17th century
t: The Holy Spirit in Puritan faith and experience
a: Nuttall, Geoffrey F. (Geoffrey Fillingham), 1911-
c: BT119 N88 1992
r: by Geoffrey Nuttall, with a new introd. by Peter Lake
p: Chicago: U. Chicago Press, c1992

s: Home care services
t: Home care: A practical alternative to extended hospitalization
a: Baulch, Evelyn, 1928-
c: RA645.3 B38
r: Evelyn Baulch
p: Millbrae, Calif: Celestial Arts

s: Home nursing
t: Home care: A practical alternative to extended hospitalization
a: Baulch, Evelyn, 1928-
c: RA645.3 B38
r: Evelyn Baulch
p: Millbrae, Calif: Celestial Arts

s: Home nursing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
t: Home health care handbook : a guide for the family of the homebound patient
c: RA645.3  H647 1987
r: Upham's Corner Health Committee, Inc.
p: Owings Mills, MD: National Health Pub., c1987
l: Upham's Corner Health Committee

s: Home schooling--United States--Miscellanea
t: Homeschooling and the voyage of self-discovery: a journey of original seeking 
a: Albert, David H. 
c: LC40 A425 2003
r: by David H. Albert
p: Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 2003

s: Homelessness--California--Berkeley
t: Visible and vulnerable : The people we see on Berkeley's Streets
a: Stronach, Judith Lee
c: HV4506 C2V5 1992
r: ed. by Judith Stronach; ill. by B.N. Duncan
p: Berkeley, Ca.: 1992

s: Homophobia - United States - Moral and ethical aspects
t: How to make the world a better place for gays and lesbians
a: Fahy, Una
c: HQ76.3 U5 F328 1995
r: by Una Fahy
p: New York : Warner Books, 1995

s: Homophobia--United States--History--20th century
t: Lost prophet : the life and times of Bayard Rustin 
a: DíEmilio, John 
c: E185.97 R93 D46 2003 
r: byJohn DíEmilio. 
p: New York: Free Press, c2003

s: Homophobia--United States--History--20th century
t: Lost prophet : the life and times of Bayard Rustin 
a: DíEmilio, John 
c: E185.97 R93 D46 2004
r: byJohn DíEmilio. 
p: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2004

s: Homophobia--United States--History--20th century 
t: Lost prophet : the life and times of Bayard Rustin 
c: E185.97 R93 D46 2003 
r: byJohn DíEmilio. 
p: New York: Free Press, c2003

s: Homosexuality
t: Homosexuality from the inside
a: Blamires, David Malcolm, 1936-
c: BX7698 S5 B63
r: by David Blamires
p: London: Social Responsibility Council of the Religious Society of Friends, c1973

s: Homosexuality -- Europe -- History
t: Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality
a: Boswell, John
c: HQ76.3 E8 B67
r: by John Boswell
p: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980

s: Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
t: Is the homosexual my neighbor? Another christian view
a: Scanzoni, Letha
c: BR115 H6 S3
p: San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978
r: by Letha Scanzoni and Virginia Raney Mollenkott

s: Homosexuality -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- History
t: Christianity, social tolerance, and homosexuality
a: Boswell, John
c: HQ76.3 E8 B67
r: by John Boswell
p: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980

s: Homosexuality -- United States
t: Bridges of respect: creating support for lesbian and gay youth
2 copies
a: Whitlock, Katherine
c: HQ76.25 W54 1988
r: by Katherine Whitlock
p: Phila.: American Friends Service Committee, 1988
n: A resource guide from the AFSC

s: Homosexuality - United States - Moral and ethical aspects
t: How to make the world a better place for gays and lesbians
a: Fahy, Una
c: HQ76.3 U5 F328 1995
r: by Una Fahy
p: New York : Warner Books, 1995

s: Homosexuality, Male -- History
t: Homosexuals in history: a study of ambivalence in society
a: Rowse, A. L. (Alfred Leslie), 1903-
c: HQ75.7 R68 1983
r: by A.L. Rowse
p: New York: Dorset Press, 1983

s: Homosexuality, Male -- North America
t: The spirit and the flesh: sexual diversity in American Indian culture
a: Williams, Walter L., 1948-
c: E98 S48 W551 1986
r: by Walter L. Williams
p: Boston: Beacon Press, 1986

s: Homosexuality--United States--History--20th century 
t: Lost prophet : the life and times of Bayard Rustin 
a: DíEmilio, John 
c: E185.97 R93 D46 2003 
r: byJohn DíEmilio. 
p: New York: Free Press, c2003

s: Homosexuality--United States--History--20th century 
t: Lost prophet : the life and times of Bayard Rustin 
a: DíEmilio, John 
c: E185.97 R93 D46 2004
r: byJohn DíEmilio. 
p: Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c2004

s: Homosexuality--United States--History--20th century 
t: Lost prophet : the life and times of Bayard Rustin 
c: E185.97 R93 D46 2003 
r: byJohn DíEmilio. 
p: New York: Free Press, c2003

s: Honicker, Jeannine
t: Shutdown: nuclear power on trial
a: Honicker, Jeannine, plaintiff
c: KF228 H66 D57
p: Summertown, TN: Book Pub. Co, c1979

s: Hookes, Ellis, d. 1681  
t: Dear Friends and brethren : 25 short biographies of Quaker men
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7792 S64 2000 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 2000
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Hooton, Elizabeth, ca. 1600-1672
t: Elizabeth Hooton : first Quaker woman preacher (1600-1672) 
a: Manners, Emily
c: BX7795 H78 M2  
r: by Emily Manners ; with notes, etc., by Norman Penney
p: Photocopy of: London : Headley Brothers ; New York : D.S. Taber, 1914

s: Hooton, Elizabeth, ca. 1600-1672 
t: Elizabeth Hooton : first Quaker woman preacher (1600-1672)
a: Manners, Emily
c: BX7795 H78 M2 
r: by Emily Manners ; with notes, etc., by Norman Penney 
p: London: Hadley Brothers, 1914

s: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964
t: Herbert Hoover, a reminiscent biography
a: Irwin, Will, 1873-1948
c: BX7752 H894 Z48
r: by Will Irwin.
p: New York, Century co., [c1928]

s: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964  
t: Constructive spirit : Quakers in revolutionary Russia 
a: McFadden, David W  
c: BX7756 M143 C75 2004
r: David McFadden and Claire Gorfinkel; with an overview by Sergei Nikitin  
p: Pasadena, Calif.: Intentional Productions, c2004 

s: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964  
t: Herbert Hoover : American Quaker
a: Hinshaw, David, 1882-
c: BX7752 H894 Z45 1950
r: by David Hinshaw
p: New York : Farrar, Straus, 1950

s: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964  
t: The Herbert Hoover story 
a: Lyons, Eugene, 1898-  
c: E802 L85 1959  
p: Washington, : Human Events, 1959 
n: Special edition to commemorte the 85th birthday of Herbert Hoover. First published in 1948 under title: Our unknown ex-President, a portrait of Herbert Hoover 

s: Hope -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
t: A theology of human hope
a: Alves, Rubem A., 1933-
c: BT810.2 A55 1969
r: by Rubem A. Alves
p: Corpus Books

s: Hopkins, Sarah Winnemucca, 1844-1981
t: Sarah Winnemucca of the Northern Paiutes
a: Canfield, Gae Whitney, 1931-
c: E99 P2 H722 1983
r: by Gae Whitney Canfield
p: Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, c1983

s: Hopper, Isaac T. (Isaac Tatem), 1771-1852  
t: Abby Hopper Gibbons : prison reformer and social activist 
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope  
c: BX7796 G38 B33 2000 
r: Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: Albany : State University of New York Press, c2000 
i: SUNY series in women, crime, and criminology  

s: Hospitality -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends  
t: A Quakerly guide to outreach 
a: Quaker Outreach London ; in association with Britain Yearly Meeting staff 
c: BX7698 M5 Q1 2005
p: Bexleyheath, Kent : Quaker Outreach London, 2005 
e: Version 2 
n: Loose-leaf, in binder 

s: Housing - Discrimination 
t: Because it is right: integration in housing
a: Hecht, James L.
c: E185.89 H6 H4 1970
r: by James L. Hecht
p: Boston: Little, Brown, 1970

s: Howard, Luke, 1772-1864
t: The invention of clouds : how an ameteur meterorologist forged the language of the skies
a: Hamblyn, Richard, 1965-
c: QC921 H35 2001
r: by Richard Hamblyn
p: New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001

s: Howard, Luke, 1772-1864  
t: The invention of clouds : how an amateur meteorologist forged the language of the skies 
a: Hamblyn, Richard, 1965-  
c: QC921 H35 2001  
r: by Richard Hamblyn 
p: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001 

s: Howland, Emily, 1827-1929
t: The world of Emily Howland
a: Breault, Judith Colucci, 1946-
c: HQ1413 H68 B73
r: by Judith Colucci Breault
p: Millbrae, Calif. : Les Femmes

s: Howland, Emily, 1827-1929
t: The world of Emily Howland : Odyssey of a humanitarian
a: Breault, Judith Colucci
c: BX7752 H972 Z25 1976
r: by Judith Colucci Breault
p: Milbrae, Ca.: :Les Femmes, 1976

s: Hudson, Elizabeth, 1722-1783
t: Wilt thou go on my errand?:journals of three 18th cent. Quaker women ministers:Susanna Morris,1682-1755;Elizabeth Hudson,1722-1783;Ann Moore,1710-1783
c: BX7793 W55 1994
r: edited by Margaret Hope Bacon
p: Wallingford,Pennsylvania: Pendle Hill Publications

s: Hull, William Isaac, 1868-1939  
t: The Lambs' War : Quaker essays to honor 
a: Birkel, Michael L.
c: BX7613 .L2 1992  
r: ed. by Michael L. Birkel and John W. Newman
p: Richmond IN: Earlham College Press, 1992
n: Introduction / John W. Newman--An appreciation of Hugh Barbour as Quaker historian / Michael L. Birkel--Spilgrimage / Hugh S. Barbour--A selected bibliography of the writings of Hugh S. Barbour / Michael L. Birkel, James R. Kennedy, Jr.--The letters of James Nayler / Geoffrey F. Nuttall--William Penn, Puritan moderate / Stephen Ward Angell--John Woolman on the cross / Michael L. Birkel--The problem of the inner light in nineteenth-century Quakerism / Thomas D. Hamm--The Hicksites and the discipline, 1827-1850 / Bridget K. Bower--American Friends in transition, as viewed through British Quaker periodicals, 1865-1880 / Edwin B. Bronner--John Frederick Hanson / Arthur O. Roberts--The English Quaker firm / John Punshon--William I. Hull and the Quaker search for peace, 1908-1920 / J. William Frost--Thomas Kelly : a Brother Lawrence for our time / Douglas V. Steere--The pre-Pendle Hill spirituality of George Fox / Alan L. Kolp--Meditations on the flood / Eleanor Ferris Beach--Theological implications of the image of "the inward teacher" / Paul A. Lacey

s: Human beings
t: Between man and man
a: Buber, Martin, 1878-1965
c: B29 B78 1971
r: translated by Ronald Gregor Smith
p: Macmillan

s: Human beings
t: Why is man: that Thou abidest him
a: Schmoe, Floyd Wilfred, 1895-
c: BX7758 S35 W57 1983
p: Kenmore, WA: Printed by C.E. Publications
r: by Floyd Schmoe

s: Human beings -- Influence of environment
t: The defense of the peacable kingdom
2 copies
a: Massey, Marshall
c: BX7732 P122 S6
r: by Marshall Massey
p: Oakland, CA: Pacific Yearly Meeting, 1985
i: Social order series; no. 2

s: Human body (Philosophy)  
t: The spell of the sensuous : perception and language in a more-than-human world 
a: Abram, David, 1957-  
c: BD581 A25 1996  
r: by David Abram 
p: New York : Pantheon Books, c1996 
e: 1st ed 

s: Human Ecology
t: Earth in the balance: ecology and the human spirit
a: Gore, Al
c: GI41 G67 1992
r: by Al Gore
p: Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992

s: Human ecology
t: The home of man
a: Jackson, Barbara Ward, Lady, 1914-
c: HN18 J23 1976
r: by Lady Barbara Ward Jackson
p: New York: W. W. Norton & Co.

s: Human ecology
t: Thoreau's legacy : American stories about global warming
a: Richard Hayes, ed.
c: QC981.8 G56 T54 2009  
p: Cambridge, Mass. : Union of Concerned Scientists, 2009

s: Human ecology  
t: The spell of the sensuous : perception and language in a more-than-human world 
a: Abram, David, 1957-  
c: BD581 A25 1996  
r: by David Abram 
p: New York : Pantheon Books, c1996 
e: 1st ed 

s: Human ecology -- Developing countries
t: Earth talk; independent voices on the environment
a: Artin, Tom
c: GF51 A77 1973
p: New York: Grossman, 1973

s: Human ecology -- Religious aspects
t: Despair and personal power in the nuclear age
a: Macy, Joanna Rogers, 1929-
c: BL65 A85 M33 1983
r: by Joanna Rogers Macy
p: Phila.: New Society Publishers, 1983

s: Human ecology -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
t: Loving nature : ecological integrity and Christian responsibility
a: Nash, James A.
c: BT695.5 N27 1991
r: by James A. Nash
p: Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991
i: Publications of the Churches' Center for Theology and Public Policy

s: Human ecology - Religious aspects - Christianity
t: Seeking the Kingdom
a: Massey, Marshall, 1949
c: BX7748 N37M37 1989
r: by Marshall Massey
p: Argenta, B.C: Argenta Friends Press, 1990
i: Sunderland P. Gardner Lecture

s: Human ecology -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- Quotations, maxims, etc  
t: The green Bible : New Revised Standard Version 
c: Ref. BT695.5 G75 2008
l: Bible. English. New Revised Standard. 2008  
p: San Francisco, Calif. : HarperOne, 2008 
r: Foreword by Desmond Tutu

s: Human ecology -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends
t: Becoming a friend to the creation: earthcare leaven for Friends and Friends Meetings
c: BX7698 S7 B397 1994
r: ed. by Lisa Lofland Gould
p: Burlington, Vt.: Friends Committee on Unity With Nature, 1994 

s: Human ecology -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends
t: Earthcare for Friends : a study guide for individuals and faith communities 
    Society of Friends -- Adult education
c: BX7748 N3 E37 2004  
r: ed. by Louis Cox, Ingrid Fabianson, Sandra Moon Farley, Ruah Swennerfelt
p: Burlington, Vt.. : Quaker Earthcare Witness, 2004

s: Human ecology--Religious aspects
t: The barn at the end of the world : The Apprenticeship of a Quaker, Buddhist Spepherd
2 copies
a: O'Reilley, Mary Rose
c: BQ5480 F37 O74 2000
r: by Mary Rose O'Reilley
p: Minneapolis: Milkweed Editions, 2000

s: Human Ecology--Religious Aspects--Society of Friends
t: Caring for creation : reflections on the Biblical Basis of Earthcare
a: Gould, Lisa Lofland
c: BX7748 E4 G6 1999
r: by Lisa Lofland Gould
p: Burlington, Vt.: Friends Community on Unity with Nature, 1999

s: Human rights -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends -- History 
t: Black fire : African American Quakers on spirituality and human rights 
c: BX7791 B64 2011  
r: ed. by Harold D. Weaver, Jr., Paul Kriese, and Stephen W. Angell, with Anne Steere Nash ; foreword by Emma Lapsansky-Werner 
p: Philadelphia : Quaker Press of Friends General Conference, 2011 

s: Humanism
t: A theology of human hope
a: Alves, Rubem A., 1933-
c: BT810.2 A55 1969
r: by Rubem A. Alves
p: Corpus Books

s: Humanism, Religious.
t: Godless for God's sake : nontheism in contemporary Quakerism 
a: Boulton, David.    
c: BX7775 N6 B6 2006
r: by 27 Quaker nontheists; ed. by David Boulton.  
p: Dent, Cumbria [U.K.] : Dales Historical Monographs, [2006]

s: Humanists -- Netherlands -- Correspondence
t: Christian Humanism and the Reformation
a: Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536
c: BR75 E743

s: Hunger
t: Ending hunger : The time to begin is now
c: HV696 F6E53 1985
p: New York: Praeger, 1985

s: Hunger
t: The geography of hunger
a: Castro, Josue de, 1908-1973
c: TX353 C3
r: foreword by Lord Boyd-Orr
p: Boston: Little, Brown, 1952
n: tr. of: Geografia da fome

s: Hunger Project
t: Ending hunger : The time to begin is now
c: HV696 F6E53 1985
p: New York: Praeger, 1985

s: Hunger relief
t: Ending hunger: an idea whose time has come
c: HV696 F6 E53 1985
r: the Hunger Project
p: New York: Praeger, 1985

s: Hunt, Nathan, 1758-1853
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief biographical sketches concerning certain members of the Religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.1
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Hunt, Nathan, 1758-1853
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief biographical sketches concerning certain members of the Religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.1
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Hutterian Brethren
t: The joyful community: an account of the Bruderhof, a communal movement now in its third generation
a: Zablocki, Benjamin David, 1941-
c: HX656 B85 Z3
r: by Benjamin David Zablocki
p: Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1971

s: Hutterite Brethren -- Doctrines
t: Account of our religion, doctrine, and faith
a: Riedemann, Peter, 1506-1556
c: BX8129 H8 R513
r: by Peter Rideman
p: England: Hodder and Stoughton, [1950]

s: Hymns, English
t: Songs of the spirit
a: Norton, Janet
c: BX7738 F85 1978
p: Friends General Conference, Religious Education Committee, [1978]
r: illustrated by Jean Price Norman

s: Idealism
t: A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge
a: Berkeley, George
c: B1331 T8 1957
r: ed. with introduction by Colin M. Turbayne
p: Liberal Arts Press

s: Idealism
t: Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous
a: Berkeley, George
c: B1336 M3 1954
p: Liberal Arts Press

s: Idolatry
t: Unmasking the idols : a journey among Friends
a: Gwyn, Douglas, 1948-
c: BX7731.2 G89 1989
r: by Douglas Gwyn
p: Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, c1989

s: Immortality
t: Spirit in Man
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BD421 J6 1941
r: by Rufus M. Jones, forward by David Elton Trueblood
p: Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1941

s: Immortality
t: The meaning of immortality in human experience
a: Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966
c: BD421 H62 1957
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958
r: by William Ernest Hocking

s: Immortality
t: The witness to immortality in literature, philosophy and life
a: Gordon, George A. (George Angier), 1853-1929
c: BT921 G6W
r: by George A. Gordon
p: Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, and co., 1897

s: Immortality
t: The witness to immortality in literature, philosophy and life
a: Gordon, George A. (George Angier), 1853-1929 
c: BT921 G6
r: by George A. Gordon
p: New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1897

s: Imperialism  
t: A hole in the world : an unfolding story of war, protest, and the new American order 
a: Schell, Jonathan, 1943- 
c: HV6432 S355 2004
r: Jonathan Schell 
p: New York : Nation Books, c2004 

s: Imprisonment--United States
t: The perpetual prisoner machine : how America profits from crime
a: Dyer, Joel
c: HV9950 D94 2000
r: by Joel Dyer
p: Boulder: Westview Press, 2000

s: Income distribution -- United States
t: Jobs, income, and work: ruinous trends, urgent alternatives
a: Sklar, Holly
c: BX7641 S628 J62 1995
p: Philadelphia: American Friends Service Committee, 1995
r: by Holly Sklar

s: Income tax -- United States
t: The cold war and the income tax, a protest
a: Wilson, Edmund, 1895-1972
c: HJ4653 E75 W5
p: New York: Farrar, Straus, 1963

s: India -- Biography
t: Gandhi, the man
a: Eswaran, Eknath
c: DS481 G3 B54 1973
r: by Eknath Eswaran
p: San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1973

s: India -- Biography
t: Gandhi, the man
a: Eswaran, Eknath
c: DS481 G3 B54 1973
r: by Eknath Eswaran
p: San Francisco: Glide Publications, 1973

s: India -- Politics and government. -- 1919-
t: The case for India
a: Durant, Will, 1885-
c: DS480.45 D93
r: by Will Durant
p: New York: Simon and Schuster, 1930

s: India -- Politics and government -- 1919-1947
t: Mahatma Gandhi: the man who became one with the universal being
a: Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944
c: DS481 G3 R6
p: New York: The Century Co., 1924
r: by Romain Rolland, tr. by Catherine D. Groth

s: India -- Politics and government -- 1919-1947  
t: Gandhi on non-violence : selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's Non-violence in peace and war 
a: Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948  
c: JX1967 G18 G2 1965 
r: edited, with an introduction by Thomas Merton 
p: New York : New Directions Press, 1965 
l: Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968 

s: India -- Religion
t: Christ at the round table
a: Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley), 1884-1973
c: BR127 J6
p: New York: Abingdon Press [c1928]
r: by Stanley Jones

s: India--Economic conditions--1947-
t: Gandhi today: a report on Mahatma Gandhi's successors
a: Shepard, Mark, 1950-
c: HN683.5 S54
r: Mark Shepard, 1950-
p: Arcata, Calif: Simple Productions

s: Indiana -- Fiction
t: The friendly persuasion
2 copies
a: West, Jessamyn
c: PS3545 E8315 F7
p: N.Y.: Harcourt, Brace & Company, 1945

s: Indians -- Religion  
t: Sacred sites, sacred places 
c: BL580 S24 1994  
r: edited by David L. Carmichael ... [et al.] 
p: London ; New York : Routledge, 1994 
l: World Archaeological Congress (2nd : 1990 : Barquisimeto, Venezuela) 
i: Series One world archaeology ; 23 

s: Indians of North America -- Government relations 
t: With good intentions : Quaker work among the Pawnees, Otos, and Omahas in the 1870s 
a: Milner, Clyde A., 1948- 
c: BX7644 M659 W82 1982
r: by Clyde A. Milner II 
p: Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c1982

s: Indians of North America -- Government relations -- 1869-1934  
t: Our red brothers and the peace policy of President Ulysses S. Grant 
a: Tatum, Lawrie  
c: E93 T22 1970 
p: Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [1970] 

s: Indians of North America -- Missions  
t: Our red brothers and the peace policy of President Ulysses S. Grant 
a: Tatum, Lawrie  
c: E93 T22 1970 
p: Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [1970] 

s: Indians of North America -- Sexual behavior
t: The spirit and the flesh: sexual diversity in American Indian culture
a: Williams, Walter L., 1948-
c: E98 S48 W551 1986
r: by Walter L. Williams
p: Boston: Beacon Press, 1986

s: Indians of North America -- West (U.S.) -- Kings and rulers -- Biography
t: The memoirs of Chief Red Fox
a: Red Fox, Chief, b. 1870
c: E90 R4 A3
r: with an introd. by Cash Asher
p: New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., c1971
n: autographed

s: India--Politics and government--20th century
t: Nonviolent soldier of Islam : Badshah Kahn, a man to match his mountains
a: Easwaran, Eknath
c: DS481 K42 E27 1999 
r: by Eknath Easwaran
p: Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Press

s: India--Social conditions--1947-
t: Gandhi today: a report on Mahatma Gandhi's successors
a: Shepard, Mark, 1950-
c: HN683.5 S54
r: Mark Shepard, 1950-
p: Arcata, Calif: Simple Productions

s: Individualism  
t: The challenge to liberty 
a: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964  
c: JC599 U5 H6 1934
r: by Herbert Hoover 
p: New York ; London : Scribner's, 1934 

s: Industrial Revolution - England
t: Coalbrookdale and the Darby family : the story of the world's first industrial dynasty
a: Thomas, Emyr
c: BX7698 B92 D21 1999
r: by Emyr Thomas 
p: York, England: Sessions Book Trust, c1999

s: Industrialists--United States--Biography
t: Joseph Wharton : Quaker industrial pioneer
a: Yates, Willard Ross
c: HC102.5 W47 Y38 1987
r: by W. Ross Yates
p: Bethlehem: Lehigh University Press, 1987

s: Infants -- Care -- China -- Tibet
t: The Tibetan art of parenting : from before conception through early childhood
a: Maiden, Anne Hubbell
c: GT2465 C6 M35 1997
r: by Anne Hubbell Maiden and Edie Farwell
p: Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 1997

s: Inner Light
t: Reality of the spiritual world and the gathered meeting
a: Kelly, Thomas Raymond, 1893-1941
c: BX7748 H7K3
r: by Thomas Kelly
p: London: Quaker Home Service, 1996
l: The gathered meeting

s: Inner Light
t: The inner light and modern thought
a: Hibbert, Gerald Kenway, 1872-1957
c: BX7632 S9 1924
r: by Gerald Kenway Hibbert
i: Swarthmore Lecture, 1924
p: London: The Swarthmore Press, 1924

s: Institute for Earth Education
t: The earth speaks : an acclimatization journal
a: Van Matre, Steve, ed.
c: PN6071 M3 E27 1983
r: edited by Steve Van Matre & Bill Weiler
l: Weiler, Bill. ed.
p: Warrenville, IL: The Institute For Earth Education, 1983

s: Integrated Housing
t: Because it is right: integration in housing
a: Hecht, James L.
c: E185.89 H6 H4 1970
r: by James L. Hecht
p: Boston: Little, Brown, 1970

s: Intelligence service -- United States
t: The police threat to political liberty; discoveries and and actions of the AFSC Program on government surveillance and citizens rights
a: American Friends Service Committee
c: HV8138 F73 1979
p: Philadelphia: AFSC, 1979

s: Intercultural education - internationalism 
t: Building a Global Civic Culture : Education for an interdependent world
a: Boulding, Elise
c: LC1099 B68 1990
r: by Elise Boulding
p: Syracuse, NY:, Syracuse University Press, 1988

s: Interdenominational cooperation  
t: Creating the beloved community : a journey with the Fellowship of Reconciliation 
a: Dekar, Paul R  
c: JZ5520.5 F44 2005
r: by Paul R. Dekar ; foreword by Donald B. Kraybill ; preface by Pat Clark 
p: Telford, Pa. : Cascadia Pub. House ; Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, c2005 

s: Interdenominational cooperation  
t: Then and now : Quaker essays historical and contemporary 
c: BX7632 B81 T3 1960 
r: by friends of Henry Joel Cadbury, on his completion of twenty-two years as chairman of the American Friends Service Committee 
p: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [1960] 

s: Intergenerational relations -- Study and teaching  
t: Build it! a toolkit for nurturing intergenerational spiritual community 
a: Friends General Conference. Youth Ministries Program
c: BX7698 M5 B89 2011
p: Philadelphia, PA : Friends General Conference, 2011 

s: Intergenerational relations -- Study and teaching  
t: Build it! a toolkit for nurturing intergenerational spiritual community 
a: Friends General Conference. Youth Ministries Program
c: BX7698 M5 B89 2011
p: Philadelphia, PA : Friends General Conference, 2011 

s: Internation Commission for the assistance of Child Refugees
t: Quaker service in modern war
2 copies
a: Kershner, Howard Eldred, 1891-
c: BX7755 K43 Q2
p: New York: Prentice-Hall, 1950

s: International agencies
t: Building the institutions of peace
2 copies
a: Wood, John Duncan, 1910-
c: BX7624 S96 1962
p: London: Allen & Unwin, 1962
i: Swarthmore lecture, 1962

s: International agencies
t: International social welfare
a: Friedlander, Walter A.
c: HV41 F67 1974
r: Walter A. Friedlander
p: Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc

s: International business enterprises -- Moral and ethical aspects
t: Corporations are gonna get your mama : globalization and the downsizing of the American dream
a: Danaher, Kevin, ed.
c: Con. HD2755.5 C654 1997
r: edited by Kevin Danaher
p: Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1997

s: International cooperation
t: Christian internationalism
a: Merrill, William Pierson (1867 - )
c: JX1966 M45
r: by William Pierson Marrill
p: New York: MacMillan Co., 1919

s: International cooperation
t: The united nations of the world : a treatise on how to win the peace
a: Muzumdar, Haridas Thakordas
c: JC361 M99
r: by Haridas T. Muzumdar
p: New York: Universal publishing co., [1944]

s: International economic relations
t: The common good
a: Chomsky, Noam
c: HN18 C38835 1998
p: Monroe, ME: Odonian Press, 1998
l: Barsamian, David

s: International economic relations 
t: The new international economic order : the promise and the reality
a: Minault, Sylvain
c: Pam. HF1411 F75 
r: by Sylvain Minault
p: Edinburgh: Friends World Committee for Consultation, n.d.
l: Friends World Committee for Consultation. European and Near East Section

s: International education  
t: Education and peace 
a: Montessori, Maria, 1870-1952  
c: JX1955.M6 E3
r: by Maria Montessori  
p: Chicago: H. Regnery, [1972] 
n: Translation of Educazione e pace, published by Garzanti Editore, Italy, 1949 

s: International Fellowship of Reconciliation
t: Earth talk; independent voices on the environment
a: Artin, Tom
c: GF51 A77 1973
p: New York: Grossman, 1973

s: International Fellowship of Reconciliation -- History  
t: Creating the beloved community : a journey with the Fellowship of Reconciliation 
a: Dekar, Paul R  
c: JZ5520.5 F44 2005
r: by Paul R. Dekar ; foreword by Donald B. Kraybill ; preface by Pat Clark 
p: Telford, Pa. : Cascadia Pub. House ; Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, c2005 

s: International organization
t: The west at bay
a: Ward, Barbara, 1914-
c: D843 W35
r: by Barbara Ward
p: New York: W. W. Norton, 1948

s: International relations
t: God and the nations
a: Poling, Paul Newton, ed
c: JX1395 P6
p: Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1950

s: International relations
t: Quaker ways in foreign policy
a: Byrd, Robert O. (1916 - )
c: BX7748 P7 B9
r: by Robert O. Byrd
p: Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1960

s: International relations
t: The politics of peace
a: Bailey, Gerald
c: BX7698 W2 B227 1963
p: Earlham College Press
r: by George Bailey

s: International relations
t: The use of force in international affairs: a study in coercion and restraint, some conditions, and some alterations
a: Friends Peace Committee
c: JX4471 F67 1961
r: Prepared by a working party of Friends Peace Committee
p: Philadelphia: The Committee, 1961

s: International relations
t: The use of force in international affairs: a study in coercion and restraint, some conditions, and some alterations
a: Friends Peace Committee
c: Pam. JX4471 F67 1961
r: Prepared by a working party of Friends Peace Committee
p: Philadelphia: The Committee, 1961

s: International relations -- Research
t: Stable peace
a: Boulding, Kenneth Ewart, 1910-
c: BX7746 B525 S77
r: Kenneth E. Boulding
p: Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 1978

s: International relations and culture
t: Cultures of peace ; the hidden side of history
a: Boulding, Elise
c: JZ5538 B68 2000
r: by Elise Boulding
p: Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2000
i: Syracuse Studies on Peace and Conflict Resolution

s: International relations World politics -- 1945- 
t: Nonalignment 
a: Burton, John W. (John Wear), 1915- 
c: BX7797.2 P3 B975 1966
r: edited by J. W. Burton, foreword by Kenneth Kaunda 
p: London: Deutsch, 1966
n: Papers from a series of discussions held by the Friends Peace and International Relations Committee in London, 1963

s: Interpersonal communication
t: Difficult conversations : how to discuss what matters most
a: Stone, Douglas
c: BF637 C45 S78 1999
r: by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, Sheila Heen
p: New York: Viking, 1999
l: Patton Bruce
l: Heen, Sheila

s: Interpersonal conflict  
t: Everyone can win : how to resolve conflict 
a: Cornelius, Helene  
c: BX7698 N6 C81 2006
r: by Helena Cornelius and Shoshana Faire 
p: Roseville, N.S.W. : Simon & Schuster, Australia, 1991, c1989 
e: 2nd ed.
l: Faire, Shoshana 

s: Interpersonal conflict  
t: The mediator's handbook 
a: Beer, Jennifer E.  
c: HM 136 B43 1997
r: Jennifer E. Beer with Eileen Stief ; developed by Friends Conflict Resolution Programs 
p: Gabriola Island, BC : New Society Publishers, c1997 
e: Rev. and expanded 3rd ed 

s: Interpersonal Relations
t: Solitude : a return to the self
a: Storr, Anthony
c: BF637 S64 S65 1989
p: New York: Ballantine Books, 1989
r: by Anthony Storr

s: Interpersonal relations
t: The 10 lenses : your guide to living & working in a multicultural world
2 copies
a: Williams, Mark A., 1948-
c: HF5549.5 M5 W55 2001
r: by Mark A. Williams
p: Herndon, Va. : Capital Books, Inc., c2001

s: Interpersonal relations  
t: Everyone can win : how to resolve conflict 
a: Cornelius, Helene  
c: BX7698 N6 C81 2006
r: by Helena Cornelius and Shoshana Faire 
p: Roseville, N.S.W. : Simon & Schuster, Australia, 1991, c1989 
e: 2nd ed.
l: Faire, Shoshana 

s: Interpersonal relations -- Study and teaching
t: A manual on nonviolence and children
c: JX1955 M26
r: comp. and ed. by Stephanie Judson; ill. by Meg Richardson
p: Philadelphia: Nonviolence and Children Program, Friends Peace Committee, c1977

s: Interpersonal relations -- Study and teaching 
t: A manual on nonviolence and children 
a: Judson, Stephanie, compl. 
c: BX7698 N6 M29  
r: comp. and ed. by Stephanie Judson
p: Philadelphia : Nonviolence and Children Program, Friends Peace Committee, c1977

s: Intervention (International law)  
t: Discussing alternatives to military intervention : reports from a Quaker seminar in London, October 2000  
a: Friends House (London, England)  
c: BX7748.7 D57 2002 
p: London: Quaker Books, 2002

s: Iraq
t: Battlefield without borders 
a: Smith-Ferri, David, 1960-  
c: PS35 P43 2007
r: by David Smith-Ferri 
p: Athol, Mass.: Haleyís, c2007 

s: Iraq War, 2003- -- Chaplains -- Biography  
t: Heaven in the midst of hell : a Quaker chaplain's view of the war in Iraq 
a: Snively, Sheri  
c: DS79.76 S65 2010
r: stories and photographs by Sheri Snively ; foreword by James N. Mattis 
p: Jamul, Calif. : Raven Oaks Press, c2010 

s: Iraq War, 2003 -- Moral and ethical aspects  
t: A hole in the world : an unfolding story of war, protest, and the new American order 
a: Schell, Jonathan, 1943- 
c: HV6432 S355 2004
r: Jonathan Schell 
p: New York : Nation Books, c2004 

s: Iraq War, 2003- -- Personal narratives, American  
t: Heaven in the midst of hell : a Quaker chaplain's view of the war in Iraq 
a: Snively, Sheri  
c: DS79.76 S65 2010
r: stories and photographs by Sheri Snively ; foreword by James N. Mattis 
p: Jamul, Calif. : Raven Oaks Press, c2010 

s: Iraq War, 2003- -- Pictorial works  
t: Heaven in the midst of hell : a Quaker chaplain's view of the war in Iraq 
a: Snively, Sheri  
c: DS79.76 S65 2010
r: stories and photographs by Sheri Snively ; foreword by James N. Mattis 
p: Jamul, Calif. : Raven Oaks Press, c2010 

s: Ireland --Religious life and customs 
t: Living between worlds : place and journey in Celtic spirituality 
a: Sheldrake, Philip
c: BR737 C4 S44 1995 
r: by Philip Sheldrake. 
p: Cambridge, Mass. : Cowley Publications, [1996] 

s: Iron industry and trade
t: Coalbrookdale and the Darby family : the story of the world's first industrial dynasty
a: Thomas, Emyr
c: BX7698 B92 D21 1999
r: by Emyr Thomas 
p: York, England: Sessions Book Trust, c1999

s: Ishi, d. 1915
t: Ishi, Last of His Tribe
a: Kroeber, Theodora
c: E90 I8 K72
r: by Theodora Kroeber, drawings by Ruth Robbins
p: Berkeley, CA: Parnassus Press, 1964

s: Islam
t: The complete idiot's guide to understanding Islam  
a: Emerick, Yahiya  
c: BP161.2 E47 2002
r: by Yahiya Emerick 
p: Indianapolis, IN : Alpha, c2002 
l: Understanding Islam 

s: Islam
t: The Muslim World
a: Turner, Colin
c: DS35.6 T1 2000
r: by Colin Turner
p: Pheonix Mill, Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing, 2000
i: Sutton Pockct Histories

s: Islam
t: What everyone should know about Islam and Muslims 
a: Haneef, Suzanne.
c: BP161.2 H25 1996 
r: by Suzanne Haneef.
e: 14th ed.
p: Chicago, IL : Library of Islam, c1996.

s: Islam  
t: Islam 
a: Williams, John Alden, ed  
c: BP161.2 W5 1961  
p: New York, G. Braziller, 1961 
i: Great religions of modern man  

s: Islam  
t: On being a Muslim : finding a religious path in the world today 
a: Esack, Farid  
c: BP161.2 E83 1999  
r: by Farid Esack 
p: Oxford ; Boston : Oneworld, c1999 

s: Islam  
t: The house of Islam 
a: Cragg, Kenneth  
c: BP161.2 C72  
p: Belmont, Calif., Dickenson Pub. Co. [1969] 
i: The Religious life of man  

s: Islam -- 20th century  
t: On being a Muslim : finding a religious path in the world today 
a: Esack, Farid  
c: BP161.2 E83 1999  
r: by Farid Esack 
p: Oxford ; Boston : Oneworld, c1999 

s: Islam -- Doctrines  
t: On being a Muslim : finding a religious path in the world today 
a: Esack, Farid  
c: BP161.2 E83 1999  
r: by Farid Esack 
p: Oxford ; Boston : Oneworld, c1999 

s: Islam - relations - Christianity
t: Striving Together : A way forward in Christian-Muslim relations
a: Kimball, Charles
c: BP172 K63 1990
r: by Charles Kimball
p: Maryknoll, NY:, Orbis Books, 1990

s: Islam -- University
t: Islam and world peace: explanations of a Sufi
3 copies
a: Muhaiyaddeen, M. R. Bawa
c: P170.8 M83 1986
p: Philadelphia: The Fellowship Press, 1986
r: by M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

s: Israel  
t: The transformation of the Jews 
a: Goldscheider, Calvin  
c: DS143 G615 1984
r: Calvin Goldscheider and Alan S. Zuckerman 
p: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1986, c1984 
i: Chicago studies in the history of Judaism  
l: Entry Zuckerman, Alan S., 1945-  

s: Israel-Arab War, 1967 -- Occupied territories
t: Political perceptions of the Palestinians on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
a: Lesch, Ann Mosely
c: DS127.6 O3 L47
r: by Ann Mosely Lesch
p: Washington, DC: Middle East Institute, 1980

s: Israel--Foreign relations--United States
t: They dare to speak out
a: Findley, Paul, 1921-
c: E183.8 I7 F56
r: By Paul Findley
p: Westport, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill & Co.

s: Israel--Religion--20th century
t: Caught in between: The story of an Arab Palestinian Christian Israeli
a: Abu El-Assal, Riah, 1937 
c: DS113.7 A545 1999
r: by Riah Abu El-Assal
p: London: SPCK, 1999

s: Jackson, Elmore, 1910-  
t: Witness for humanity : a biography of Clarence E. Pickett 
a: Miller, Lawrence McK  
c: BX7795 P55 M55 1999  
r: by Lawrence McK. Miller 
p: Wallingford, Pa. : Pendle Hill Publications, 1999 

s: Japan -- Social life and customs
t: Windows for the Crown Prince
2 copies
a: Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 1902-
c: DS889 V5
p: Philadelphia: Lippincott [1952]
r: by Elizabeth Gray Vining

s: Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945
t: The evacuation diary of Hatsuye Egami
a: Egami, Hatsuye, 1902-
c: D769.8 A6 E32 1995
r: ed. with intro by Claire Gorfinkel, tr. by James Sakoda
p: Pasadena, CA: Intentional Productions, 1995
n: photos by Lucile Fessenden Dandelet

s: Jaspers, Karl, 1883-1969
t: Friends and Truth
a: Ullmann, Richard Karl, 1904-1963
c: BX7759 U42 F9
r: by Richard K. Ullmann
p: London: Friends Home Service Committee, 1955

s: Jenkins, Charles Francis, 1869-1934   
t: The boyhood of an inventor 
a: Jenkins, Charles Francis, 1869-1934  
c: BX7796 J51 A2  
r: [by] C. Francis Jenkins 
p: Nabu Public Domain Reprints
n: originally published, Washington, D.C. : [National Capital Press], 1931 

s: Jenkins, James, 1753-1831  
t: Dear Friends and brethren : 25 short biographies of Quaker men
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7792 S64 2000 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 2000
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Jesus Christ 
t: What Jesus means to me : Jesus the liberator
a: Wilson, R. (Roger), 1906-
c: Pam. BX7624 J27 1981
r: by Roger C. Wilson
p: Philadelphia: Wider Quaker Fellowship, 1983
l: Wider Quaker Fellowship. Friends World Committee
i: James Backhouse Lecture, 1981 

s: Jesus Christ  
t: The story of Yeshaua (or as he is otherwise known, Jesus of Galilee, or Jesus of Nazareth)
a: Berg, Miriam
c: BT199 S84 1990  
p: Berkeley: by the author, 1990
r: by Miriam Berg

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography
t: Jesus, man of genius
a: Murry, John Middleton, 1889-1957
c: BT304 M9
p: New York: Harper & Brothers [1926]
r: by J. Middleton Murry

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography
t: The life of Jesus
a: Renan, Ernest, 1823-1892
c: BT301 R4
p: New York: G.W. Dillingham, 1891
r: by Ernest Renan, tr. by Charles Edwin Wilbour

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography
t: The Man from heaven
a: Garrett, Alfred Cope, 1867-1946
c: BX7750 G18 M26
p: Philadelphia: Eagle Press [1939]
r: by Alfred Cope Garrett

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography
t: The Man from Nazareth as his contemporaries saw Him
a: Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 1878-1969
c: BT303 F62
r: by Harry Fosdick Emerson
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, 1945

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography
t: The man of Galilee, a new life of Jesus
a: Putney, Max C. 1893-
c: BT301 P88
r: by Max C. Putney
p: New York: Exposition Press, 1955
n: signed by the author to Friends' Meeting of Berkeley

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography.
t: The sexuality of Jesus: theological and literary perspectives
a: Phipps, William E
c: BL65 S4 P2 
r: by William E Phipps 
p: New York, Harper & Row [1973] 

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography -- Sources, Biblical
t: Jesus as teacher
a: Sharman, Henry Burton, comp.
c: BS2560 S46
r: by Henry Burton Sharman
p: Palo Alto, CA: Sequoia Seminar Foundation, 1935

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography -- Sources, Biblical
t: Jesus as teacher
a: Sharman, Henry Burton, comp.
c: BT299 S4
r: by Henry Burton Sharman
p: New York: Harper [c1935]

s: Jesus Christ -- Biography -- Sources, Biblical
t: Records of the life of Jesus
3 copies
a: Sharman, Henry Burton
c: BS2560 S43 1917
r: by Henry Burton Sharman
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, c1917

s: Jesus Christ -- Character
t: Witness to the truth: Christ and his interpreters
a: Hamilton, Edith, 1867-1963
c: BT304 H23 1957
p: New York: W. W. Norton [1957]
r: by Edith Hamilton

s: Jesus Christ -- Devotional literature
t: The Tao of Jesus : a book of days for the natural year
a: Butcher, John Beverley, compl.
c: BV4810 T35 1994
r: compiled by John Beverley Butcher
p: New York: HarperCollins, 1994

s: Jesus Christ -- Devotional literature
t: The Tao of Jesus : a book of days for the natural year
a: Butcher, John Beverley, compl.
c: BV4810 T35 1994
r: compiled by John Beverley Butcher
p: New York: HarperCollins, 1994

s: Jesus Christ -- Friends and associates. 
t: Jesus & the riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls : unlocking the secrets of His life story
a: Thiering, Barbara Elizabeth 
c: BT202 T465 1992
r: by Barbara Thiering
p: [San Francisco, Calif.] : HarperSanFrancisco, ©1992 

s: Jesus Christ -- Historicity. 
t: The great deception : and what Jesus really said and did 
a: L¸demann, Gerd. 
c: BT303.2 L83 1999
r: by Gerd L¸demann. 
p: Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1999. 

s: Jesus Christ -- Historicity  
t: The historic and the inward Christ : a study in Quaker thought 
a: Grubb, Edward, 1854-1939  
c: BX7624 S96 1914  
r: by Edward Grubb
p: London : Published for the Woodbrooke Extension Committee by Headley Brothers, 1914 
i: Swarthmore lecture ; 1914  

s: Jesus Christ -- History of doctrines -- Early church, ca. 30-600
t: Luke's story of Jesus
a: Edwards, O. C. (Otis Carl), 1928-
c: BT198 E32 1986
p: Philadelphia: Fortress Press
r: by O.C. Edwards, Jr.

s: Jesus Christ -- Jewish interpretations
t: Two types of faith
a: Buber, Martinm 1878-1965
c: BM535 B813 1961
r: by Martin Buber, tr. by Norman E. Goldhawk
p: New York: Harper & Row, 1961

s: Jesus Christ -- Jewish interpretations. 
t: The gospel according to Jesus : a new translation and guide to his essential teachings for believers and unbelievers 
a: Mitchell, Stephen, 1943- 
c: BT306 M55 1991
r: by Stephen Mitchell. 
e: 1st ed. 
p: New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, c1991. 
l: Bible. N.T. Gospels. English. Selections. 1991. 

s: Jesus Christ -- Person and offices
t: Twenty Questions about Jesus
2 copies
a: Lampen, John
c: BX7748 J6 L25 1985
r: by John Lampen
p: London: Quaker Home Service, 1985

s: Jesus Christ -- Person and offices. 
t: Jesus & the riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls : unlocking the secrets of His life story
a: Thiering, Barbara Elizabeth 
c: BT202 T465 1992
r: by Barbara Thiering
p: [San Francisco, Calif.] : HarperSanFrancisco, ©1992 

s: Jesus Christ -- Rationalistic interpretations. 
t: The gospel according to Jesus : a new translation and guide to his essential teachings for believers and unbelievers 
a: Mitchell, Stephen, 1943- 
c: BT306 M55 1991
r: by Stephen Mitchell. 
e: 1st ed. 
p: New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, c1991. 
l: Bible. N.T. Gospels. English. Selections. 1991. 

s: Jesus Christ -- Teachings
t: Jesus and the disinherited
a: Thurman, Howard, 1900-1981
c: BS2417 S7 T5 1949 
r: by Howard Thurman
p: New York, Abingdon-Cokesbury Press [1949]

s: Jesus Christ -- Teachings
t: Jesus and the disinherited
a: Thurman, Howard, 1900-1981
c: BS2417.S7 T5  
r: by Howard Thurman
p: New York, Abingdon-Cokesbury Press [1949]

s: Jesus Christ -- Teachings
t: Jesus and the word
a: Bultmann, Rudolf
c: BS2415 B93 1958
r: by Rudolf Bultmann, tr. by Louise Pettibone Smith and Erminie Huntress Lantero
p: New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958

s: Jesus Christ -- Teachings
t: Jesus as teacher
a: Sharman, Henry Burton, comp.
c: BS2560 S46
r: by Henry Burton Sharman
p: Palo Alto, CA: Sequoia Seminar Foundation, 1935

s: Jesus Christ -- Teachings
t: Jesus as teacher
a: Sharman, Henry Burton, comp.
c: BT299 S4
r: by Henry Burton Sharman
p: New York: Harper [c1935]

s: Jesus Christ - Teachings
t: The simple life; the Christian stance toward possessions
a: Eller, Vernard
c: BJ1496 E36
r: by Vernard Eller
p: Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1973

s: Jesus Christ -- Words
t: Jesus and Buddha: the parallel sayings
c: BT306 J47 1997
r: ed. by Marcus Borg and Ray Riegert
p: Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press, 1997

s: Jesus Christ -- Words. 
t: The gospel according to Jesus : a new translation and guide to his essential teachings for believers and unbelievers 
a: Mitchell, Stephen, 1943- 
c: BT306 M55 1991
r: by Stephen Mitchell. 
e: 1st ed. 
p: New York, N.Y. : HarperCollins, c1991. 
l: Bible. N.T. Gospels. English. Selections. 1991. 

s: Jesus Christ -- Words. 
t: The great deception : and what Jesus really said and did 
a: L¸demann, Gerd. 
c: BT303.2 L83 1999
r: by Gerd L¸demann. 
p: Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 1999. 

s: Jesus Christ Person and Offices
t: Women and the Word : The gender of God in the New Testament and the spirituality of women
a: Schneiders, Sandra Marie
c: BT153 M6 S36 1968
p: New York: Paulist Press
r: by Sandra Marie Schneiders

s: Jesus Christ Person and offices
t: Women and the word : the gender of God in the new testament and the spirituality of women
a: Schneiders, Sandra Marie
c: BT153 M6 S36 1986
r: by Sandra M. Schneiders
p: N.Y.: Paulist Press, 1986
n: 1986 Madaleva Lecture in spirituality

s: Jesus Christ --Person and offices. 
t: Women and the word : the gender of God in the New Testament and the spirituality of women 
a: Schneiders, Sandra Marie 
c: BT153 M6 S35 1986
r: Sandra M. Schneiders. 
p: New York : Paulist Press, c1986. 
i: Madeleva lecture in spirituality ; 1986 

s: Jesus Christ--Biography.
t: Jesus : a life
a: Wilson, A. N., 1950
c: BT301.2 W525 1993
r: by A. N. Wilson
p: New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1993

s: Jesus Christ--Biography
t: The life of Jesus
2 copies
a: Craveri, Marcello
c: BT301.2 C713 1967
r: by Marcello Craveri
p: New York: Grove Press, 1967

s: Jesus Christ--Buddhist interpretations
t: Living Buddah, living Christ
a: Hanh, Thich Nhat
c: BR128 B8 N43 1995
r: by Thich Nhat Hanh
p: New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons

s: Jesus Christ--Historicity.
t: Jesus : a life
a: Wilson, A. N., 1950
c: BT301.2 W525 1993
r: by A. N. Wilson
p: New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1993

s: Jesus prayer  
t: The way of a pilgrim ; and, The pilgrim continues his way 
c: BX382 O8513 1960
r: trans. from the Russian by R.M. French 
l: French, R. M. (Reginald Michael), b. 1884  
p: London: S.P.C.K., 1960

s: Jewish-Arab relations
t: Search for peace in the Middle East
a: American Friends Service Committee
c: DS119.7 F9 1971
e: rev. ed.
p: New York: Hill and Wang, 1971

s: Jewish-Arab relations
t: Search for Peace in the Middle East: a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee
c: BX7698 W2 S43 1971
e: revised ed.
p: New York: Fawcett World Library, 1970

s: Jews -- Cultural assimilation  
t: The transformation of the Jews 
a: Goldscheider, Calvin  
c: DS143 G615 1984
r: Calvin Goldscheider and Alan S. Zuckerman 
p: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1986, c1984 
i: Chicago studies in the history of Judaism  
l: Entry Zuckerman, Alan S., 1945-  

s: Jews -- History -- 1789-1945  
t: The transformation of the Jews 
a: Goldscheider, Calvin  
c: DS143 G615 1984
r: Calvin Goldscheider and Alan S. Zuckerman 
p: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1986, c1984 
i: Chicago studies in the history of Judaism  
l: Entry Zuckerman, Alan S., 1945-  

s: Jews -- History -- 1945-  
t: The transformation of the Jews 
a: Goldscheider, Calvin  
c: DS143 G615 1984
r: Calvin Goldscheider and Alan S. Zuckerman 
p: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1986, c1984 
i: Chicago studies in the history of Judaism  
l: Entry Zuckerman, Alan S., 1945-  

s: Jews -- History -- To 70 A.D  
t: The gifts of the Jews : how a tribe of desert nomads changed the way everyone thinks and feels 
a: Cahill, Thomas  
c: BM165 C25 1998  
r: by Thomas Cahill 
p: New York : Nan A. Talese, c1998 
i: Cahill, Thomas. Hinges of history ; vol. 2  

s: Jews -- History -- To 70 A.D  
t: Understanding the Old Testament 
a: Anderson, Bernhard W  
c: BS1197 A63 1986 
r: Bernhard W. Anderson 
p: Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall, [1986] 
e: 4th edition

s: Jews -- Persecutions -- Europe -- History
t: Human smoke : the beginnings of World War II, the end of civilization 
1: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
a: Baker, Nicholson 
c: D741 B255 2008
r: by Nicholson Baker
p: New York : Simon & Schuster, 2008
e: 1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed
l: Pickett, Clarence, 1884-1965
l: Walton, George A. (George Arthur), 1883-1969
l: Yarnall, D. Robert (David Robert), 1878-1967

s: Jews --Civilization. 
t: The complete idiotís guide to Jewish history and culture
a: Blech, Benjamin
c: DS102.95 B596 2004
r: by Benjamin Blech. 
p: New York, NY : Alpha Books, c2004

s: Jews --History. 
t: The complete idiotís guide to Jewish history and culture
a: Blech, Benjamin
c: DS102.95 B596 2004
r: by Benjamin Blech. 
p: New York, NY : Alpha Books, c2004

s: Jews in Chambon-le Chateau
t: Lest innocent blood be shed
a: Hallie, Philip Paul
c: DS135 F85 C453 1978
r: by Philip Paul Hallie
p: New York: Harper & Row

s: Job (Biblical figure)
t: The voice out of the whirlwind : the book of Job.
a: Hone, Ralph E., ed.
c: BS1415.2 H6 1960
p: San Fransisco: Chandler Pub. Co. [1960]
r: ed. by Ralph E. Hone
i: Materials for analysis (?)

s: Job satisfaction
t: Do What You Love, the Money Will Follow : Discovering your right livelihood
a: Sinetar, Marsha
c: HF5381.5 S53 1986
r: by Marsha Sinetar
p: New York/Mahwah : Paulist Press, 1987

s: Job satisfaction--United States
t: A great place to work : what makes some employers so good (and most so bad)
a: Levering, Robert, 1944
c: HF5549.2 U5 L385 1988
r: by Robert Levering
p: New York: Random House, 1988

s: Johns Hopkins University -- History  
t: Founded by Friends : the Quaker heritage of fifteen American colleges and universities 
c: LC571 F68 2007
r: ed. by John W. Oliver, Jr., Charles L. Cherry, Caroline L. Cherry 
p: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007 

s: Johnson, Bushrod Rust, 1817-1880 
t: Yankee Quaker, Confederate general : the curious career of Bushrod Rust Johnson 
a: Cummings, Charles M.  
c: BX7753 J63 Z29 1971
r: by Charles M. Cummings 
p: Rutherford [N.J.] : Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, [1971] 

s: Jonah House -- History
t: Of beasts and beastly images: essays under the bomb
a: Berrigan, Philip
c: BT736.6 B47
r: by Philip Berrigan
p: Portland, OR: Sunburst Press, 1978

s: Jones, Christina Hendy
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BR1070 G4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Jones, Christina Hendy
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BX7632 F943 Z4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1818
t: Quaker biographies: brief biographical sketches concerning certain members of the Religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 1 v4
r: With illustrations
p: Philadelphia : For sale at Friends' Book Store, 1916

s: Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1818
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1818
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.3
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1926]

s: Jones, Rebecca, 1739-1818
t: Quaker Biographies, Series II: Brief Biographical sketches concerning certain members of the religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 v.4 
p: Philadelphia: Friends' Book Store [1916]

s: Jones, Rufus M.
t: The power of non-violence
a: Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1855
c: HM 278 G8 1944
n: introduction by Rufus M. Jones.
r: by Richard B. Gregg
p: New York: Fellowship Publications, 1944

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
t: A Rufus Jones companion
c: BX7754 Z93 2001
p: [Wellesley, MA] : Wellesley Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, c2001
n: Companion to the videorecording: Rufus Jones : a luminous life

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
t: Friend of Life: The biography of Rufus M. Jones
6 copies
a: Vining, Elizabeth Gray, b.1902
c: BX7754 Z5 V7 1958
r: by Elizabeth Gray Vining
p: Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1958

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
t: Rufus Jones, master Quaker
a: Hinshaw, David Scull, b.1882
c: BX7796 J75 H6
r: by David Hinshaw
p: N.Y.: Putnam, 1951

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
t: Rufus M. Jones, January 25, 1863-June 16, 1948: In Memoriam
c: BX7796 J75 1950
p: Haverford Pa.: Haverford College, 1950

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
t: The power of non-violence
a: Gregg, Richard Bartlett, 1855
c: HM 278 G8 1944
n: introduction by Rufus M. Jones.
r: by Richard B. Gregg
p: New York: Fellowship Publications, 1944

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
t: The Record of a Quaker Conscience: Cyrus Pringle's Diary
a: Pringle, Cyrus Guernsey, 1838-1911
c: BX7757 P95 A3 1918
n: with introduction by Rufus M. Jones
p: N.Y.: Macmillan, 1918

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 
t: Rufus M. Jones
a: Jones, Mary Hoxie
c: Pam. BX7796 J75 J7 1970
r: by Mary Hoxie Jones
p: London: Friends Home Service Committee, 1970
n: "This edition includes a new preface by Edwin B. Bronner ... also a revised bibliography of Rufus Jones' writings."
i: Quaker biographies

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948  
t: British Quakerism, 1860-1920 : the transformation of a religious community 
a: Kennedy, Thomas C. (Thomas Cummins), 1937-  
c: BX7676.3 K46 2001  
r: by Thomas C. Kennedy 
p: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948  
t: Constructive spirit : Quakers in revolutionary Russia 
a: McFadden, David W  
c: BX7756 M143 C75 2004
r: David McFadden and Claire Gorfinkel; with an overview by Sergei Nikitin  
p: Pasadena, Calif.: Intentional Productions, c2004 

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948  
t: Living in the Light: Some Quaker pioneers of the 20th Century. Vol. I. In the U.S.A.
a: Kenworthy, Leonard Stout, 1912-
c: BX7613 L7675 v.1
p: Kennett Square, Pa: Friends General Conference, 1984
r: ed. by. Leonard S. Kenworthy

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948, ed.
t: The Journal of George Fox
3 copies
a: Fox, George, 1624-1691
c: BX7795 F8 A2 1963
p: New York: Capricorn Books, 1963
r: by George Fox, edited with an introduction and notes by Rufus M. Jones
n: Includes an essay on the influence of the Journal by Henry J. Cadbury

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, ed.
t: Selections from the writings of Clement of Alexandria
a: Clement of Alexandria, Saint, ca. 150 - ca. 215
c: BR65 C6S2 1914
p: London, Headley Brothers [1910]
r: by Clement of Alexandria

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, ed.
t: Selections from the writings of Clement of Alexandria
a: Clement of Alexandria, Saint, ca. 150 - ca. 215
c: BR65 C6S2 1914
p: London, Headley Brothers [1910]
r: by Clement of Alexandria

s: Jones, Rufus Matthew, s1863-1948, ed.
t: The Journal of George Fox
a: Fox, George, 1624-1691
c: BX7795 F8 A2 1963
p: New York: Capricorn Books, 1963
r: by George Fox, edited with an introduction and notes by Rufus M. Jones
n: Includes an essay on the influence of the Journal by Henry J. Cadbury

s: Jones, Thomas Elsa  
t: Living in the Light: Some Quaker pioneers of the 20th Century. Vol. I. In the U.S.A.
a: Kenworthy, Leonard Stout, 1912-
c: BX7613 L7675 v.1
p: Kennett Square, Pa: Friends General Conference, 1984
r: ed. by. Leonard S. Kenworthy

s: Jones, Thomas Elsa, 1888-1973
t: Light on the horizon: the Quaker pilgrimage of Tom Jones
a: Jones, Thomas Elsa, 1888-1973
c: BX7755 J73 A3
r: by Thomas E. Jones, foreword by D. Elton Trueblood
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press, 1973

s: Jones, Willard
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BR1070 G4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Jones, Willard
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BX7632 F943 Z4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Jordan, Clarence Leonard, 1912-1969
t: The cotton patch evidence
a: Lee, Dallas
c: JX1962 J7 L3
r: by Dallas Lee
p: New York: Harper and Row, 1971
i: Koinonia Publication

s: Jordans Meeting House, England
t: Jordans: a Quaker shrine past & present
a: Warner, Ernest
c: BX7677 J8 W2
r: by Ernest Warner
p: London: Friends Bookshop, 1921

s: Journalism -- Objectivity
t: Wizards of media Oz: behind the curtain of mainstream news
a: Solomon, Norman, 1951-
c: PN4784 024 S66 1997
r: by Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen
p: Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1997

s: Journalistic ethics
t: Wizards of media Oz: behind the curtain of mainstream news
a: Solomon, Norman, 1951-
c: PN4784 024 S66 1997
r: by Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen
p: Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1997

s: Journalists -- United States -- Biography
t: Gandhi, a memoir
a: Shirer, William L. (William Lawrence), 1904-
c: DS481 G3 S487
r: by William L. Shirer

s: Juan, Don, 1891-
t: A separate reality; further conversations with Don Juan
a: Castaneda, Carlos, 1931-
c: E99 Y3 C29
p: New York: Simon & Schuster, 1974

s: Judaism. 
t: Judaism 
a: Pilkington, C. M. 
c: BM561 P53 1995
r: by C.M. Pilkington. 
p: Lincolnwood (Chicago), Ill. : NTC Pub. Group, 1995 
i: Teach yourself world faiths 

s: Judaism. 
t: The complete idiotís guide to understanding Judaism 
a: Blech, Benjamin 
c: BM561 B45 1999
r: by Benjamin Blech. 
p: New York, NY : Alpha Books, c1999

s: Judaism 
t: This is my God
a: Wouk, Herman, 1915-  
c: BM561 W65 1988
r: by Herman Wouk 
p: Boston : Little, Brown & co., 1988

s: Judaism  
t: Judaism 
a: Hertzberg, Arthur, ed  
c: BM43 H45 1962
p: New York, G. Braziller, 1962 
i: Great religions of modern man  

s: Judaism -- History -- To 70 A.D  
t: The gifts of the Jews : how a tribe of desert nomads changed the way everyone thinks and feels 
a: Cahill, Thomas  
c: BM165 C25 1998  
r: by Thomas Cahill 
p: New York : Nan A. Talese, c1998 
i: Cahill, Thomas. Hinges of history ; vol. 2  

s: Judaism -- Relations -- Christianity
t: Two types of faith
a: Buber, Martinm 1878-1965
c: BM535 B813 1961
r: by Martin Buber, tr. by Norman E. Goldhawk
p: New York: Harper & Row, 1961

s: Judaism --History. 
t: The complete idiotís guide to Jewish history and culture
a: Blech, Benjamin
c: DS102.95 B596 2004
r: by Benjamin Blech. 
p: New York, NY : Alpha Books, c2004

s: Judiaism -- United States
t: The search for God at Harvard
P: New York: Times Books, 1991
a: Goldman, Ari L.
c: BM205 G55 1991
r: by Ari L. Goldman

s: Judiasm - 20th Century
t: The search for God at Harvard
P: New York: Times Books, 1991
a: Goldman, Ari L.
c: BM205 G55 1991
r: by Ari L. Goldman

s: Jung, C. G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961
t: Jung and the Quaker way
1 copy(c.2)/ c.1,3 missing
a: Wallis, Jack H.
c: BF51 W24 1988
r: by Jack H. Wallis
p: London: Quaker Home Service, 1988

s: Jung, Carl Gustav, 1875-1961
t: Jung for beginners
2 copies
a: Platania, Jon
c: BF173 P85 J39 1997
p: N.Y.: Writers and Readers Publishing, 1977
r: by Jon Platania

s: Jung, C.G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961
t: Growth through meditation and journal writing : a Jungian perspective on Christian spirituality
a: Santa-Maria, Maria L.
c: BX2350.2 S253 1983
r: by Maria L. Santa-Maria
p: New York: Paulist Press, 1983

s: Jung, C.G. (Carl Gustav), 1875-1961
t: Jung's psychology and its social meaning
a: Progoff, Ira
c: BF173 J88 P7
r: by Ira Progoff, with introd. by Goodwin Watson
p: New York: Grove Press, 1955

s: Juristic persons --Moral and ethical aspects--United States
t: Ethics of an artificial person: lost responsibility in professions and organizations
2 copies
a: Wolgast, Elizabeth Hankins
c: K650 W65 1992
r: Elizabeth Wolgast
p: Stanford: Stanford University Press

s: Just war doctrine
t: No alternative?  Nonviolent responses to repressive regimes
a: Lampen, John ed.
c: JZ5574 N6 2000
r: edited by John Lampen
p: York, England: W. Sessions, 2000

s: Just war doctrine  
t: Nonviolence : twenty-five lessons from the history of a dangerous idea 
a: Kurlansky, Mark  
c: HM1281 K87 2006  
r: by Mark Kurlansky ; foreword by the Dalai Lama 
p: New York : Modern Library, c2006 
i: Modern Library chronicles  

s: Justice
t: The grammer of justice
3 labels
a: Wolgast, Elizabeth Hankins, 1929 -
c: JC587 W65 1987
r: Elizabeth Hankins Wolgast
p: Ithica: Cornell University Press

s: Kagawa, Toyohiko, 1888-1960  
t: Toyohiko Kagawa : apostle of love and social justice
a: Schildgen, Robert
c: BV3457 K3 S26 1988
r: by Herbert Schildgen
p: Berkeley: Centenary Books, 1988

s: Kamel, Rachael
t: Bridges of respect: creating support for lesbian and gay youth
2 copies
a: Whitlock, Katherine
c: HQ76.25 W54 1988
r: by Katherine Whitlock
p: Phila.: American Friends Service Committee, 1988
n: A resource guide from the AFSC

s: Kelley, Abby, 1811-1887
t: Ahead of her time : Abby Kelley and the politics of antislavery
2 copies
a: Sterling, Dorothy, 1913-
c: E449 K29S74 1991
r: by Dorothy Sterling
p: New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1991

s: Kelley, Florence Molthrop, 1859-1932
t: The Influence of Quaker women on American history : biographical studies
S: Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880
a: Stoneburner, John, ed.
c: BX7793.153 1986
r: ed. by Carol and John Stoneburner
p: Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 1986
l: Stoneburner, Carol, ed.

s: Kelly, Thomas R. (Thomas Raymond), 1893-1941  
t: Dear Friends and brethren : 25 short biographies of Quaker men
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7792 S64 2000 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 2000
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Kelly, Thomas R. (Thomas Raymond), 1893-1941  
t: Living in the Light: Some Quaker pioneers of the 20th Century. Vol. I. In the U.S.A.
a: Kenworthy, Leonard Stout, 1912-
c: BX7613 L7675 v.1
p: Kennett Square, Pa: Friends General Conference, 1984
r: ed. by. Leonard S. Kenworthy

s: Kelly, Thomas R. (Thomas Raymond), 1893-1941  
t: The Lambs' War : Quaker essays to honor 
a: Birkel, Michael L.
c: BX7613 .L2 1992  
r: ed. by Michael L. Birkel and John W. Newman
p: Richmond IN: Earlham College Press, 1992
n: Introduction / John W. Newman--An appreciation of Hugh Barbour as Quaker historian / Michael L. Birkel--Spilgrimage / Hugh S. Barbour--A selected bibliography of the writings of Hugh S. Barbour / Michael L. Birkel, James R. Kennedy, Jr.--The letters of James Nayler / Geoffrey F. Nuttall--William Penn, Puritan moderate / Stephen Ward Angell--John Woolman on the cross / Michael L. Birkel--The problem of the inner light in nineteenth-century Quakerism / Thomas D. Hamm--The Hicksites and the discipline, 1827-1850 / Bridget K. Bower--American Friends in transition, as viewed through British Quaker periodicals, 1865-1880 / Edwin B. Bronner--John Frederick Hanson / Arthur O. Roberts--The English Quaker firm / John Punshon--William I. Hull and the Quaker search for peace, 1908-1920 / J. William Frost--Thomas Kelly : a Brother Lawrence for our time / Douglas V. Steere--The pre-Pendle Hill spirituality of George Fox / Alan L. Kolp--Meditations on the flood / Eleanor Ferris Beach--Theological implications of the image of "the inward teacher" / Paul A. Lacey

s: Khan, Abdul Ghaffar, 1891- 
t: Nonviolent soldier of Islam : Badshah Kahn, a man to match his mountains
a: Easwaran, Eknath
c: DS481 K42 E27 1999 
r: by Eknath Easwaran
p: Tomales, CA: Nilgiri Press

s: Kiekegaard, Soren, -- 1813-1855
t: Four prophets of our destiny; Kiekegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Kafka
a: Hubben, William, 1895-
c: B803 H8 1952
p: N.Y.: Macmillan, 1952
r: by William Hubben

s: Kiekegaard, Soren, -- 1813-1855
t: Four prophets of our destiny; Kiekegaard, Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Kafka
a: Hubben, William, 1895-
c: B803 H8 1952
p: N.Y.: Macmillan, 1952
r: by William Hubben

s: Kierkegaard, Soren Aabye, 1813-1855
t: The simple life; the Christian stance toward possessions
a: Eller, Vernard
c: BJ1496 E36
r: by Vernard Eller
p: Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 1973

s: Kilham, Hannah, 1774-1832  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Kindness
t: Field notes on the compassionate live : a search for the soul of kindness
a: Barasch, Marc Ian 
c: BJ1531 B27 2005
r: by Marc Ian Barasch
p: Emmaus, Pa.: Rodale: Distributed by Holtzbrinck Publishers, c2005

s: Kindness
t: The seamless robe: the religion of lovingkindness
a: Cleghorn, Sarah Norcliffe, 1876-1959
c: BX7747 C593 S4
p: New York: The Macmillan Co., 1945

s: King, Carol Weiss, 1895-1952  
t: Carol Weiss King, human rights lawyer, 1895-1952 
a: Ginger, Ann Fagan  
c: KF373 K48 G56 1993 
r: by Ann Fagan Ginger ; with a foreword by Louis H. Pollak 
p: Niwot, Colo. : University Press of Colorado, c1993 

s: Kingdom of God
t: Concerning the city of God against the Pagans
a: Augustine, Saint
c: BR65 A64 E5 1972
p: Penguin Books
r: tr. by Henry Bettenson
l: City of God

s: Kingdom of God
t: The kingdom of God in america
a: Niebuhr, H. Richard (Helmut Richard), 1894-1962
c: BT94 N52
r: by H. Richard Niebuhr
p: New York: Harper & Row, 1959

s: Knight, Anne, 1786-1862  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Knopp, Fay Honey  
t: Lives that speak : stories of twentieth-century Quakers
2 copies
c: BX7791 L52 2004    
r: by the Religious Education Committee of Friends General Conference; Marnie Clark, editor p: Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, c2004 
n: "Designed for students in the 4th to 8th grade..."--back cover 

s: Knowledge
t: What is man that thou art mindful of him
a: Schmoe, Floyd Wilfred, 1895-
c: BX7758 S35 W55
p: Tokyo: Voyagers' Press, 1990
r: by Floyd Schmoe

s: Knowledge, Theory of
t: A treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge
a: Berkeley, George
c: B1331 T8 1957
r: ed. with introduction by Colin M. Turbayne
p: Liberal Arts Press

s: Knowledge, Theory of
t: Spirit in Man
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BD421 J6 1941
r: by Rufus M. Jones, forward by David Elton Trueblood
p: Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1941

s: Koinonia Farm
t: The cotton patch evidence
a: Lee, Dallas
c: JX1962 J7 L3
r: by Dallas Lee
p: New York: Harper and Row, 1971
i: Koinonia Publication

s: Koran
t: al-Quran: a contemporary translation
c: BP109
r: by Ahmed Ali
p: Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990
l: Ali, Ahmed, 1910-1994

s: Kreidler, William J  
t: Lives that speak : stories of twentieth-century Quakers
2 copies
c: BX7791 L52 2004    
r: by the Religious Education Committee of Friends General Conference; Marnie Clark, editor p: Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, c2004 
n: "Designed for students in the 4th to 8th grade..."--back cover 

s: Labor -- United States
t: Jobs, income, and work: ruinous trends, urgent alternatives
a: Sklar, Holly
c: BX7641 S628 J62 1995
p: Philadelphia: American Friends Service Committee, 1995
r: by Holly Sklar

s: Ladd, William, 1778-1841  
t: The advocates of peace in antebellum America 
a: Ziegler, Valarie H., 1954-  
c: JX1961 U6 Z54 2001 
r: by Valarie H Ziegler 
p: Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2001 

s: Laity
t: The ministry of the laity; a biblical exposition
a: Ayres, Francis O.
c: BV687 A9
p: Philadelphia, Wistminster Press, 1962

s: Laity
t: Your church and you
a: Corson, Fred Pierce, 1896-
c: BV600 C77
p: Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co, c1951
r: by Fred Pierce Corson

s: Laity
t: Your other vocation
a: Trueblood, David Elton, 1900-
c: BV4525 T75
r: by Elton Trueblood
p: San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1952

s: Lakey, George Russell
t: Moving toward a new society
c: BX7698 S7 M93
r: by Susanne Gowan, George Lakey, William Moyer, and Richard Taylor
p: Philadelphia: New Society Press, 1976

s: Land tenure -- India
t: India's walking saint: the storyof Vinoba Bhave
a: Tennyson, Hallam
c: BX7796.7 T29 I39
p: Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1955
r: by Hallam Tennyson
n: Mention is made of two Quakers active in Bhave's movement, Agatha Harrison and Marjorie Sykes

s: Land tenure--Nicaragua
t: What difference could a revolution make?
a: Collins, Joseph, 1945-
c: HD1817 C64 1983
r: by Joseph Collins, 1945-
p: San Francisco: Institute for Food and Development Policy

s: Land use -- Environmental Aspects -- Scotland
t: Soil and soul : people versus corporate power
a: McIntosh, Alastair
c: BX7748 E4 M5 2002  
r: Alastair McIntosh
p: London: Aurum Press, 2001

s: Landsbury, George, 1859-1940
t: White Corpuscles in Europe
a: Hunter, Allan Armstrong, 1893-
c: JX1962 A2 H8 1939
r: by Allan A. Hunter
n: forward by Aldous Huxley
p: Chicago: Willett, Clark & Company 1939

s: Landsbury, George, 1859-1940
t: White Corpuscles in Europe
2 copies
a: Hunter, Allan Armstrong, 1893-
c: JX1962 A2 H8 1939
r: by Allan A. Hunter
n: forward by Aldous Huxley
p: Chicago: Willett, Clark & Company 1939

s: Lane, Roger
t: For emancipation and education: Some black and Quaker efforts, 1680-1900
c: BX7643 A66 F69 1997
r: ed. by Eliza Cope Harrison
p: Philadelphia: Awbury Arboretum Assoc., 1997

s: Language and languages -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends -- History -- 17th century 
t: Let your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers
a: Bauman, Richard 
c: BX7694 B34 L64 1983
r: by Richard Bauman
p: Prospect Heights, ILL: Waveland Press, 1983

s: Lapsansky, Emma Jones
t: For emancipation and education: Some black and Quaker efforts, 1680-1900
c: BX7643 A66 F69 1997
r: ed. by Eliza Cope Harrison
p: Philadelphia: Awbury Arboretum Assoc., 1997

s: Lathrop, Julia Clifford, 1858-1932  
t: Two sisters for social justice : a biography of Grace and Edith Abbott 
a: Costin, Lela B.  
c: HV27 C67 1983  
r: by Lela B. Costin 
p: Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c1983 

s: Latin America -- Religious life and customs
t: We drink from our own wells: The spiritual journey of a people
a: Gutierrez, Gustavo, 1928-
c: BR600 G8713 1985
p: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books
r: tr. from the Spanish by Matthew J. O'Connell

s: Law and ethics
t: Life, death and the law : law and Christian morals in England and the United States
a: St. John-Stevas, Norman
c: BJ55 S24
r: by Norman St. John-Stevas
p: Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1961

s: Law and ethics
t: Life, death and the law : law and Christian morals in England and the United States
a: St. John-Stevas, Norman
c: BJ55 S24
r: by Norman St. John-Stevas
p: Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 1961

s: Law and ethics
t: The obligation to disobey : conscience & the law
a: Sibley, Mulford Q.
c: JX1968 S57 
r: by Mulford Q. Sibley
p: New York: Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1970

s: Law of the sea
t: Citizen action for global change : the neptune group and law of the sea
a: Levering, Ralph B.
c: KZA1120.3 L48 1999
r: by Ralph B. Levering and Miriam L. Levering
l: Levering, Miriam L.
i: Syracuse studies on peace and conflict resolution
p: Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1999

s: Law, William, 1886-1761
t: William Law and Eighteenth Century Quakerism
a: Hobhouse, Stephen, 1881-1961
c: BX7737 L38 Z4 1927
r: by Stephen Hobhouse
n: "Including some unpublished letters and fragments of William Law and John Byrom"
p: London George Allen & Unwin, 1927

s: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
t: Risking Peace: Why we sat in the road
a: Cabasso, Jackie, ed.
c: HM278 R57 1985
r: edited by Jackie Cabasso and Susan Moon
p: Berkeley, CA: Open Books, 1985

s: Lawyers -- United States -- Biography  
t: Carol Weiss King, human rights lawyer, 1895-1952 
a: Ginger, Ann Fagan  
c: KF373 K48 G56 1993 
r: by Ann Fagan Ginger ; with a foreword by Louis H. Pollak 
p: Niwot, Colo. : University Press of Colorado, c1993 

s: Lay, Benjamin, 1677-1759  
t: Dear Friends and brethren : 25 short biographies of Quaker men
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7792 S64 2000 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 2000
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Lay ministry -- Society of Friends
t: Let your words be few : symbolism of speaking and silence among seventeenth-century Quakers
a: Bauman, Richard 
c: BX7694 B34 L64 1983
r: by Richard Bauman
p: Prospect Heights, ILL: Waveland Press, 1983

s: Lay ministry -- Society of Friends  
t: Essays on the Quaker vision of gospel order
a: Wilson, Lloyd Lee, 1947-  
c: BX7692.W73 E78 1993   
r: by Lloyd Lee Wilson  
p: Burnsville, N.C.: Celo Valley Books, c1993 

s: Lay ministry -- Society of Friends  
t: Previous convictions and end-of-the-millennium Quakerism 
a: Trevett, Christine  
c: BX7698 M5 T81 1997  
r: Christine Trevett 
p: London : Quaker Home Service, 1997 
i: Swarthmore lecture ; 1997 

s: Lay ministry -- Society of Friends  
t: Where the wind blows : vitality among Friends
a: Marshall, Jay W. (Jay Wade), 1959
c: BX7748 M5 M37 2005 
r: by Jay W. Marshall
p: Richmond, Ind. : Earlham School of Religion, c2005

s: Lay ministry--Society of Friends
t: Fostering vital Friends meetings : a handbook for working with Quaker meetings Part two: resources for working with Quaker meetings  
a: Green, Jan
c: BX7698 M5 F75 1999
r: compiled by Jan Greene and Marty Walton 
p: Philadelphia, PA : Friends General Conference, 1999
n: 2 vols

s: Lay ministry--Society of Friends
t: Fostering Vital Friends Meetings : Part two: resources for working with Quaker meetings  
a: Green, Jan
c: BX7698 M5 F75 1999a
r: compiled by Jan Greene and Marty Walton 
p: Philadelphia, PA : Friends General Conference, 1999
n: 2 vols

s: Leadbeater, William  
t: Then and now : Quaker essays historical and contemporary 
c: BX7632 B81 T3 1960 
r: by friends of Henry Joel Cadbury, on his completion of twenty-two years as chairman of the American Friends Service Committee 
p: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [1960] 

s: Leaders of religion
t: George Fox
a: Hodgkin, Thomas, 1831-1913
c: BX7734 H6 G3 1896
r: by Thomas Hodgkin, D.C.L.
p: London: Methuen & Co., 1897
e: second ed.

s: Leadership
t: Focus on leadership : servant leadership for the twenty-first century
a: Spears, Larry C., 1935-
c: HD57.7 F63 2001
l: Lawrence, Michele
r: ed. by Larry C. Spears and Michele Lawrence
p: New York: John Wiley, 2001

s: Leadership
t: Servant Leadership : a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness
a: Greenleaf, Robert K.
c: BX7750 G785 S49 1977  
r: New York: Paulist Press, 1977

s: Legislatures--United States--Biography
t: They dare to speak out
a: Findley, Paul, 1921-
c: E183.8 I7 F56
r: By Paul Findley
p: Westport, Connecticut: Lawrence Hill & Co.

s: Lesbianism -- United States
t: Bridges of respect: creating support for lesbian and gay youth
2 copies
a: Whitlock, Katherine
c: HQ76.25 W54 1988
r: by Katherine Whitlock
p: Phila.: American Friends Service Committee, 1988
n: A resource guide from the AFSC

s: Lesbians -- United States -- Family relationships -- Case studies
t: Different Daughters: a book by mothers of lesbians
c: HQ75.6 U5 D54 1987
r: ed. by Louise Rafkin
p: Pittsburgh PA: Cleis Press, 1987

s: Libby, Frederick J. (Frederick Joseph), 1874-1970  
t: Living in the Light: Some Quaker pioneers of the 20th Century. Vol. I. In the U.S.A.
a: Kenworthy, Leonard Stout, 1912-
c: BX7613 L7675 v.1
p: Kennett Square, Pa: Friends General Conference, 1984
r: ed. by. Leonard S. Kenworthy

s: Liberalism -- United States  
t: The challenge to liberty 
a: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964  
c: JC599 U5 H6 1934
r: by Herbert Hoover 
p: New York ; London : Scribner's, 1934 

s: Liberalism (Religion) -- Great Britain  
t: The making of a modern Quaker : Roger Cowan Wilson, 1906-1991 
a: Brown, Fred, 1923-  
c: BX7759 W752 Z26 1996  
r: by Fred Brown 
p: London : Epworth Press, 1996 

s: Liberalism (Religion) -- Society of Friends  
t: The making of a modern Quaker : Roger Cowan Wilson, 1906-1991 
a: Brown, Fred, 1923-  
c: BX7759 W752 Z26 1996  
r: by Fred Brown 
p: London : Epworth Press, 1996 

s: Liberation theology
t: A theology of liberation: history, politics, and salvation
a: Gutierrez, Gustavo, 1928-
c: BT738 G8613 1973
p: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books
r: tr. and ed. by Sister Caridad Inda and John Eagleson

s: Liberation theology
t: Introducing liberation theology 
a: Boff, Leonardo
c: BT83.57 B59613 1987  
r: by Leonardo Boff, Clodovis Boff ; translated from the Portuguese by Paul Burns
p: Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c1987
n: Translation of: Como fazer teologia da libertaÁ„o

s: Liberation theology  
t: Theology in a new key : responding to liberation themes 
a: Brown, Robert McAfee, 1920- 
c: BR115 J8 B76 1978  
p: Philadelphia: Westminster Press, c1978
r: by Robert McAfee Brown

s: Liberty
t: Liberation ethics
a: Swomley, John M., 1945-
c: HM271 S94
r: by John M. Swomley
p: New York: Macmillan, 1972

s: Liberty
t: On liberty: man v. the state
a: Mayer, Milton Sanford, 1908-
c: JC251 M33
r: by Milton Mayer
p: Santa Barbara, CA: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, 1969

s: Liberty
t: The sane society
a: Fromm, Erich, 1900-
c: HM271 F75 1955
p: New York: Rinehart, 1955

s: Liberty  
t: The challenge to liberty 
a: Hoover, Herbert, 1874-1964  
c: JC599 U5 H6 1934
r: by Herbert Hoover 
p: New York ; London : Scribner's, 1934 

s: Liberty of conscience
t: Of holy disobedience 
a: Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967
c: BX7756 M9827 1967  
r: by A. J. Muste
p: South Acworth, N.H. : Greenleaf Books, [1967]

s: Liberty of conscience
t: The obligation to disobey : conscience & the law
a: Sibley, Mulford Q.
c: JX1968 S57 
r: by Mulford Q. Sibley
p: New York: Council on Religion and International Affairs, 1970

s: Lidbetter, Hubert, 1885-1966  
t: Dear Friends and brethren : 25 short biographies of Quaker men
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7792 S64 2000 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 2000
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Life
t: Fundamental ends of life
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BX7617 J75 F9
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: New York: The Macmillan Co., 1924

s: Life
t: The examined life : philosophical meditations
a: Nozick, Robert
c: BD431 N65 1989
r: by Robert Nozick
p: New York: Simon and Schuster, c1989

s: Life
t: The meaning of immortality in human experience
a: Hocking, William Ernest, 1873-1966
c: BD421 H62 1957
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, 1958
r: by William Ernest Hocking

s: Lightfoot, Hannah, b. 1730  
t: Hannah Regina : Britain's Quaker queen 
a: Kreps, Michael  
c: BX7737 L705 Z5 2003
r: by Michael Kreps 
p: London : Cardinal Press, 2003 
e: 2nd revised ed 

s: Lightfoot, Hannah, b. 1730  
t: Hannah Regina : Britain's Quaker queen 
a: Kreps, Michael  
c: BX7737 L705 Z5 2003
r: by Michael Kreps 
p: London : Cardinal Press, 2003 
e: 2nd revised ed 

s: Lightfoot, Hannah, b. 1730  
t: Hannah Regina : Britain's Quaker queen 
a: Kreps, Michael  
c: BX7737 L705 Z5 2003
r: by Michael Kreps 
p: London : Cardinal Press, 2003 
e: 2nd revised ed 

s: Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865 -- Religion
t: The almost chosen people; a study of the religion of Abraham Lincoln
a: Wolf, William J.
c: E457.2 W853
r: by William J. Wolf,
p: Garden City, NY: Doubleday and Co., 1959

s: Listening -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends  
t: Compassionate listening: and other writings
2 copies
a: Knudsen-Hoffman, Gene, 1919-  
c: BX7755.K86 A25 2003   
r: by Gene Knudsen-Hoffman; edited by Anthony Manousos  
p: Torrance, CA: Friends Bulletin, c2003 

s: Lister, Joseph, Baron, 1827-1912
t: The courage of Dr. Lister
a: Noble, Iris
c: R489 L75 N6 1960
r: by Iris Noble
p: New York: Julian Messner, 1960

s: Literature -- Collections
t: Enough of dying
a: Boyle, Kay
c: JX1963 E5
r: ed. by Kay Boyle and Justine Van Gundy
p: New York: Dell, 1972

s: Lobbying
t: Uphill for peace
a: Wilson, Edward Raymond, 1896-
c: BX7748 C5 W54
r: E. Raymond Wilson
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press

s: Lobbying
t: Uphill for peace: Quaker impact on Congress
a: Wilson, E. Raymond (Edward Raymond), 1896-1987
c: BX7748 C5 W54
r: by E. Raymond Wilson
p: Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1975

s: Lobbying--United States--History--20th century
t: Witness in Washington: fifty years of friendly persuasion
c: BX7748 C5 W58 1996
r: Edward F. Snyder...[et al]: edited by Tom Mullen
p: Richmond, Indiana: Friends United Press

s: Local history -- Handbooks, manuals, etc
t: Oral history for the local historical society 
a: Baum, Willa K
c: D16.14 B37 1987
r: by Willa K. Baum
e: 3rd ed., rev
p: Nashville, Tenn. : American Association for State and Local History, 1987

s: Local transit--California--San Francisco metropolitan area 
t: Revolutionizing Bay Area transit... on a budget : creating a state-of-the-art rapid bus network
a: The Transportation and Land Use Coalition
c: HE4491 S45 S8
p: Oakland, CA: The Transportation and Land Use Coalition

s: Logan, George, 1753-1821
t: George Logan of Philadelphia
a: Tolles, Frederick Barnes, b.1915
c: BX7795 L8 T59 1953
r: by Frederick B. Tolles
p: N.Y.: Oxford University Press, 1953

s: Logan, James, 1674-1751  
t: James Logan and the culture of provincial America
a: Tolles, Frederick Barnes, 1915-  
c: F152 L85 1957
r: by Frederick B. Tolles
p: Boston: Little, Brown, 1957

s: Logotherapy
t: Man's search for meaning; an introduction to logotherapy
2 labels
a: Frankl, Viktor Emil
c: D805 G3 F7233
p: New York: Washington Square Press
r: tr. by Ilse Lasch. Pref. by Gordon W. Allport

s: Logotherapy
t: The pursuit of meaning: Logotherapy applied to life
a: Fabry, Joseph B.
c: RC489 L6 F33 1969
r: by Joseph B. Fabry
p: Boston: Beacon Press

s: London and Middlesex Quarterly Meeting (Society of Friends). Six Weeks Meeting 
t: Six Weeks Meeting, 1671-1971 : three hundred years of Quaker responsibility 
a: White, Winifred M 
c: BX7677 L8 W58 1971
r: [by] Winifred M. White. Illustrated by David M. Butler 
p: London : Six Weeks Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, 1971

s: London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends)  
t: British Quakerism, 1860-1920 : the transformation of a religious community 
a: Kennedy, Thomas C. (Thomas Cummins), 1937-  
c: BX7676.3 K46 2001  
r: by Thomas C. Kennedy 
p: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 

s: London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Emergency and War Victims Relief Committee
t: A Quaker adventure : the story of nine years' relief and reconstruction
a: Fry, A. Ruth (Anna Ruth), 1878-1962
c: BX7703.5 F9 Q2
r: by A. Ruth Fry, honorary general secretary of the Friends' war relief committee
p: London: Nisbet & Co, 1926

s: London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Friends Peace and International Relations Committee 
t: Nonalignment 
a: Burton, John W. (John Wear), 1915- 
c: BX7797.2 P3 B975 1966
r: edited by J. W. Burton, foreword by Kenneth Kaunda 
p: London: Deutsch, 1966
n: Papers from a series of discussions held by the Friends Peace and International Relations Committee in London, 1963

s: London Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends). Friends Peace Committee  
t: British Quakerism, 1860-1920 : the transformation of a religious community 
a: Kennedy, Thomas C. (Thomas Cummins), 1937-  
c: BX7676.3 K46 2001  
r: by Thomas C. Kennedy 
p: Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2001 

s: Longevity-- Social aspects -- United States
t: America the Wise
a: Roszak, Theodore
c: HQ1064 U5R666
r: by Theodore Roszak
p: Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998

s: Long-term care of the sick
t: Home care: A practical alternative to extended hospitalization
a: Baulch, Evelyn, 1928-
c: RA645.3 B38
r: Evelyn Baulch
p: Millbrae, Calif: Celestial Arts

s: Lonsdale, Kathleen, Dame, 1903-1971  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Lordís Supper -- Celebration. 
t: Early Christian worship : a basic introduction to ideas and practice 
a: Bradshaw, Paul F. 
c: BV6 B72 1996
r: Paul Bradshaw. 
p: London : SPCK, c1996 

s: Loss--Psychological aspects.
t: Living with grief : loss in later life 
c: BF575 G7 L585 2002
r: ed. by Kenneth J. Doka ; foreward by John Breaux ; introduction by Jack D. Gordon
i: Living with grief.

s: Love
t: Situation ethics : the new morality
a: Fletcher, Joseph F.
c: BJ1251 F53 1966
p: Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1966
r: by Joseph Fletcher

s: Love 
t: The model of love : a study in philosophical theology 
a: Br¸mmer, Vincent 
c: BD436 B78 1993
r: by Vincent Br¸mmer 
p: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1993

s: Love -- Religious aspects -- Christianity
t: The greatest thing in the world
a: Drummond, Henry, 1851-1897
c: BV4639 D7
p: Philadelphia: Henry Altemus Co. (no date)

s: Love -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- History of doctrines 
t: Christian love 
a: Brady, Bernard V. (Bernard Vincent), 1957-  
c: BV4639 B72 2003
r: Bernard V. Brady 
p: Washington, D.C. : Georgetown University Press, c2003 

s: Love -- Religious aspects -- Christianity -- History of doctrines -- Early church, ca. 30-600  
t: Love and Saint Augustine 
a: Arendt, Hannah, 1906-1975  
c: BV4639 A6513 1996
r: by Hannah Arendt ; edited and with an interpretive essay by Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott and Judith Chelius Stark 
p: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1996 

s: Love (Theology)
t: Soul Making: The Desert Way of Spirituality
a: Jones, Alan W.
c: BV4501.2 J5854 1985
r: Alan W. Jones
p: San Francisco: Harper and Row

s: Lovell, Lucy Buffum, joint author
t: Two Quaker sisters; from the original diaries of Elizabeth Buffum Chace and Lucy Buffum Lovell
a: Chace, Elizabeth Buffum
c: BX7747 C41 A3 1937
r: by Elizabeth Buffum Chace and Lucy Buffum Lovell
p: New York: Liveright Publishing, 1937

s: Low-intensity conflicts (Military science)
t: Low intensity warfare
a: Klare, Michael T., 1942-
c: UA23 K62 1987
r: Michael T. Klare
p: New York, N.Y.: Pantheon Books

s: Low-intensity conflicts(Military science) - C. Am - History - 20th century
t: War against the poor: low-intensity conflict and Christian faith
a: Nelson-Pallmeyer, Jack
c: F1436.8 U6 N45 1989
r: Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer
p: Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books

s: Lund, Sigrid Helliesen, 1892- 
t: Sigrid Helliesen Lund : Portrait of a Friend
a: Gibbins, Margaret S.
c: Pam. BX7755 L967 Z42 
r: by Margaret S. Gibbins
p: London: Quaker Home Service, 1980

s: Lund, Sigrid Helliesen, 1892-  
t: Lives that speak : stories of twentieth-century Quakers
2 copies
c: BX7791 L52 2004    
r: by the Religious Education Committee of Friends General Conference; Marnie Clark, editor p: Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, c2004 
n: "Designed for students in the 4th to 8th grade..."--back cover 

s: Lymphoma--Biography
t: Endings and beginnings
a: Albertson, Sandra Hayward
c: BX7795 A48 A33
r: Sandra Hayward Albertson
p: New York, N.Y.: Random House

s: Madaris al-Frindz (Ram Allah)  
t: Enduring hope : the impact of the Ramallah Friends Schools
a: Edwards-Konic, Patricia, 1948-  
c: BX7632 F943 Z2 2008 
r: by Patricia Edwards-Konic ; Max Carter, contributing ed. 
p: Richmond IN : Friends United Press, 2008 
l: Max Carter, ed.  

s: Madaris al-Frindz (Ram Allah)  
t: Enduring hope : the impact of the Ramallah Friends Schools 
a: Edwards-Konic, Patricia, 1948-  
c: BX7750 P1 E38 2008
r: by Patricia Edwards-Konic ; Max Carter, contributing editor 
p: Richmond IN : Friends United Press, 2008 

s: Mahayana Buddhism -- Relations -- Christianity.
t: A taste of water : Christianity through Taoist-Buddhist Eyes
a: Lee, Chwen Jiuan A. (Chwen Jiuan Agnes), 1941- 
c: BR128 T34 L44 1990
r: by Chwen Jiuan, A. Lee and Thomas G. Hand
p: New York:  Paulist Press, 1989

s: Malnutrition
t: Bread for the world
a: Simon, Arthur, 1930-
c: HD9000.5 S49
r: by Arthur Simon
p: New York: Paulist Press and Wm. B. Eerdmans publishing Co., 1975

s: Malone College -- History  
t: Founded by Friends : the Quaker heritage of fifteen American colleges and universities 
c: LC571 F68 2007
r: ed. by John W. Oliver, Jr., Charles L. Cherry, Caroline L. Cherry 
p: Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2007 

s: Man (Christian theology)
t: True deceivers
a: Pelz, Lotte
c: BT701.2 P4 1966
r: by Lotte and Werner Pelz
p: Philadelphia: Westminster Press [1966]

s: Man (Theology)
t: On trying to be human
a: Haughton, Rosemary
c: BT701.2 H3
p: Springfield, IL: Templegate, 1966

s: Man (Theology)
t: The nature and destiny of man; a Christian interpretation
a: Niebuhr, Reinhold, 1892-1971
c: BT701 N5214 1964
p: New York: C. Scribner's Sons [1964]
e: Gifford lectures
n: library has v.1: Human nature, v.2: Human destiny

s: Man (Theology)
t: What is man?
a: Calhoun, Robert Lowry, 1896-1983
c: BT703 C3 1939
p: New York, Association Press [c1939]
r: by Robert Lowry Calhoun
i: Hazen books on religion

s: Man--Influence on nature
t: The environment, from surplus to scarcity
a: Schnaiberg, Allan
c: HC79 E5 S29 1980
r: Allan Schnaiberg
p: New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press

s: Marcus Aurelius, Emeperor of Rome, 121-180. Meditations
t: The meditations of Marcus Aurelius
a: Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180
c: B580 C6

s: Marriage  
t: Committed relationships 
a: Britain Yearly Meeting : Committee on Eldership & Oversight
c: BX7698 G7 C73 2007  
p: London : Quaker Books, 2007 
e: Revised reprint 

s: Marriage -- Catholic Church
t: Marriage encounter: a guide to sharing
a: Demarest, Donald
c: BX2250 D43
r: by Don Demarest, Marilyn Sexton, Jerry Sexton
p: St. Paul MN: Carillon Books, 1977

s: Marriage -- Pennsylvania -- Philadelphia -- History 
t: Not all wives : women of colonial Philadelphia 
a: Wulf, Karin A., 1964- 
c: HQ800.4 U62 P48 2000 
r: by Karin Wulf
p: Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000

s: Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends 
t: Not all wives : women of colonial Philadelphia 
a: Wulf, Karin A., 1964- 
c: HQ800.4 U62 P48 2000 
r: by Karin Wulf
p: Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000

s: Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends  
t: Committed relationships 
a: Britain Yearly Meeting : Committee on Eldership & Oversight
c: BX7698 G7 C73 2007  
p: London : Quaker Books, 2007 
e: Revised reprint 

s: Marriage -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends  
t: Living with oneself and others : working papers on aspects of family life containing queries and advices for Friends meetings and individuals 
c: BX7698 H7 L784 1985
r: edited by the Family Life Sub-committee of the New England Yearly Meeting Committee on Ministry and Counsel 
p: [Freeport, Maine] : New England Yearly Meeting, 1985 

s: Mary Beth Orunamamu (Washington)
t: Aging artfully : 12 profiles : visual & performing women artists aged 85-105
a: Gorman, Amy
c: N8356 A43 667 2006
r: by Amy Gorman
n: 7 songs of women : CD included/by Frances Kandl
p: Berkeley: Pal Publishing, 2006

s: Masculinity of God - Controversial literature
t: A God Who Looks Like Me: Discovering a Woman-affirming Spirituality
a: Reilly, Patricia Lynn
c: BL625.7 R45 1995
r: Patricia Lynn Reilly
p: New York: Ballantine Books

s: Mass media -- Moral and ethical aspects
t: Wizards of media Oz: behind the curtain of mainstream news
a: Solomon, Norman, 1951-
c: PN4784 024 S66 1997
r: by Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen
p: Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1997

s: Mass media -- Objectivity
t: Wizards of media Oz: behind the curtain of mainstream news
a: Solomon, Norman, 1951-
c: PN4784 024 S66 1997
r: by Norman Solomon and Jeff Cohen
p: Monroe, Maine: Common Courage Press, 1997

s: Massachusetts -- Biography  
t: Captain Paul Cuffe's logs and letters, 1808-1817 : a Black Quaker's "voice from within the veil" 
a: Cuffe, Paul, 1759-1817  
c: BX7795 C98 W383 1996
r: Rosalind Cobb Wiggins, ed. ; with an introduction by Rhett S. Jones 
p: Washington, D.C. : Howard University Press, 1996 

s: Massachusetts -- Church history  
t: Neighbors, friends, or madmen : the Puritan adjustment to Quakerism in seventeenth-century Massachusetts Bay 
a: Chu, Jonathan M.  
c: BX7663 M4 C559 1985 
r: by Jonathan M. Chu 
p: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, c1985 
i: Contributions to the study of religion ; no. 14  

s: Massachusetts -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775  
t: Neighbors, friends, or madmen : the Puritan adjustment to Quakerism in seventeenth-century Massachusetts Bay 
a: Chu, Jonathan M.  
c: BX7663 M4 C559 1985 
r: by Jonathan M. Chu 
p: Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, c1985 
i: Contributions to the study of religion ; no. 14  

s: Matthew--Criticism, interpretation
t: Matthew as story
a: Kingsbury, Jack Dean
c: BS2575.2 K48 1986
r: Jack Dean Kingsbury
p: Philadelphia: Fortress Press

s: Maturation (Psychology)
t: The road less traveled
a: Peck, Morgan Scott
c: BF637 S4P43 1979
r: by M. Scott Peck, M.D.
p: New York: Touchstone, 1979

s: Maxims
t: The peace of Europe, the fruits of solitude, and other writings
a: Penn, William, 1644-1718
c: PS821 A6 1993
r: ed. by Edwin B. Bronner
p: London: J. M. Dent, 1993

s: Mediation  
t: The mediator's handbook 
a: Beer, Jennifer E.  
c: HM 136 B43 1997
r: Jennifer E. Beer with Eileen Stief ; developed by Friends Conflict Resolution Programs 
p: Gabriola Island, BC : New Society Publishers, c1997 
e: Rev. and expanded 3rd ed 

s: Mediation -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends  
t: Compassionate listening: and other writings
2 copies
a: Knudsen-Hoffman, Gene, 1919-  
c: BX7755.K86 A25 2003   
r: by Gene Knudsen-Hoffman; edited by Anthony Manousos  
p: Torrance, CA: Friends Bulletin, c2003 

s: Medical ethics
t: Who shall live? Man's control over birth and death; a report
a: American Friends Service Committee
c: R725.5 F7
p: New York: Hill and Wand, 1970

s: Medical ethics -- Addresses, essays, lectures
t: Updating life and death: essays in ethics and medicine
a: Cutler, Donald R.
c: R724 C88
r: ed. by Donald R. Cutler
p: Boston: Beacon Press, 1969

s: Medicine -- Case studies
t: Second opinions : stories of intuition and choice in a changing world of medicine 
a: Groopman, Jerome E.
c: RC82 G76 2000
r: by Jerome Groopman, M.D.
p: New York : Viking, c2000.

s: Medicine -- Decision making
t: Making informed medical decisions : where to look and how to use what you find 
a: Oster, Nancy, 1949- 
c: RA776.5 O684 2000
r: by Nancy Oster, Lucy Thomas, and Darol Joseff
p: Cambridge, MA: OíReilly, 2000

s: Medicine -- Decision making
t: Second opinions : stories of intuition and choice in a changing world of medicine 
a: Groopman, Jerome E.
c: RC82 G76 2000
r: by Jerome Groopman, M.D.
p: New York : Viking, c2000.

s: Medicine -- Religious aspects -- Society of Friends  
t: The York Retreat in the light of the Quaker way : moral treatment theory : humane therapy or mind control? 
a: Stewart, Kathleen Anne, 1969-  
c: BX7640 Y6 Z84 1992  
r: by Kathleen Anne Stewart 
p: York : William Sessions, c1992 

s: Medicine, Military
t: Out of carnage
a: Griffin, Alexander R.
c: L971 G85 1945
r: by Alexander R. Griffin
p: New York: Howell, Soskin, 1945

s: Medicine, Popular - Miscellanea
t: Second opinions : stories of intuition and choice in a changing world of medicine 
a: Groopman, Jerome E.
c: RC82 G76 2000
r: by Jerome Groopman, M.D.
p: New York : Viking, c2000.

s: Meditation
t: A Guide to true peace: or the excellency of inward and spiritual prayer
a: Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de La Mothe-, 1651-1715
c: BX2183 F3 G3
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, in assoc. with Pendle Hill
r: ed. by Howard Brinton

s: Meditation
t: Everyday blessings : the inner work of mindful parenting
a: Kabat-Zinn, Myla
c: HQ755.8 K317 1997
r: by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn
e: 1st ed.
l: Kabat-Zinn, Jon

s: Meditation
t: How to meditate : a guide to self-discovery
a: LeShan, Lawrence L., 1920-
c: BL627 L47 1975
p: Toronto: Bantam, 1975
r: by Lawrence LeShan

s: Meditation
t: Journey of awakening : a meditator's guidebook 
a: Ram Dass 
c: BL627 R335 1990 
r: by Ram Dass; edited by Daniel Goleman with Dwarkanath Bonner and Ram Dev (Dale Borglum) ; illustrated by Vincent Piazza 
p: New York : Bantam Books, 1990
e: rev. ed.

s: Meditation
t: Learning to dance inside : getting to the heart of meditation
a: Fowler, George, 1929-
c: BL627 F678 1996
r: by George Fowler
p: Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, c1996

s: Meditation
t: The lost art of meditation
a: Mahood, John Wilmot, 1864-
c: BV4813 M3
r: by J. W. Mahood
p: N.Y.: Fleming H. Revell, 1911

s: Meditation
t: The lost art of meditation
a: Mahood, John Wilmot, 1864--1955
c: BV 4813 M3 1911
r: by J. W. Mahood
p: N.Y.: Fleming H. Revell, 1911

s: Meditation
t: Truth, a path and not a possession: A Quaker woman's journey
a: Parker-Rhodes, Damaris
c: BX7732 S9 1977
p: London: Friends Home Service Committee, 1977
r: by Damaris Parker-Rhodes
i: Swarthmore Lecture, 1977

s: Meditation. 
t: Moment by moment : the art and practice of mindfulness
a: Braza, Jerry  
c: BF637 M4 B73 1997  
p: Boston : C.E. Tuttle, 1997. 
r: by Jerry Braza ; foreword by Thich Nhat Hanh.

s: Meditation 
t: Quaker meditations - number two, for youth and adults
a: Haworth, Cecil E., ed.
c: BX7613 H42 1944
r: edited by Cecil E. Haworth
p: Richmond Ind.: Friends Publication Board [1944]

s: Meditation  
t: Meditation in Christianity 
1: Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy
c: BV4813 M4 1983
r: compiled by the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy ; contributing editors, Swami Rama ... [et al.] 
p: Honesdale, Pa. : The Institute, c1983
l: Rama, Swami, 1925-1996  
l: Corporation Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science & Philosophy  

s: Meditation  
t: Wherever you go, there you are : mindfulness meditation in everyday life 
a: Kabat-Zinn, Jon  
c: BL627 K23 1994  
r: by Jon Kabat-Zinn 
p: New York : Hyperion, c1994 

s: Meditation -- Buddhism
t: A Guide to Walking Meditation
a: Nhat Hanh, Thich
c: BQ5612 G84 1987
r: by Thich Nhat Hanh; edited by Robert Aitken and Joseph Bobrow
p: N.Y.: The Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1985

s: Meditation -- Buddhism
t: Don't just do something, sit there : a mindfulness retreat with Sylvia Boorstein
2 copies
a: Boorstein, Sylvia
c: BQ5612 B66 1996
e: 1st ed.
r: by Sylvia Boorstein
p: San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, c1996

s: Meditation -- Christianity
t: Hidden in plain sight : the practice of Christian meditation 
a: Brooke, Avery. 
c: BV4813 B68 1978
r: by Avery Brooke; with art by Carol Aymar Armstrong. 
p: New York: Seabury Press, 1978. 

s: Meditation -- Society of Friends  
t: The liturgies of Quakerism 
a: Dandelion, Pink  
c: BX7737 D36 2005
r: Pink Dandelion 
p: Aldershot, Hants, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2005 
i: Liturgy, worship, and society  

s: Meditation - Zen Budhism
t: On Zen practice
a: Maezumi, Hakuyu Taizan, ed.
c: BQ9288 O53 1976
r: ed. by Hakuyu Taizan Maezumi and Bernard Tetsugen Glassman 
l: Glassman, Bernard Tetsugen, ed.
p: Los Angeles: Zen Center of Los Angeles, 1976 

s: Meditation (Buddhism)
t: The art of contemplation
a: Watts, Alan, 1915-1973
c: BQ5612 W38 1972
r: a facsimile manuscript with doodles by Alan Watts
p: New York: Pantheon Books, 1972

s: Meditation--Christianity
t: Growth through meditation and journal writing : a Jungian perspective on Christian spirituality
a: Santa-Maria, Maria L.
c: BX2350.2 S253 1983
r: by Maria L. Santa-Maria
p: New York: Paulist Press, 1983

s: Meditations
t: Letters from the desert
a: Carretto, Carlo
c: BX2815 C3413
r: tr. by Rose Mary Hancock
p: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 1965
n: Translation of Lettere dal deserto

s: Meditations
t: The flaming spirit: meditations and prayers
a: Sullivan, William Laurence, 1872-1935
c: BV4832 S88
p: New York: Abingdon Press, [1961]
r: ed. by Max F. Daskam, with an introd. by Gerald H. Kennedy

s: Meditations
t: The imitation of Christ
a: Thomas a Kempis
c: BV4821 A1
r: tr. and with an introd. by Leo Sherley-Price
p: Harmondsworth; Baltimore, MD: Penguin Books, 1975

s: Meditations
t: The imitation of Christ
a: Thomas a Kempis
c: BV4821 A1 1941
r: from the first ed. of an English tr. made c. 1530 by Richard Whitford, ed. with an introd. by Edward J. Klein
p: New York: Harper & Brothers [c1941]

s: Meditations
t: The imitation of Christ
a: Thomas a Kempis
c: BV4821 A1 1957
r: tr. by Abbot Justin McCann
p: New York: New American Library [c1957]

s: Meditations
t: The imitation of christ
a: Thomas a Kempis
c: BV4821 A12
p: Philadelphia: John C. Winston Co.

s: Meditations
t: The prison meditations of father Alfred Delp
a: Delp, Alfred
c: BV4811 D413 1963
r: by Alfred Delp, S.J.
p: New York: The MacMillan Co., 1963
n: with an introduction by Thomas Merton

s: Meditations. 
t: Legacy of the heart : the spiritual advantages of a painful childhood 
a: Muller, Wayne, 1953- 
c: BL625.3 M85 1992
r: by Wayne Muller 
p: New York: Simon & Schuster, c1992. 

s: Meditation--Society of Friends
t: Paths of the Spirit : Meditations for a Journey
a: Gilman, Harvey
c: BX7748 S85 G54 1998 
r: arranged By Harvey Gillman
p: London, England: Quaker Home Service, 1998
l: Britian Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends)

s: Men - Religious life
t: Wildmen, warriors, and kings: masculine spirituality and the Bible
a: Arnold, Patrick M.
c: BV4843 A764 1991
r: Patrick M. Arnold
p: New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company

s: Men (Christian theology)
t: Wildmen, warriors, and kings: masculine spirituality and the Bible
a: Arnold, Patrick M.
c: BV4843 A764 1991
r: Patrick M. Arnold
p: New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company

s: Mendenhall, Nereus, 1819-1893
t: Quaker biographies: brief biographical sketches concerning certain members of the Religious Society of Friends
c: BX7720 Q2 Ser. 2 v.5
r: With illustrations
p: Philadelphia: For sale at Friends' Book Store

s: Mennonites -- Fiction
t: Nellie & the Navajo & other stories
a: Logan, Carol
c: BX7799.5 L6 N4 1998
r: by Carol Logan
p: Goshen, IN: Provident Bookstores, 2000

s: Mennonites -- Kansas -- Fiction
t: For conscience' sake
a: Stucky, Solomon, 1923-
c: PS3569 T833 F6 1983
r: by Solomon Stucky
p: Kitchener, Ont; Scottsdale, PA: Herald Press, 1983

s: Mennonites -- Pennsylvania
t: The gentle people: a portrait of the Amish
a: Warner, James A.
c: BX8129 A6 W4 1969
r: by James A. Warner and Donald M. Denlinger
p: New York: Grossman, 1969

s: Mental healing
t: From inside the glass doors 
a: Knudsen-Hoffman, Gene, 1919- 
c: BX7796 H755 A3 
r: by Gene K. Hoffman 
p: Brooklyn, NY: The Turning Press, [c1977]

s: Mental health 
t: Beyond health and normality : explorations of exceptional psychological well-being 
c: RA790 B487 1983
r: edited by Roger Walsh, Deane H. Shapiro, Jr 
p: New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1983 

s: Mental health 
t: Beyond health and normality : explorations of exceptional psychological well-being 
c: RA790 B487 1983
r: edited by Roger Walsh, Deane H. Shapiro, Jr 
p: New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1983 

s: Mental illness -- Religious aspects  
t: Dancing with God through the storm : mysticism and mental illness
a: Elam, Jennifer
c: BX7748 E37 D17 2002
r: by Jennifer Elam

s: Mental illness -- Religious aspects  
t: Dancing with God through the storm : mysticism and mental illness 
a: Elam, Jennifer
c: BX7748.E37 D17 2002
r: by Jennifer Elam  
p: Media, PA: Way Opens Press, 2002 

s: Mentally ill -- Care -- England -- York -- History -- 18th century  
t: The York Retreat in the light of the Quaker way : moral treatment theory : humane therapy or mind control? 
a: Stewart, Kathleen Anne, 1969-  
c: BX7640 Y6 Z84 1992  
r: by Kathleen Anne Stewart 
p: York : William Sessions, c1992 

s: Mentally ill -- Family relationships
t: A Family affair: helping families cope with mental illness
c: RC326 G7 no.119
r: formulated by the Committee on Psychiatry and the Community
p: New York: Brunner/Mazel, 1986

s: Menzies, Lucy
t: Evelyn Underhill
a: Cropper, Margaret
c: BV5095 U5 C9 1958
r: by Margaret Cropper
n: with a memoir of Lucy Menzies by Lumsden Barkway
p: London: Longmeans, Green and Co., 1958

s: Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968.
t: Woods, shore, desert : a notebook, May 1968 
a: Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968.
c: PS3525 E68 W6 1982 
r: by Thomas Merton ; with photographs by the author ; foreword by Patrick Hart ; introduction and notes by Joel Weishaus.
p: Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico Press, c1982.

s: Messiah 
t: The Essene odyssey : the mystery of the True Teacher and the Essene impact on the shaping of human destiny
a: Schonfield, Hugh Joseph, 1901-  
c: BM175.E8 S36 1998 
r: Hugh J. Schonfield. 
p: Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element, 1998 

s: Messiah 
t: The Essene odyssey : the mystery of the True Teacher and the Essene impact on the shaping of human destiny
a: Schonfield, Hugh Joseph, 1901-  
c: BM175.E8 S36 1998 
r: Hugh J. Schonfield. 
p: Longmead, Shaftesbury, Dorset: Element, 1998 

s: Messianism
t: A theology of human hope
a: Alves, Rubem A., 1933-
c: BT810.2 A55 1969
r: by Rubem A. Alves
p: Corpus Books

s: Meteorologists -- England -- Biography  
t: The invention of clouds : how an amateur meteorologist forged the language of the skies 
a: Hamblyn, Richard, 1965-  
c: QC921 H35 2001  
r: by Richard Hamblyn 
p: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001 

s: Meteorology -- England -- History -- 19th century  
t: The invention of clouds : how an amateur meteorologist forged the language of the skies 
a: Hamblyn, Richard, 1965-  
c: QC921 H35 2001  
r: by Richard Hamblyn 
p: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001 

s: Meterorology - England - History - 19th century
t: The invention of clouds : how an ameteur meterorologist forged the language of the skies
a: Hamblyn, Richard, 1965-
c: QC921 H35 2001
r: by Richard Hamblyn
p: New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2001

s: Methodists -- California -- Biography
t: Everybody wins: the story behind the Ungame
a: Zakich, Rhea
c: BX8495 Z32 A33
r: by Rhea Zakich
p: Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House, 1979

s: Mexican American women -- Colorado -- Denver -- Social conditions s: Illegal aliens -- Colorado -- Denver  
t: Just like us : the true story of four Mexican girls coming of age in America 
a: Thorpe, Helen, 1965-  
c: F784 D49 M58 2009 
r: by Helen Thorpe 
p: New York : Scribner, 2009 

s: Michigan -- Social life and customs -- 19th century  
t: Remember the distance that divides us : the family letters of Philadelphia Quaker abolitionist and Michigan pioneer Elizabeth Margaret Chandler, 1830-1842 
a: Chandler, Elizabeth Margaret, 1807-1834  
c: E449 C445 A3 2004    
r: ed. by Marcia J. Heringa Mason 
p: East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, c2004 

s: Middle age--United States--Family relationships
t: You and your aging parent
a: Silverstone, Barbara, 1931-
c: HQ1064 U5 S54 1981
r: Barbara Silverstone
p: New York: Pantheon Books

s: Middle East  
t: Compassionate listening: and other writings
2 copies
a: Knudsen-Hoffman, Gene, 1919-  
c: BX7755.K86 A25 2003   
r: by Gene Knudsen-Hoffman; edited by Anthony Manousos  
p: Torrance, CA: Friends Bulletin, c2003 

s: Middle East -- Foreign relations -- Great Britain 
t: The high walls of Jerusalem : a history of the Balfour Declaration and the birth of the British mandate for Palestine 
a: Sanders, Ronald
c: DS125.5 S26 1984
r: by Ronald Sanders

s: Middle East -- Politics and government
t: Search for Peace in the Middle East: a report prepared for the American Friends Service Committee
c: BX7698 W2 S43 1971
e: revised ed.
p: New York: Fawcett World Library, 1970

s: Middle East -- Politics and government -- 1945-
t: Sustaining peace witness in the twenty-first century : papers from the 1997 Quaker Peace Roundtable, first month 17-19, 1997
a: Quaker Peace Roundtable (1997: Philadelphia, PA)
c: BX7732 Q255 1997
r: ed. by Chuck Fager
p: Wallingford, PA: Issues Program of Pendle Hill, c1997

s: Middle East -- Society of Friends
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BR1070 G4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Middle East -- Society of Friends
t: New voices, old worlds
a: Geren, Paul Francis, 1917-
c: BX7632 F943 Z4
r: by Paul Geren
p: N.Y.: Friendship Press, 1958

s: Middle East--politics and government--1945-
t: A Compassionate peace: a future for the Middle East
3 labels
c: DS63.1 C62 1982
p: New York: Hill & Wang
n: Prepared by a working party appointed by the board of directors, A.F.S.C.; Everett Mendelsohn, chairperson and principal author.

s: Militarism
t: War and civilization
a: Toynbee, Arnold Joseph, 1889-1975
c: U21 T69
r: by Arnold J. Toynbee
p: New York: Oxford University Press, 1950

s: Military assistance, American -- Pakistan
t: Blockade! : A guide to non-violent intervention
a: Taylor, Richard K.
c: DS395.5 T39
p: Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, c1977
r: by Richard K. Taylor

s: Military assistance, American--Moral and ethical aspects
t: Spoils of war : the human cost of America's arms trade
a: Tirman, John
c: HD9743 U6T57 1997
r: by John Tirman
p: New York: The Free Press, 1997

s: Military education -- United States
t: Making soldiers in the public schools: an analysis of the Army JROTC curriculum
a: Lutz, Catherine
c: BX7641 L975 1995
p: Philadelphia: American Friends Service Committee, 1995
r: by Catherine Lutz and Lesley Bartlett
n: American Friends Service Committee Report, National Youth & Militarism Program

s: Military education -- United States -- Case studies  
t: Practicing virtues : moral traditions at Quaker and military boarding schools 
a: Hays, Kim  
c: LC311 H39 1994 
r: by Kim Hays 
p: Berkeley : University of California Press, c1994 

s: Military-industrial complex -- United States
t: The new nuclear danger : George W. Bush's Military-Industrial Complex
a: Caldicott, Helen
c: UA23 C8 2002
r: by Helen Caldicott
p: New York: New Press, 2002

s: Mind and body 
t: Inner fire, your will to live: stories of courage, hope, and determination
2 copies
a: Rosenbaum, Ernest H.
c: QZ 201 R813i 1999
l: Rosenbaum, Isadora R.
p: Austin, TX: Plexus, 1999

s: Minorities -- United States
t: The trouble-makers: an Anti-defamation League report
a: Forster, Arnold
c: E184 A1 F6
r: by Arnold Forster and Benjamin R. Epstein
p: Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1952

s: Minorities - U.S.
t: The troublemakers: an Anti-defamation League report
a: Forster, Arnold, co-author
c: E184.81 F7 1952
r: by Arnold Forster and Benjamin Epstein

s: Miracles
t: Miracles: a preliminary study
a: Lewis, C. S. (Clive Staples), 1898-1963
c: BT97 L43 1965
p: New York: Macmillan Co [1965]
r: by C. S. Lewis

s: Miracles 
t: George Fox's 'Book of miracles' 
a: Fox, George, 1624-1691  
c: BX7733 B72 2000   
r: ed. with an intro. and notes by Henry J. Cadbury; with forewords by Rufus M. Jones, Jim Pym, Paul Anderson  
p: Philadelphia: Friends General Conference, c.2000 
l: Cadbury, Henry Joel, 1883-1974 
l: Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948 

s: Missionaries -- Japan -- Biography
t: Toyohiko Kagawa : apostle of love and social justice
a: Schildgen, Robert
c: BV3457 K3 S26 1988
r: by Herbert Schildgen
p: Berkeley: Centenary Books, 1988

s: Missions
t: A history of the expansion of Christianity; Vol. I - The first five centuries
a: LaTourette, Kenneth Scott
c: BR145 L3 v.1
p: New York: Harper and Brothers, 1937

s: Missions
t: A history of the expansion of Christianity; Vol. III - AD 1500-AD 1800
a: LaTourette, Kenneth Scott
c: BR145 L3 v.3
p: New York: Harper and Brothers, 1937

s: Missions
t: A history of the expansion of Christianity; Vol. V - The great century - AD 180-AD 1914
a: LaTourette, Kenneth Scott
c: BR145 L3 v.5
p: New York: Harper and Brothers, 1937

s: Missions -- Africa
t: Friends work in Africa
a: Steere, Douglas Van, 1901-
c: BX7750 A53 S8
r: by Douglas and Dorothy Steere
p: London: Friends World Committee for Consultation, 1954
n: includes 1960 supplement

s: Missions -- Africa 
t: Friends work in Africa
a: Steere, Douglas 
c: Pam. BX7750 A53 S8 
l: Steere, Dorothy
r: by Douglas and Dorothy Steere
p: London: Friends World Committee for Consultation, 1954
l: Friends World Committee for Consultation

s: Missions -- India
t: The Christ of the Indian road
a: Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley), 1884-1973
c: BV3265 J65
p: New York: Abingdon Press [c1925]
r: by Stanley Jones

s: Mitchell, Maria, 1818-1889 
t: Maria Mitchell : the soul of an astronomer 
a: Gormley, Beatrice
c: BX7796 M66 G67 1995
r: by Beatrice Gormley
p: Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c1995

s: Mollenott, Virginia Raney, coauthor
t: Is the homosexual my neighbor? Another christian view
a: Scanzoni, Letha
c: BR115 H6 S3
p: San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1978
r: by Letha Scanzoni and Virginia Raney Mollenkott

s: Mollineux, Mary, 1651?-1695  
t: Dear Friends and sisters : 25 short biographies of Quaker women
a: Skidmore, Gil
c: BX7793 S64 1998 
p: Reading, Eng.: The Sowle Press, 1998
r: by Gil Skidmore

s: Monastic and religious life -- Quaker authors
t: Steps in a large room : a Quaker explores the monastic tradition
a: Holdsworth, C. J.
c: BX7752 H8824 S82
r: by Christopher Holdsworth
p: London: Quaker Home Service, 1985
i: Swarthmore lecture, 1985

s: Monks -- United States -- Biography
t: Woods, shore, desert : a notebook, May 1968 
a: Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968.
c: PS3525 E68 W6 1982 
r: by Thomas Merton ; with photographs by the author ; foreword by Patrick Hart ; introduction and notes by Joel Weishaus.
p: Santa Fe : Museum of New Mexico Press, c1982.

s: Monotheism
t: Radical monotheism and western culture : with supplementary essays
a: Niebuhr, H. Richard (Helmut Richard), 1894-1962
c: BL221 N66
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960
r: by H. Richard Niebuhr

s: Moon, Susan, ed.
t: Risking Peace: Why we sat in the road
a: Cabasso, Jackie, ed.
c: HM278 R57 1985
r: edited by Jackie Cabasso and Susan Moon
p: Berkeley, CA: Open Books, 1985

s: Moore, Ann Herbert, 1710-1783
t: Wilt thou go on my errand?:journals of three 18th cent. Quaker women ministers:Susanna Morris,1682-1755;Elizabeth Hudson,1722-1783;Ann Moore,1710-1783
c: BX7793 W55 1994
r: edited by Margaret Hope Bacon
p: Wallingford,Pennsylvania: Pendle Hill Publications

s: Moral education -- United States -- Case studies  
t: Practicing virtues : moral traditions at Quaker and military boarding schools 
a: Hays, Kim  
c: LC311 H39 1994 
r: by Kim Hays 
p: Berkeley : University of California Press, c1994 

s: Morales Ayma, Evo, 1959-  
t: Limits to power : some friendly reminders 
a: Garver, Newton, 1928-  
c: BX7617 N49 L5 2007   
r: by Newton Garver 
p: Buffalo, N.Y. : Center for Studies in American Culture, c2005, 2007 
i: Center working papers  

s: Mormonism
t: The book of Mormon : an account written by the had of Mormon upon plates taken from the plates of Nephi
a: Smith, Joseph, 1805-1844
c: BX8623 1989
r: translated by Joseph Smith, Jun.
p: Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1989

s: Mormons -- Biography
t: From Quaker to Latter-Day Saint: Bishop Edwin D. Woolley
a: Arrington, Leonard J.
c: BX8695 W57 A77
r: by Leonard J. Arrington
p: Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book Co., 1976

s: Mormons -- Biography  
t: Grace notes : the waking of a woman's voice 
a: Hart, Heidi, 1971-  
c: BX7767 H32 G72 2004
r: Heidi Hart 
p: Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, c2004 

s: Morris, Susanna, 1682-1755
t: Wilt thou go on my errand?:journals of three 18th cent. Quaker women ministers:Susanna Morris,1682-1755;Elizabeth Hudson,1722-1783;Ann Moore,1710-1783
c: BX7793 W55 1994
r: edited by Margaret Hope Bacon
p: Wallingford,Pennsylvania: Pendle Hill Publications

s: Morrison, Norman,  -1965
t: Friends & the Vietnam War : papers and presentations from a Pendle Hill Conference, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, July 16-20, 1998
a: Fager, Chuck, ed.
c: BX7637.75 F74 1998
r: ed. by Chuck Fager
p: Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill, 1998
n: Daniel A. Seeger: Introduction -- Lou Schneider: Conscientious objection: reactive or forewarned? -- "War stories": a panel: John Bach, William A. Eagles, Jay Worrall, III, Charlie Bonner, Beth Taylor -- Joint plenary presentations: "If I knew now what I knew then": Lynne Shivers: Vigils, speeches and so much more, Movement life line, Jack Patterson: Modes of Friends' witness, as practiced individually and corporately, during the Vietnam War years -- "Peace witness war stories": a panel: David Hartsough (mass demonstrations), Anne Morrison Welsh (the sacrifice of Norman Morrison) --Gordon Browne: On being conformed to this world (the impact of the Vietnam War on the Religious Society of Friends) -- Jeremy Mott: From protest to resistance, the Quaker peace testimony during the Vietnam War -- Kathleen Hertzberg: Canadian Friends, trying to serve God in the spirit of Christ -- "Corporate effort war stories": a panel: Liz Yeats (draft counseling), Ken Maher (underground railroad), David Finke (military counseling), William A. Eagles (Quaker House, Fayetteville, N.C.) -- Panel: "But what canst thou say?": personal reflections of three generations of Quaker peace activists: Bronson Clark (World War II resister), Max Carter (Vietnam War CO), Garrett Colgan-Snyder (1990s CO), Chuck Fager (moderator) -- Peter Goldberg: Conscience, citizenship, and the road ahead -- Arthur O. Roberts (EFI): The Vietnam Era and the evangelical Quaker community -- Bruce Birchard (FGC): It was a hard time, and Friends were there -- Johan Maurer (FUM): Was there a war going on?
l: Patterson, Jack T.
l: Browne, Gordon 
l: Birchard, Bruce

s: Mothers and daughters -- United States -- Case studies
t: Different Daughters: a book by mothers of lesbians
c: HQ75.6 U5 D54 1987
r: ed. by Louise Rafkin
p: Pittsburgh PA: Cleis Press, 1987

s: Mothers and sons
t: The secret love of sons: how we feel about our mothers and why we never tell
a: Weinstock, Nicholas
c: HQ755.85 W47 1997
r: Nicholas Weinstock
p: New York, N.Y.: Riverhead Books

s: Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 
t: Valiant Friend : the life of Lucretia Mott
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope 
c: BX7796 M91 B22 1980
r: by Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: New York: Walker & Co., 1980

s: Mott, Lucretia, 1793-1880 
t: Valiant Friend : the life of Lucretia Mott
a: Bacon, Margaret Hope 
c: BX7796 M91 B22 1999
r: by Margaret Hope Bacon 
p: Philadelphia, Pa.: Friends General Conference, 1999 
e: 2nd ed.

s: Movement for a New Society
t: Resource manual for a living revolution
c: BX7640 M935 R43
r: Virginia Coover, Ellen Deacon, Charles Esser, Christopher More
p: Philadelphia: New Society Press, 1977

s: Multiculturalism
t: The 10 lenses : your guide to living & working in a multicultural world
2 copies
a: Williams, Mark A., 1948-
c: HF5549.5 M5 W55 2001
r: by Mark A. Williams
p: Herndon, Va. : Capital Books, Inc., c2001

s: Murray family  
t: The Murrays of Murray Hill 
a: Monaghan, Charles, 1932-  
c: BX7795 M94 M66 1998 
r: by Charles Monaghan 
p: Brooklyn, N.Y. : Urban History Prss, c1998 

s: Murray, Lindley, 1745-1826  
t: The Murrays of Murray Hill 
a: Monaghan, Charles, 1932-  
c: BX7795 M94 M66 1998 
r: by Charles Monaghan 
p: Brooklyn, N.Y. : Urban History Prss, c1998 

s: Musicians -- Biography 
t: Daybreak 
a: Baez, Joan 
c: BX7745 B236 D27 1968
p: New York: Dial Press, 1968
r: by Joan Baez

s: Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967
t: Peace agitator: The story of A. J. Muste
a: Hentoff, Nat
c: BX7798 H52 P35
r: by Nat Hentoff
p: N.Y.: Macmillan, 1963

s: Muste, Abraham John, 1885-1967  
t: From Yale to jail
a: Dellinger, David T., 1915-2004
c: HN90 R3 D46 1993  
r: by DAvid T. Dellinger
p: New York : Pantheon Books, c1993

s: Mystical union
t: The life in Christ
a: Cabasilas, Nicolaus, 14th cent.
c: BT767.7 C313 1982
r: by Nicolaus Cabasilas
p: New York: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1974

s: Mysticism
t: Letters of the scattered brotherhood
a: Strong, Mary Holbrook Wilson, ed.
c: BV5072 S7
p: New York: Harper, 1948

s: Mysticism
t: Letters of the scattered brotherhood
2 copies
a: Strong, Mary Holbrook (Wilson) ed.
c: BV5072 S7 1948
p: New York: Harper, 1948

s: Mysticism
t: Mysticism and modern life
a: Buckham, John Wright, 1864-
c: BV5081 B9
r: by John Wright Buckham
p: New York: Abingdon Press, 1915

s: Mysticism
t: Mysticism: Christian and Buddhist
a: Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, 1870-1966
c: BL625 S85
r: by Daisetz Teitaro Suziki
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957

s: Mysticism
t: Rufus Jones speaks to our time: An Anthology
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BX7754 R86 1951
r: by Rufus M. Jones, edited by Harry Emerson Fosdick
p: N.Y.: The Macmillan Company, 1951

s: Mysticism
t: Rufus Jones speaks to our time: An Anthology
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BX7754 R86 1951
r: by Rufus M. Jones, edited by Harry Emerson Fosdick
p: N.Y.: The Macmillan Company, 1951

s: Mysticism
t: Rufus Jones speaks to our time: An Anthology
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BX7754 R86 1961
r: by Rufus M. Jones, edited by Harry Emerson Fosdick
p: N.Y.: The Macm  illan Company, 1961

s: Mysticism
t: Spiritual reformers in the 16th and 17th centuries
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BV5075 J6
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: London: Macmillan, 1914

s: Mysticism
t: Spiritual reformers in the 16th and 17th centuries
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BV5075 J6 1959
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: Boston: Beacon Press, 1959

s: Mysticism
t: The choice is always ours: an anthology on the religious way
a: Phillips, Dorothy Berkley, ed.
c: BL48 P5 1948
p: New York: Harper & Brothers, 1960
e: Revised ed.
r: co-editors: Elizabeth Boyden Howes, Lucille M. Nixon

s: Mysticism
t: The choice is always ours; An anthology on the religious way chosen from psychological, religious, philosophical, poetical and biographical sources
2 copies
a: Phillips, Dorothy Berkley, ed.
c: BL48 P5 1960
p: N.Y.: Harper, 1960
r: edited by Dorothy Berkley Phillips

s: Mysticism
t: The eternal gospel
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BT127 J7
r: by Rufus M. Jones,
p: N.Y.: Macmillan, 1938

s: Mysticism
t: The life of the spirit and the life of to-day
a: Underhill, Evelyn, 1875-1941
c: BV5082 U5L
r: by Evelyn Underhill
p: New York: E.P. Dutton [1922]

s: Mysticism
t: The light at the center : context and pretext of modern mysticism
a: Agehananda Bharati, Swami, 1923-
c: BL625 A34 1976
p: Santa Barbara [Calif.] : Ross-Erikson
r: by Agehananda Bharati

s: Mysticism
t: The signature of all things and other writings 
a: Bˆhme, Jakob, 1575-1624  
c: BV5080 B6 S5 1969 
r: by Jacob Boehme 
p: Cambridge, James Clarke & Co., Ltd., 1969

s: Mysticism
t: The two sources of morality and religion
2 copies
a: Bergson, Henri Louis, 1859-1941
c: B2430 B4 D42 1977
r: by Henri Bergson
p: Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1977

s: Mysticism. 
t: Pseudo-Dionysius : the complete works 
a: Pseudo-Dionysius, the Areopagite 
c: BR65 D6 E51 1987
r: trans. by Colm Luibheid ; foreword, notes, and translation collaboration by Paul Rorem ; preface by Rene Roques ; introductions by Jaroslav Pelikan, Jean Leclercq, and Karlfried Froehlich. 
p: New York : Paulist Press, c1987. 
i: Classics of Western spirituality. 

s: Mysticism  
t: Mystics and Zen masters 
a: Merton, Thomas, 1915-1968  
c: BL625 M38 1987
r: by Thomas Merton
p: New York, Farrar, Strauss and Giroux [1967] 

s: Mysticism - - France - - History - - Middle Ages, 600-1500
t: A mirror for simple souls by an anonymous thirteenth-century French mystic
a: Porete, Marguerite, ca. 1250-1310
c: BV5091 C7 P6713 1981
e: ed, trans., Charles Crawford
p: N.Y.: Crossroad, 1981

s: Mysticism -- Catholic Church
t: Dark night of the soul
a: John of the Cross, Saint, 1542-1591
c: BV5080 J77572 1959
r: tr. and ed., with an introd. by E. Allison Peers
e: 3rd rev. ed.
p: Garden City, NY: Image Books (Doubleday) [1959]

s: Mysticism -- Catholic Church
t: Hymn of the universe
a: Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre
c: B2430 T373 E514
p: New York: Harper & Row

s: Mysticism -- Comparative studies  
t: Then and now : Quaker essays historical and contemporary 
c: BX7632 B81 T3 1960 
r: by friends of Henry Joel Cadbury, on his completion of twenty-two years as chairman of the American Friends Service Committee 
p: Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, [1960] 

s: Mysticism -- Germany
t: Theologia Germanica
c: BV4834 T3 E5W 1949
r: introd. and notes by J. Bernhart
p: New York: Pantheon, 1949

s: Mysticism -- History
t: Studies in mystical religion
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BV5075 J7
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: London: Macmillan, 1919

s: Mysticism -- History
t: Studies in mystical religion
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BV5075 J7 2004
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2004

s: Mysticism -- History
t: Studies in mystical religion
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BV5075 J7 2004
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2004

s: Mysticism -- History
t: Studies in mystical religion
a: Jones, Rufus Matthew, 1863-1948
c: BV5075 J7 2004
r: by Rufus M. Jones
p: Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2004

s: Mysticism -- History -- 1450-1800. 
t: The way to Christ 
a: Boehme, Jakob, 1575-1624 
c: BV5080 B7 W413 1978
r: by Jacob Boehme; trans. and introd. by Peter Erb 
p: New York : Paulist Press, c1978. 
i: Classics of Western spirituality. 
n: Translation of Der weg zu Christo. 
l: Erb, Peter C., 1943- 

s: Mysticism -- History -- Middle Ages, 600-1500 
t: Meister Eckhart : a modern translation 
a: Eckhart, Meister, d. 1327  
c: BV5080 E4 1957
r: trans by Raymond Bernard Blakney 
p: New York : Harper, c1957

s: Mysticism - Judaism
t: I and thou
a: Buber, Martin
c: BM723 B753 1958
p: N.Y.: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1958 
r: by Martin Buber, with a postscript by the author added; trans. by Ronald Gregor Smith

s: Mysticism -- Judaism
t: I and thou
a: Buber, Martin, 1878-1965
c: BM723 B78
r: by Martin Buber

s: Mysticism -- Psychological aspects  
t: Dancing with God through the storm : mysticism and mental illness
a: Elam, Jennifer
c: BX7748 E37 D17 2002
r: by Jennifer Elam

s: Mysticism -- Psychological aspects  
t: Dancing with God through the storm : mysticism and mental illness 
a: Elam, Jennifer
c: BX7748.E37 D17 2002
r: by Jennifer Elam  
p: Media, PA: Way Opens Press, 2002 

s: Mysticism -- Social aspects  
t: Mysticism & Social Transformation
a: Ruffing, Janet K., ed.
c: BV5082.2 M58 2001  
r: ed. by Janet K. Ruffing
p: Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2001

s: Mysticism -- Society of Friends  
t: Dancing with God through the storm : mysticism and mental illness
a: Elam, Jennifer
c: BX7748 E37 D17 2002
r: by Jennifer Elam

s: Mysticism -- Society of Friends  
t: Dancing with God through the storm : mysticism and mental illness 
a: Elam, Jennifer
c: BX7748.E37 D17 2002
r: by Jennifer Elam  
p: Media, PA: Way Opens Press, 2002 

s: Mysticism -- Society of Friends  
t: Speaking of silence : Christians and Buddhists on the contemplative way 
c: BX7796.6 S69 1987  
r: ed. by Susan Walker 
p: New York : Paulist Press, c1987 

s: Mysticism -- Society of Friends -- History -- 18th century  
t: Mysticism & Social Transformation
a: Ruffing, Janet K., ed.
c: BV5082.2 M58 2001  
r: ed. by Janet K. Ruffing
p: Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press, 2001

s: Mysticism--Early works to 1800
t: The cloud of unknowing 
c: BV5080 C5 1981
r: ed. by Emile Griggin; foreward by Tim Farrington
p: San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, n.d.
l: Griggin, Emile, ed.

s: Mysticism--Early works to 1800 
t: The cloud of unknowing 
c: BV5080  C5 1981
r: edited by Emile Griggin; foreward by Tim Farrington
p: San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, n.d.

s: Mythology
t: Language and myth
a: Cassirer, Ernst, 1874-1945
c: P105 C32 
p: New York: Dover [c.1946]
r: by Ernst Cassirer, trans. by Susanne K. Langer

s: Mythology
t: The hero with a thousand faces
a: Campbell, Joseph, 1904-
c: BL313 C28
p: Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1968

s: Mythology
t: The masks of God : creative mythology
a: Cambell, Joseph, 1904-1987
c: GN470 C32
p: Harmondsworth, Eng.: Penguin, 1976
r: by Joseph Cambell

s: Mythology
t: This business of the gods...
a: Cambell, Joseph, 1904-1987
c: BL304 C35 1989
r: by Joseph Cambell
p: Calendon East, Ontario: Windrose Films, 1989

s: Mythology, Greek -- Psychological aspects  
t: Goddesses in everywoman : a new psychology of women 
a: Bolen, Jean Shinoda  
c: HQ1206 B54 1984 
r: Jean Shinoda Bolen 
p: San Francisco : Harper & Row, c1984