Nick Fell

Nick Above the Ocean

Nick fell May 29, 2010 and sustained a serious head injury. He has been recovering at home in Berkeley, CA. He is now back in New York City. We are grateful for all the support we've been receiving and this page is to keep you all up to date. We will be mindful of Nick's right to privacy so you might not find great detail here, but some information (some true, some not so much) is already out in newspapers and other media.

This page is in reverse chronological order so that the latest is always at the top. The beginning of the story is halfway down the page. Just below that is where the messages from others start.

2011-05-29 21:00 PDT

Nick rightly doesn't want this to define him. He is moving on. He is back in Berkeley, working in San Francisco. However, it's worth noting that he fell a year ago today. He is doing very well indeed. We took a trip to Marin today and went to Stinson Beach. He brought a guitar and we enjoyed listening to him as he played on a dune. He answered many questions a few months ago on reddit reddit.

2010-10-23 10:00 PDT

Triumph and Gratitude

Last week Nick and I took a trip to New York. He's still there and I'm back in California. He and Amanda are reunited and he's feeling good, looking for an apartment and a job. This was a goal that looked so very far away just a few months ago. I'm still a little nervous and we miss him back here.

FDNY Paramedic Patch

In NY, Nick and I were able to track down and thank some of our heros. We've kept in contact with a couple FDNY paramedics and through them found the NYPD's Emergency Services Unit (ESU). We also got up into the Neurological ICU at Bellevue hospital and thanked a couple of the nurses who cared for him. It was surprising to find that it is very rare for someone to come back and thank these folks.

The fire department paramedics are a separate unit from the FDNY guys on the red trucks. They are the ones who usually get there before the big trucks and they save a lot of lives. One of them who helped Nick that night is apparently the best EMT in the world. He held Nick's head while the fence was being cut and while Nick was being moved. He also came up to the NICU more than once to check up on Nick. He and a couple colleagues went to Poland a little while ago to enter and win a world championship contest for EMTs. I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but he and the team of May 29, 2010 already had our vote.


The ESU was a revelation. I didn't even know they existed. They are an elite squad that does rescues, hostage negotiation, and SWAT actions. I think they got there very shortly after the local precinct cops did. They used high tech saws to cut the fence. They are all trained paramedics as well. There are several squads and the one we visited has cramped quarters attached to the Manhattan South police precinct. They were the ones who headed out to the Hudson to help out Captain Sullenberger. They got there with boats and scuba gear prepared to go down with the sinking plane to get out as many as they could. Happily they didn't have to do that, but it shows the lengths they will go to to save lives.

We couldn't find any doctors at Bellevue, but we did find a couple nurses who were there and remembered us. They remembered which room he was in and the whole struggle. They too were happy and surprised that we came back to say thanks. We had to sweet talk our way past the guard downstairs, but he too seemed pleased that we had come back.

It was a great trip and very emotional. I'm so glad to have been able to meet some of the folks who stand watch over us day and night. Their skill and professionalism is extremely impressive. Also impressive is to see how they care. They will say stuff like "It's our job" as though that explains everything. It doesn't. They care. You can see it in their eyes. I doubt they could do the job if they didn't. Thanks again folks. It is truly awesome, in the original sense of the word, to feel the skill, dedication, toughness, and caring from so many, working together so hard to save a life that night. Nick's life.

And they are still doing it - all the time. The beds in the hospital are still full. The sirens keep going off. The trucks keep rolling. People still need help. Help is still there.

2010-10-08 10:00 PDT


Another visit to Vallejo and another battery of tests. Nick is doing very well, however he is still not cleared to drive and is forbidden alcohol until his brain is as recovered as it will get. This could take another year or so. We shall see.

2010-09-24 10:00 PDT


Local Natives were in San Francisco this week. They had a gig at the Fillmore on Thursday and played for a bit at the Amoeba Records store in the Haight Wednesday evening. Nick, Cricket, Dylan, and I went in to try to catch their show at Amoeba. There was some confusion about the start time and about meeting up downtown. So by the time we got out there the band was packing up to leave. Still they got a chance to meet Nick and talk for a few minutes. Later they invited Nick via email to the Fillmore, but Nick didn't read his email until it was too late. Schedules, communication. I'm not sure these things are that much easier to do in the age of the Internet.

2010-09-20 09:40 PDT


Apologies for such a long time between updates. Those who have assumed that no news is good news are correct. Nick continues to improve, but the improvements are not as dramatic. He has been working for a couple lawyers in San Francisco. This has been great. It gives him something to do and some money saved. The big news is that he and I will be taking a trip to New York City in October. We are really looking forward to meeting and thanking people there. He still has a ways to go and the healing will continue for maybe another year. I don't know. However, I do know that we were warned it could take three to five years and he has been progressing at maybe six times that rate so far. This is judging by milestones and examinations this summer. It's very hard to tell just walking and talking with him or looking at him that there is anything wrong. His music sounds great. He is great.

2010-07-28 12:33 PDT


Kites at Berkeley Marina

Yesterday was a good day. A very good day. It started with a trip to the opthamologist. This wasn't the good part. We wont get results of the tests (another one this morning too) until next week. Odd. One would think with computers and all ... Anyway, after his eyes stopped being dilated we took off for a bike ride. This was the first time he's been on a bike other than a very brief try a week or so ago. This time we went all the way from our house to the bay. We rode over the bike bridge and along the bay trail to Emeryville. He had fun. He must have cranked it up to 25 or 30 MPH. I had a hard time catching up.

We sat out in the sunshine and watched the sail boarders and kite boarders skimming along the bay. Then we noticed off in the distance a bunch of kites over the Berkeley marina. So back on our bikes to go check it out. It looks like some folks were getting a jump on the kite festival which is this coming weekend. After a bit of this we biked up to a park where Nick met up with some old friends to play a bit of soccer. Again, a first since his injury.

He did pretty well. He was able to dribble down the left wing and send a good cross over. He also got off a thundering shot. Unfortunately, his pal and teammate Corey couldn't get out of the way and took it hard to his chest. After a while Nick started to feel a touch dizzy so we quit and went home ... elated.

2010-07-26 17:00 PDT


Thursday we went up to Vallejo for some PT. They said he doesn't need to come back. So this is yet another milestone. Yesterday Nick and Amanda drove down to Santa Cruz. Amanda drove as Nick's drivers license was invalidated when he fell. He isn't ready to drive yet, but that too will come. They were going to stay overnight and go to the Garlic Festival in Gilroy. But they decided it was too cold and the garlic festival too expensive so they drove back.

It was the first time since the fall that he was away from me in a different city. I tried not to flip out, but my anxiety level crept up until they got back.

2010-07-21 20:00 PDT


Nick's injury was to the occipital and parietal lobes. Researchers are still trying to figure out what they do.

Today we went to a neurosurgeon in Redwood City. That's where Kaiser keeps their neurosurgeons. Nick got a CT scan and then we met with the neuro. The CT scan showed a scary hole in his skull at least an inch or an inch and a half in diameter. You could see the titanium mesh that was screwed into the skull to cover this gap. You could see dark areas where some brain tissue is missing. You could see the skull fragment that is still deeper in his brain where it was pushed in by the fence. It was (and is) too deep to remove.

The doctor gave Nick a few tests there in the office. Nick's peripheral vision on the left is, astoundingly, almost normal. He can see almost 90 degrees to his left and a bit more than 90 degrees to his right. A few short weeks ago he could only see about 40 degrees to his left. He's hoping that this continues and he will be able to see around corners in the future. The neuro was amazed. He kept shaking his head. "You had no paralysis?" "No seizures?" "Examining you I would have guessed the injury was at least a year ago." He asked Nick to close his eyes and stick out his left hand. He put a quarter in it and asked Nick to figure out what it was just by touching it. After Nick correctly identified it as a quarter, the doc asked him to figure out which side was "heads". He did. Can you do that? I couldn't do it with confidence when I tried it. The doctor kept shaking his head. He couldn't get over it. Everything he threw at Nick, Nick could do. He says that there is no need to see him again. There are no restrictions on his physical activities. Of course, further traumatic head injury is right out.

This is all so very much more than could be expected in the dark days just after the fall. Still somehow in the deepest corners of our stubborn optimism we suspected he might surprise. That he has done and continues to do. I'll have to put up another recording of his piano, guitar, and drum playing. It no longer sounds like a TBI patient. It sounds more like a musician.

There is still quite a bit more to do. We can't get so optimistic that we become careless, but it sure has been a good day.

2010-07-18 16:00 PDT

Therapy to the Beat

Nick has assembled an impressive drum set downstairs. It is wonderful to hear him blasting away again. Lawrence still wanders a bit sometimes missing a beat, sometimes missing a drum. So there are a few bruises. He's having fun and it is, after all, prescribed therapy.

2010-07-13 16:30 PDT

On the Move

Nick and Amanda in Muir Woods

On Saturday, 7/10, we took a hike. Nick, Amanda, and I walked about five miles from Muir Woods up over the Ben Johnson and Dipsea trails to Stinson Beach. Emily turned back about half way to go get the car and pick us up at Stinson. Nick had no trouble with the length or the terrain over hill and dale through woods and meadows.

Today it was back to the track where he ran a full mile. He reports that he was more comfortable on this run than on his half mile of last week. He got into more of a rhythm on this one. This afternoon he and Amanda took off for a yoga class. At this point he's more fit than most of us. He just needs work integrating his left side. This is where we need patience.

Nick and Amanda approach Stinson Beach

2010-07-09 18:00 PDT


Yesterday Nick, Amanda, and I went up to Vallejo for his out patient therapy. First he saw the occupational therapist. When they came out after therapy she told me that Nick should play drums as therapy. He's putting them up to this sort of thing, I'm sure. Cricky will agree with them too. Then he went off for speech therapy. Apparently it will be his last session for speech. The therapist said that it was the first time in her 18 years of giving a memory test that the patient got it all. It was a list of pairs of words. The quiz was to give one word and ask for it's partner. A long list, but not long enough. So no more speech therapy for Nick. He's fine in that regard. On the 20th it's back for more OT and some physical therapy. Right now I can overhear him doing therapy on guitar. I think his mate Dylan is over. I'm going to go check it out ... for therapeutic reasons.

2010-07-06 18:00 PDT


Nick Runs

We went to a local soccer field to kick the ball around. Nick is still far from being able to play soccer, but he can shoot and dribble. And he can run. It's not an all out sprint, but he's faster than his old pops at this point. Take a look at his expression. You can see that he will make it. It may take some time, but he charges ahead with hard work and determination.

2010-07-01 13:20 PDT

Miles to Go

Sorry I got behind a bit. It has been wonderful having Nick home. He has been doing a lot of walking. Tuesday we went for a long walk in San Francisco. We walked along Crissy Field in the Presidio. It was Nick, Amanda, Jim, Muffy, Emily, and I. We walked about three miles round trip. Nick and Amanda have been walking all around Berkeley. They went to Dylan's house across town. That's probably three miles round trip. This morning Nick and I went up to the track. In his first try at running other than a few steps with his PT he ran a half mile. That's not a typo. To him it seems like not much. To me it seems so very many miles that he has come.

2010-06-26 11:00 PDT

A Thousand Words


2010-06-25 21:35 PDT

Saying Goodbye

Today was the last full day at KFRC. He is scheduled to be discharged at 11:00 tomorrow morning. Today we got a lot of instructions about living at home from therapists, doctors, nurses, etc. It was a sort of farewell tour for Nick. Emily baked nice raspberry filled cupcakes for the staff and Nick played guitar for the therapists. I was carrying his guitar around as he went from one therapy "class" to the next and so each one wanted to hear him play. They were pretty moved, one of them to tears.

Lunch was an "outing" to a restaurant on the river where Nick had a huge steak. The food was quite good and a great relief from the hospital fare. Along with us was Antonio from Patterson, CA who is recovering from a nasty gunshot wound. He was injured just a few hours before Nick was. We've gotten to know some of the other patients just a bit. It's impressive to see all the struggle, healing, and love there. Every story is unique, but we are not alone in this.

2010-06-24 14:15 PDT

Home Stretch

Our discharge date has been moved up to Saturday. We hope to be out in the morning and back in Berkeley in time for the USA - Ghana kickoff. Nick has been improving so rapidly that they are kicking him out earlier than originally planned. He actually was able to jog a bit yesterday.

Amanda and Nick

Amanda arrived last night and is here in Vallejo this morning. They just went from one therapy appointment to the next without me. He doesn't need me anymore ... sniff. No, wait, that's great! Actually, there is a long way to go yet, but going from in patient to out patient is a major step in the right direction. He'll still be going in for therapy, but sleeping in his own bed at night. Two nights to go.

Nick's Scar

Nick also wanted a photo of his scar. When his hair grows in it should be hard to find.

2010-06-23 13:50 PDT


Nick continues to work hard. He has been getting extra therapy and giving back by taking sessions with some folks who are learning a physical therapy technique called PNF. He looks and sounds like a normal person (if you don't look too closely at the back of his head). His vision seems to be improving a bit too.

We also got word via Amanda that Local Natives dedicated a song to Nick at the Bonnaroo Music Festival

This is the song that Nick has been singing to help himself stay calm and heal. It has offered him a way out of anxiety (and earlier pain) that seemed to have him trapped at times. It has been deeply impressive to watch the power of the song rescue him from these desperate episodes. Nick is choosing to live his life as the song says.

2010-06-21 14:30 PDT


Nick and I high tailed it out of Vallejo at 4:00 PM on a 23 hour pass. He was so very happy to be back to the real world for a while. Before he left he was given homework to play the guitar. "Best homework ever!" was his response. We had a terrific dinner with the whole family plus a couple friends. Yes, he did his homework. I recorded a brief sample. You can listen to it either in Microsoft WAV format (3.3 meg), in OGG Vorbis format (2/3 meg), in Apple AIFF (3.3 meg), or in Macintosh m4a format part 1 (1 meg) and part 2 (1 meg). He also played some piano.

He made some delicious pancakes for us all in the morning. He got a haircut. We walked around in the Berkeley sunshine. He, Alec, Cricky, and Cruzer when to Gordo Taqueria for lunch. -- Thanks Karen Mariash! -- He watched videos with his brothers. He played with the dog and our strange cat. He had no real trouble with the stairs and getting around in general. His gait is becoming more normal as he is better at bending his left knee. He still feels sometimes like one leg is longer than the other. He also reports strange sensations like feeling in his elbow a touch to his hand.

We were back in Vallejo at exactly 3:00 PM completely maximizing our pass. He was a bit down as he settled back into his room there. Later he took a couple calls and a visit from his Aunt Dayna who was out to visit our father on Father's Day. After that his mood improved a lot.

It was grand for this father to have all three of his sons home.

2010-06-19 14:30 PDT

Jiggidy Jog

This morning Mareike (pronounced Mar-IKE-uh) came to me and told me that she and Jayme (the more senior PT) had decided that Nick should try playing the guitar. Obviously, she has not been reading this page. Nick and I played dumb and agreed to try. She was pretty surprised to hear him play. After that she pulled out a basketball. We played catch and he dribbled the ball around the courtyard. He even broke out into a bit of a trot for a few steps when Mareike told him to go a little faster. It reminded me of a game we would play when the boys were little. If they lagged behind I would ask them to go a little bit faster. That was their cue to turn on the speed and pass me until I called out "Hey, I said just a little bit faster.

This evening were are going home on a 23 hour pass. We leave here at about 4:00 and return to the hospital before 3:00 tomorrow. Home again, home again ...

2010-06-18 18:40 PDT

Yes He Can

Family Walking

Today was Family Training Day. We all trailed around to all Nick's therapy sessions to learn how to do the right things when he gets back to Berkeley. Pictured is the gang with one of his PTs as we walked outside. We also attended a big meeting with almost a dozen doctors, nurses, therapists, etc. where we all discussed Nick, his progress and where to go from here.

Nick plays guitar

After the meeting Nick and I were tired. So back to Berkeley with Emily, Alec, and Cricky while Nick and I took a nap. We awoke at the same time with the same idea. It was time to see what would happen when we put a guitar in his hands. What happened was beyond my most optimistic imagining. I heard the most beautiful music of my life so far. He can do it! He can play! It may not be up to his previous standards ... yet, but it works. Lawrence works. Nick can persevere even with the frustration of imperfection. The beat goes on.

2010-06-17 17:30 PDT

Forging Ahead

In between more visible improvements are the subtle ones. This morning in PT he was touching elbows and knees, left elbow to right knee, right elbow to left knee. Now faster. Now straighter. He picked up rags with his toes, right foot ... left foot. These sorts of exercises and improvements lead to bigger more visible improvements. This afternoon we got the go ahead from the experts for Nick to walk around without their help or supervision. The only rule is that one of us be along to "spot" him. This is a big step to returning to independence and down the road to normalcy. This morning the last two staples were removed. So now he has no more staples or sutures in his scalp. Once his hair all grows back the six inch long scar will be hidden and no one will be able to see evidence of the horror he experienced.

More visitors came. Neighbors Dian and Bob. Family friend Dori. Each visit is a source of energy. Thanks to all of you.

2010-06-16 21:30 PDT


A good day again. Nick was actually jumping on a trampoline in PT today. OK, it was a little one and it was just some small jumps, but it's pretty good progress from where I sit. He gets down sometimes. He sees how far he has to go. What is harder for him to see is how far he has come, because he can't remember last week very well. The PTs can and they are in such a good mood working with Nick. It's not just his charm. Their job is tough. There are many patients who recover a lot, but it's slow and difficult. Some will not recover as much. So it's uplifting for them to work with Nick who shows so much progress and so much promise.

2010-06-15 09:40 PDT

On Line

Nick Walking

Nick continues to improve. We found some computers that are connected to the internet; So I don't have to rely solely on my iPhone. He's been roaming Facebook and updating his status as some of you have, no doubt, noticed. He is reading this page on his own and correcting several typos of mine. He can type, but Lawrence sometimes holds him back. He also played piano some more last night. Lawrence is getting more adept and seems to do better when Nick is not concentrating on him.

In other news, Nick did some more walking around, this time with just one PT. Once she rolled a basketball a small distance away and asked Nick to go get it. He did, and as he walked over to get it he walked pretty normally with no help. Like Lawrence Hoyt, Lawrence LaFoote can do better when Nick is not concentrating on him. It made my heart leap to see it.

2010-06-13 18:00 PDT

Nourishment: Music, Friends, Family, and Food

Nick Playing Piano

There's a piano somewhere in this vast hospital and Nick and Emily and his OT Gail found it. I went there with Nick yesterday and watched him play Spann's Boogie. Surprisingly his left hand was able to play. It has a hard time shifting from one position to another, but can play a bass line in one position.

He has named his left hand Lawrence Hoyt. His reports on his left hand are interesting. It feels to him like an independent being. He jokingly talks to Lawrence wondering why he, without warning, reached over and tore his cell phone apart. "Come on Lawrence. Be a team player." He describes washing his hands as like washing someone else's hand while Lawrence also feels like he's washing someone else's hand.

Dylan and Cruzer came by yesterday and brought Nick's mood way up. He just loves getting visitors, especially close ones like these two. They all talked, joked, and laughed and seemed to be having a great time.

Papa by a Fountain

Last night we strolled around the hospital as we usually do. He is pretty spontaneous these days and as we sat in the courtyard by a fountain Nick suddenly said he wanted to take more photographs. So with the help of Lawrence he took this one:

This morning Emily made a wonderful brunch with French toast, bacon, fresh strawberries, and orange juice. She brought it up along with Alec, Cricky, and Laya. We ate in the warm sunshine outside. He loved it.

2010-06-12 15:00 PDT

A Scare

Last night a doctor was taking out one of the surgical staples when Nick started bleeding. So a CAT scan was done. They say the interior (and, hence, the brain) looks fine. There is a hematoma outside the skull, but that should resolve itself. This morning we watched USA v. England and walked some more around the hospital. He's in good spirits and can do more and more on his own. His speech is almost back to normal.

2010-06-11 12:25 PDT

Walking, Yes Indeed

Nick had another restless night. However it was soothed somewhat by Amanda's Song, Cruzer's Poem, all your messages, and even some live classic guitar music. We're looking at increasing his sleeping meds tonight. This morning, tired as he is, he still forged ahead with vigor in PT. He walked, not just a few steps, but a few laps around the hospital corridors with the aid of a couple therapists. The second lap was his idea.

His wayward left hand managed to tear his cell phone apart, so he wont be making more calls today. Still he made some yesterday and enjoyed doing so. Also yesterday he really liked getting a visit from Alec and Cruzer. For dinner we went on a big excursion downstairs to the cafeteria for some burgers instead of the standard hospital fare.

We're told that he is making great progress. Still, this is no walk in the park. We get so enthused by small improvements that are huge in our eyes. Night can be hard as scary visions invade dreams, both his and ours.

He was excited to hear from Ryan of Local Natives. Singing one of their songs has been a powerful coping tool of his. This morning he tried to teach me to sing it with him so he could do the harmony. He also got a visit from his uncle Will out from Ohio. It is so very great seeing people reach out from all over the place. Thank you again.

Yes Indeed!

2010-06-10 08:00 PDT


Yesterday was a good day. Nick took more steps, this time away from the parallel bars. He is encouraged as are his therapists. They want him to stay up there for the rest of the month. This is longer than we expected, but the reason is hope. They feel they can do more than usual with Nick because he is so strong and is doing so much already.

2010-06-09 10:50 PDT


Nick's recovery is not monotonic. He has setbacks and difficult nights. His anxiety does not let him sleep. Still he marches on. ... Literally. This morning he took some steps using parallel bars and with the aid of his physical therapist. After a few steps Nick looked up at the PT who was facing him and holding him steady and asked, "Am I the most awkward person you ever danced with?"

Yesterday he talked to me for quite a long time. He spoke of his life in NYC. Of the joy of bicycling in the city. Of rugby, showing me a greater fondness for the game than I knew he had. Of his friends. He loves you guys and wishes he could tell you directly. The telephone is still hard to deal with. The computer eludes and confuses his gentle touch.

Still. He's eating more, talking more, controlling his left side more. He no longer has pain (except when his father twists his foot while trying to help him transfer from bed to chair).

Steps... Steps...

2010-06-07 21:00 PDT


Emily writes:

Rehab started this morning. Nick has not had pain medication since arriving, but is experiencing anxiety. So he still gets something for that. I made some scones that he likes. He called them "Scones, motha-f***a!" I think that means he liked them. He is sitting more and stood with support at PT. The PT is German, so Nick did the counting in German. At OT he was asked to draw a self portrait. His was a stick figure with a V in the head and a fence beside.

2010-06-07 12:26 PDT


Nick spent the night at KFRC's Rehabilitation Center gathering strength for the start of rehab today. He spent time this morning with a physical therapist, an occupation therapist, and a speech therapist. It has been several hours of work, but he is eager for more. His mother came up with his brother Alec. Alec and I are now back in Berkeley while Emily takes over. I've been reading your messages to him and he likes that. Sorry if I get behind on posting them.

2010-06-06 22:00 PDT


Air Ambulance

We took an ambulance to Teterboro Airport where we found a Cessna Citation II air ambulance waiting. After a couple refueling stops and skirting a spectacular lightening storm we descended to Napa Airport. That airport was fogged in and we had to land in Concord. From there an ambulance took us to Kaiser in Vallejo. During the flight there were two nurses with nothing to do other than to tend to Nick. Attentive they were and the flight was smooth.

I was wrong about the altitude. We flew at about 36,000 feet like the commercial jets. The pilot told me that we had priority over all other traffic except Air Force One, and then only when POTUS is on board.

2010-06-05 10:00 EDT


Nick has been more and more lucid. His left hand is more active. He is more aware of it. Yesterday he stood briefly.

Emily, Dayna, and I visited Lugo Caffé (Great food, terrific staff, nice decor.) where Nick works. We were a bit overwhelmed by their hospitality and obviously heart felt support for Nick and our family. Afterward when told of our adventures Nick smiled and even laughed through the pain. He said stuff like: "J.C. He's the best."

Now it looks like Nick and I will fly out on the air ambulance at about 10:00 tonight, arriving in Vallejo some time Sunday morning. Emily and Amanda will be working logistics involving Nick's apartment and things. Emily flies out tomorrow evening.

The next chapter awaits in California with its challenges, pain, and triumphs. America can go to the movies, but my Iron Man is Nick Blossom.

2010-06-04 14:20 EDT

Going Home

Kaiser is going to fly Nick from NYC to Vallejo tomorrow. They will be using some sort of flying ambulance. It has a bunch of equipment and staff including a doctor. The flight will be at a lower altitude and I'll be along for the ride. Nick has been eating more and the OT has had him out of bed and in a chair for 15 minutes. He is more lucid as the drugs are lessened and brain swelling subsides.

We are buoyed by all the support. Thanks for your messages.


The Fall

Some details are unknown at this point and some are unknowable. In the early morning of Sunday, May 30 Nick was at a party in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan. Somehow he fell from a roof top or wall or balcony. He fell 20 feet or so and landed wedged between a metal fence and some sort of large metal box, like part of an air system for a building. A vertical bar at the top of the fence pierced the back of Nick's skull and penetrated a couple centimeters into his brain. He was still conscious enough to start yelling. No one seems to have actually seen him fall. The site was up somewhere not visible from much of anywhere.


Nick Holding a Hummingbird

A neighbor heard the fall and heard Nick yelling afterward. He and some others who heard it also called 911. He showed police how to get up there. They called the fire department for help. The NYFD rescue guys cut out a piece of the fence still in Nick's head. It took them a couple hours. Then they got him onto a stiff flat board and carried him in through some apartment window, down through the building, and to the ambulance. When they got to Bellview Hospital a team of surgeons got the fence out, cleaned out the wound digging out fragments of skull bone, put in a piece of titanium to help patch the hole, and sewed him up. Sounds simple, but this took hours and was very delicate. The spike missed a major vein and a major artery by scant millimeters. The FD guys are astounded that he is alive. The surgeons are also amazed at his "luck". The cops and FD think Nick should start buying lottery tickets.

Heroes are all around us. The neighbor who raised the alarm, and convinced the cops to follow him. The cops for checking his story, even though it must have seemed odd, and for finding him. The FD and EMTs for doing the nearly impossible, cutting him loose and not trying to pull him off. They properly left that to the next bunch of heros at the trauma center and in surgery. His aunts and girlfriend who rushed to his side. The nurses and many others at the hospital. Nobody panicked. So many making such crucial decisions and acting, getting things done, being professional in the face of a horrifying accident.


This has been so hard. He has been in enormous pain for a week. He has been getting great care, but they can't just "knock him out". He needs to be conscious enough to be evaluated. We cannot "fly blind". This means he has to deal with a lot of pain. He's fighting like some kind of super hero. What a beautiful, strong, man. He is struggling to get control of his left side. Progress we are told is very good although it feels slow to us. Today, Thursday June 3 he ate for the first time. He had a smoothie and a Mango. How California is that? Talking to his brothers by phone shortly after surgery he had said "I had a spike in my head. How metal is that?" If you can believe it, he has managed to joke from time to time through all this. So although he lost some brain tissue, he has not lost his sense of humor. His personality seems intact. His speech is fine. He does not have any other injuries really. There's a bruise on his leg and some scratches on the back of his right hand. No other broken bones or anything. The part of his brain that was injured handles vision to his left. The doctors are optimistic about his recovering the use of his left arm and leg. As the brain heals and the swelling recedes he should improve. He might even get back some vision on his left side and he can see to his right and in front. Still he has a long road ahead. Rehab starts soon, maybe tomorrow.

Talk to Us

- - Your Name

Mon, May 9, 2011 at 12:08 AM

Posts like this brighten up my day. Tanks for taking the time.

- Johnavon


Holaaaa Erik!! Soy Manu.!! I´m going to talk in Spanish . Me alegra de que Nick se encuentre bien ,acabo de leer el mensaje de Emily y le contesté hace un rato . Espero que a partir de ahora las cosas vayan a mejor y espero que nos veamos pronto ya sea aqui o en Berkley . Un abrazo Desde España!!

- Manuel Gómez Carillo

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:06 AM

Thanks for posting this, Eric. We're amazed and thrilled that Nick is doing so well. He's such sparkling gem of a young man in so many ways and so dear to us. It is especially helpful to hear from you directly, as my heart has been aching so for your own terrible journey. Please give my love to Emily, whose trials it hurts to begin to imagine, and those two precious brothers of Nick's.

- Kim Blossom

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:17 AM

We all hang by a thread. It seems that Nick's thread held this time. But the agony that Nick is going through, and that his parents and brothers are going through, is beyond what words can convey. Your reader is brought to tears anyway, just imagining the moments of terror that each of you Blossoms have faced, and now uncertainty... which is perhaps the fundamental reality underlying the veil of domesticated probabilities that we build around us and that hold back the tide most of the time. All our best to Nick... and to your family... at a challenging time.

- Tom Farquhar

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:52 AM

Thinking of you all and hoping for the best.

- Jared

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:55 AM

Dear Emily and Eric,

Thank you for letting me know. I am praying for Nick's speedy recovery. It does sound miraculous the way he was rescued and treated. Sending you lots and lots of love, Elizabeth in Italy

- Elizabeth Wholey

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:01 PM

My heartfelt prayers are with the Blossom family and Nick whom I remember with fondness from the days I taught at First Day school at Berkeley Friends Meeting and Nick was always such a pleasure to work with...I will continue to hold Nick and the Blossom family in the light!

Calm Abiding, Roberta Llewellyn, Oakland, CA

- Roberta Llewellyn

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:04 PM

We are so sorry to hear - and know how all who love Nick must feel. We are praying, in Jesus' Love, /cousin tom

- tom blossom, Indianapolis

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:06 PM

Hi Eric and Nick:

All of us in Fort Wayne are praying for a speedy and complete recovery. Jeff and Kristen Blossom are staying with us for short time, and he remembers Nick from Uncle George's 90th birthday party. I have forwarded a copy of this to all the Indiana Blossoms.

- Rick Blossom

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:09 PM

What a shock to read this, and what a positive view for parents to take on such an accident. After reading through the accident description, I was so relieved to read Nicks statements to his brother. They sounded so hopeful.

My thoughts are with you and with Nick. You know if you need anything from me or Stefanie that all you have to do is ask.

- Steve and Stefanie

the invincible man

I remember:
the call
and the crying.
I watched that boy
standing at the sink,
while I cried
in disbelief.

I remember using his shoulder to cry on,
his chest and hands
wishing they were yours.
Wishing and wishing,
for more than that.

You deserve:
the moon and each star
(they are yours to keep,
I'm giving them to you)

Your fathers' voice on the other line,
your mom's eyes red as dawn and
my eyes red.
It is mourning.
I slept so little,
and that poison I inhaled into my throat
to keep my hands from shaking.
But they are shaking.

Into the night you fell,
the rage and the fear.
And I think
if only I were there,
I would have been beside you,
with my hands open to catch.

I have lost 2 already,
I cannot bear to think
that you would be in pain,
I ask "let it be mine, I've handled this before."
But there is no control
and no thought I can send to reach you.
I only have this page,
only my fingers to write what
I think I mean.

There is very little I know,
and so much that you do.
You now realize,
after all the climbing to the heavens
after all the searching,
but on your journey you fell
to the earth with iron in your head,
metal in your teeth,
my hands clasped in prayer.

(you were saved)
For you told me,
you were invincible.
I've written psalms
and this is yours.
No one else is carried like water
but I cup you and
bring you to my lips.
I cannot be there with you now but,
I am with you.

I've written psalms
and this is yours. 

- maricruz martinez

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:15 PM

Dear Blossoms,

You give me the shivers from here. You are definitely being Held in the Light in Berkeley, and your mail has reached both e-lists.

I will pass this along to Alan and Max. Max will no doubt send "cat vibes." He thinks cats can fix anything.



- Heather Levien

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:19 PM

My prayers are with nick and your family.

- Connie Adachi

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:14 PM

Thanks Eric for this update. you have been in our thoughts non-stop ever since we heard about this accident. Everyone looks forward to seeing you all in the neighborhood very soon. Sending you all our love, safe flight to you and Nick, and Emily, too!

- Lisa Sibony

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:16 PM

Thanks Eric for posting this. We are sending love and good wishes for full recovery for Nick.

Having a son in college in NYC, you are living my worst fear.

Being one of many BBS folks I think I can speak for all of us that you are surrounded by love and good wishes. Safe travels.

- June Kamerling (mom of Kobi who will be at Bay Hill in the fall)

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:18 PM

I, and I'm sure all of us at the Berkeley Quaker Meeting, are holding Nick and all of you in the light. What inner strength this requires of him and you.

- Margaret Mossman

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 3:36 PM

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Nick. Keep on fighting!!

- Randy Kahn

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 4:42 PM

To all the Blossom family,

Thank you for letting us know about your horrific ordeal. We will be sending prayers and healing thoughts. Glad Nick will be in the Bay Area for his recovery. Family and friends are essential to recovery, I think. With love to you all

- Connie Jolly

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 5:02 PM

Dearest Nick, Emily, and Eric,

This is all as good as we can hope, and we'll be so relieved to have you all back home again. I have Nick on the St. Clement's Prayer List. I just knew he'd be a brave young man!


Dian and Bob

- Dian Gillmar

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 5:36 PM

Thanks so much for the news. The story brings tears to my eyes. Yes, there are heroes in the everyday world who truly make a difference. You sound like you are doing so well in the midst of this journey -- staying strong and clear-headed and grateful. Thank goodness that he gets to come closer to home! That must be such a relief.

I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery for Nick.

- Lois VanBeers

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 6:08 PM

Wow. I've always known you are amazing, Nick. Hang in there. I am thinking about you. Thanks for the information, Blossoms.

- Jenny "Ms." Weddle

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 6:24 PM

It will be wonderful to have all of you back home to the Bay Area this weekend! Our thoughts and love are with you!

- Scott, Heidi and Olivia

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 6:45 PM

I am glad you will be taking Nick home, we are all thinking of you. Safe travels.

- Alicia Cernitz

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:37 PM

Ahoy, Emily and Eric.

Thank you for such a detailed account of what happened.

So wonderful that Nick is now eating, has his sense of humor, and so many heroes and loving family & friends to help.

I'll see you back here in the Bay Area.

- Ellen Hoffman

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 7:51 PM

Sending love and healing thoughts your way from your Russell Street friends

Gail and Bill

- Gail and Bill Tennant

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 9:24 PM

I'm really sorry to hear about this, my thoughts are with you

- David Gallagher

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 10:17 PM

Thanks for keeping us updated. I have lots of memories of spirited, insightful, creative Nick from First Day School. I will hold him, and all of you, in the light.

- Kristin Keegan

Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 11:54 PM

I really hate headaches. Try to focus on your breathing instead (that goes for Eric and Emily, too).

By the way, we all breathe a great sigh of relief when you crack jokes, so keep them coming.

- Love, Dori

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 12:18 AM

I'm thinking of you all. Nick is in the prayer chain at my family's church, Epworth. We all send our support.

- Aurelia

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 12:44 AM

My dear Blossom family,

Thinking of you and praying for you all. Please tell Nick that I am sending much love to him and positive thoughts for a speedy recovery for Nick. Please know that the Emerson staff sends their very best to Nick. Give an extra big hug and kiss to Alec and Cricket.

All my best!

- Lori Perenon

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:34 AM

Nick, what a tough warrior you are. I'm impressed and inspired by you and your family. All the best for your recovery...

- Georg Buechi

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 8:31 AM

Being with Nick, hearing him joke, and seeing him progress really helps. It will be wonderful for him to be back in Ca, but we East Coasters will miss out. Time to plan a trip out west.

As Eric said, in response to "It's a miracle!" ,"It's science too." We are grateful.

- Aunt Meikle

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 12:04 PM

We are thinking of you and sending our love to your family. We remember Nick as a capable and funny young man. Nick's strength and the love of your close family will pull you all through this difficult time.

Love to you all,

Ms. Maida & Mr. Devin

- Stefani Maida & Devin Woolridge

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 12:57 PM

Holding all of you in the light through the time ahead.

I am amazed by what the fired department and surgeons and Nick have all achieved so far.

- Karen Street

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:19 PM

Nick really is a strong young man. I am sure his recovery will be good. Lots of Love for all of you.

- Covi Valera

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:20 PM

Dear Eric, Emily and Nick:

Thanks for putting this web site together. Many of us feel so helpless right now and getting information from you is very helpful and reassuring. Nick will have so much support to get stronger and heal. Nick has a special place in my heart since I have been there from the beginning (joke intended to bring smiles to the faces of Nick incredible parents) :-)

Miracles do happen; Nick will be the living proof of that. Thank goodness he is going back to CA for treatment. All I hear is fabulous things about the Vallejo Kaiser Rehab Hospital.

I will be out in Berkeley in early July and will make sure to see you all then.

Sending you much love and strength from Boston.

- Love, Mindy

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:52 PM

Its great to hear that Nick will be able to recover back in California. I am thinking of you all everyday and hope the miraculous recovery continues at a meteoric pace.

My favorite memory of you guys is the way you all looked at the mother/son dance at Emerson. Three boys in blue shirts and Emily. I thought what a beautiful family.

- Pam Paulson

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:58 PM

We are holding all of you in our thoughts and hearts.

- David Walton

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 2:43 PM

We just read about this awful accident and wish Nick a full and speedy recovery. We are keeping all of you in our prayers, thoughts and heart.

- Bob & Tina Frost

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 1:33 PM

Dear Eric and Emily,

We are heartbroken to read about what happened to Nick. We love each and every one of you and it hurts to imagine how hard it must be not knowing what's going to unfold at each step. You all lack nothing in strength and love and we'd like to pile our love on top of that in support of Nick and his family.

- John and Maureen Peters

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 2:20 PM


I'm a friend of Pam Paulson and Renee Bott, who alerted me to what Nick is going through. I wanted to write to wish him a very speedy recovery, and also to mention that I spent several weeks last year at the Kaiser Foundation Rehab Center in Vallejo, and if you have to go through rehab, it's a very very good place to be. I was recovering from a neurological syndrome that left me paraplegic and with greatly reduced function pretty much everywhere, and I cannot emphasize enough how wonderful everyone was at KFRC. Nurses, doctors, and physical, occupational, and speech therapists - they were all fantastic. On top of that, my family was allowed to be there to help all day everyday if they so wanted, and that meant so much. I think my recovery progressed much more quickly, being at Vallejo, that it might have elsewhere, and I wish you the same! My thoughts are with you all. Good luck and best wishes...

- Cheyenne Sylvester

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 5:41 PM

To the Blossoms,

I'm not one to believe in miracles, but it does seem that fate and the forces of good are there creating a pathway for Nick. And if good wishes make a difference there are many many of those. I can't help but believe all that healthy living and family ties combined with learning those good ski moves has contributed to Nick's hard fought recovery. We are all there for you Nick. Welcome home!!

- Sheila and Danny

Sat, Jun 5, 2010 at 8:25 PM

So sorry to hear about this. We'll be holding your family in the light.

- Jane Stenmark

Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 11:46 AM

Hope you get better soon Nick! Can't wait to see you again

- Mel

Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 12:28 PM

Dear Nick:

I am devastated to learn of your accident, but fully confident that your deep inner strength and the power of the love you are surrounded by will aid you in healing. You are such a wonderful human being - capacious talent, professionalism, humor, intelligence and deep kindness - and you are held in the highest regard by me and the others you've worked with. Let me know if there is anything you need from me and trust that you are in my prayers and the prayers of the whole Jomama Jones crew. Allow yourself to be cared for and allow the universe to reflect back to you all the positive energy that you have put out to it.

- Daniel Alexander Jones

Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 12:35 PM

What a lesson of courage and strength the Blossom family is teaching us all. We're thinking of Nick and sending all our love.

- jamie carlson

Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 7:58 PM

So glad that Nick is back in California and that can all be close to him. It will no doubt be a long road and your strength as a family will help you through this.

Much love

- Sage Spatz

Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 8:41 PM

All the Bade family wishes you the best! We're glad he is here on this coast with his family! It is amazing and wonderful that he is doing so well after such a terrible injury. We hope his recovery keeps the momentum. Thinking of you...

- Alan Bade

Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 9:22 PM

Nick love,

I don't know if you're seeing this yet but I've exhausted almost all other technologies. You start rehab tomorrow and I hope Vallejo will take good care of you (I know they will).

I'm always thinking of you, of course. Particularly while getting ready for bed in a BED and not in a chair next to you in the hospital.

If you're in pain still, I'm sorry I can't be there to badly adjust your pillows and weakly try to make you comfortable.

I can't wait to see you.

All my love.

- Amanda "Jobley" Brooklyn

Sun, Jun 6, 2010 at 11:19 PM

Hey, guys--

You are all heroes as far as we're concerned. We send our love and prayers for the best possible outcome.

- Hank and Lucienne Sanchez-Resnik

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 5:38 AM

Checking in.

Home turf surely will speed recovery.

Our love continues to flow to you.

Diana Cole and Mark Wholey

- mark wholey

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 12:03 PM

i like the iron man comment, he truly is a miracle. i think i speak for all of us when i say our hopes and prayers go out to such a strong man. sending my love. megan blossom

- megan blossom

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 2:38 PM

Although none of you know me I wanted to express my concern and support. My name is Bobby Halvorson and Nick played guitar for a band we put together in New York with Daniel Alexander Jones for the Jomama Jones project. I was so shocked and terrified when I heard what happened and although I don't know him very well, it really affected me to hear what had happened because Nick is such a joy to work with and an incredibly talented musician. I wish Nick and his family and friends all the best in his recovery process and I hope he has lots of good tunes to listen to. I know he'll be jamming away on the guitar again in no time.

- Bobby Halvorson

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 3:38 PM

My thoughts are with your whole family. It's been a long time since I've seen any of the "Blossom brothers", but I think of your family often and it always brings a smile to my face.

- Ms. Kim (Kim Etzel)

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 8:23 PM

Dear Emily, Eric and Nick,

What a road you have traveled thus far, and I know there is so much more to go. I wish you a smooth recovery. I cried when I read Eric's post about Iron man. Nick I barely know you, perhaps we met once or twice on knitting night at your mom's house, but you are my Iron man too. Please know that there are so many people out there thinking about you. And yes, we all care.

My love to you all.

- Renee Bott

Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 9:59 PM

I'm another Bade wishing you a smooth path and steady recovery!

- Margaret Bade

Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 7:52 AM

My heart still aches and reaches out to all of you. The thought of the homemade scones and the "Scones, motha-f***a!" comment made by Nick brought tears to my eyes. I am relieved to hear that Nick's sense of humor is in tack. Emily...keep up the baking for him since I know there is so much love that goes in to your recipes :-)

Nick - you are in really good hands in Vallejo Kaiser. And I know you have motivation and drive to get better as soon as possible. I am sending you my love from Boston.

- Mindy Scharlin

Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 9:29 AM

Hi Emily,

I'm thinking of you and continue to pray for Nick's full recovery. I don't know if he's ready for it, but many have successfully used stress reduction and pain management CDs made by Jon Kabat-Zinn for all kinds of pain. Beyond medication, there is much that Nick will be able to learn to help control his own pain and anxiety. Sending strength and love to you and yours, Linda

- Linda Blachman

Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 2:48 PM

Dear People,

Thanks for the updates. How hard it must be to write such things, except for it could have been worse. When people say that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, do you sometimes wish he didn't have such a high opinion of us? Nick has a good brain, it just had bad things happen to it.

Supporting, exploring, & being the healing & recovery, is an alternative to fighting the injury. Praying for a complete recovery!! Evan

- Evan Blossom

Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 7:01 PM

Holding you all in our thoughts and we are sending lots of healing energy your way. Dig deep and you will all come through to the other side.....

So good to hear about all the positive steps that Nick is taking, that is such a blessing.

Don't forget to take care of yourselves as well.

love to you all!

- Sophie, Matt, Lucas, and Casey

Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 7:53 PM

Did I hear you were off your pain meds Nick? Hard to believe.

I can't wait to talk to you on the phone and hear your voice clear and lucid without the haze of Morphine and Codeine and other drugs that none of us have ever heard of. I only got a few words with you each time I visited the hospital but I just had to keep making sure you were alive.

Most of all I really want your dexterity to come back. Please take it slow it'll come back

- Corey

Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 9:03 PM

Hey Nick –

I was hearing and then reading the news with watery eyes but now feel better with the regular updates from the family. Cheez, I thought that NY had become such a safe place after Guliani cleaned it up in the nineties. Good to have you back on the West Coast and wishing you a grrrrreat recovery! Please make sure that you have a TV in your room to watch ‘the’ cup. (If not, I’ll have to come and visit you later :o) Cheers, David

- David Janse

Tue, Jun 9, 2010 at 5:44 AM

Hi Nick and Amanda,

I hope this message finds you both well. I can't even imagine how terrifying and turbulent the past 10 days have been for you. My heart really goes out to you Nick and I'm so incredibly thankful to hear your surgery was such a success. I've got to say, Amanda's email really hit me hard. When I read that one of our songs had been bringing Nick some comfort, it's hard to explain, but I was deeply, deeply moved. I know I speak for the rest of the guys when I say we'd love to do something special for Nick, something we're trying to figure out. As you know we're about to leave home for a few weeks but for the time being I wanted to at least get in touch and let you know we're thinking about you. Please let me know when a good time to call would be. We'll be on a plane most of tomorrow but I'm sure we can coordinate a time together before we leave the country.

Again, thank you for reaching out. Nick man we're honored to have you as a fan, godspeed in Vallejo and I look forward to speaking with you soon.

- Ryan & Local Natives

Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 9:19 PM

emily/eric - what are the visiting hours on sunday? or let me know when it is the right time for you and him. much love, david

- David Janse

Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:30 PM

Hey Nick! I'm thinkin' the rehab starts out looking like 5.12 but day by day you get the moves wired and they begin to feel like 5.11 ... then 5.10 ... then at some point just a walk in the park. You can do this buddy! Send it! We know you can.

The everyday ache in my heart I feel for you is buoyed by these glimpses into your recovery by your family. You are so loved. Good luck.

- Corey's dad, Jim

Wed, Jun 9, 2010 at 10:32 PM


Visiting hours seem to be all day. However, folks should let us know in advance. People with brain injuries, like Nick, can get overwhelmed. So he should not have more than a few visitors at a time and the visits should be short. Having said that, he loves getting visitors and would be very happy to see you.

- Eric Blossom

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 4:40 AM

Dear Eric and family,

long time ago... but you are all still in my heart. I really belief that Nick will work it out if you trust. So, go on, step by step. I will light a candle in the "Kölner Dom" cathedral and I send my best wishes to all of you.

Gute Besserung Nick!!!

- Katrin, Köln

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:43 AM

Writing to let you know we're following this closely, and we're encouraged by Nick's courage.

With all our love.

- John and Maureen

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 8:42 AM

I was so sorry to hear about Nick's accident. You are all showing such amazing strength and resilience during this unimaginably difficult time. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date on Nick's progress. Keep singing!

- Deborah Banks

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:22 PM

So pleased to hear of Nick's progress & determination. As to the whole event, words fail me; I cannot imagine the anxiety Nick & your whole family is experiencing. Please let me know if there is anything we can do. We're here, and you are in our thoughts & hearts everyday.

- Kristen & the Neumann crew

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 7:59 PM

hi Nick,

I don't know if you received my last post. I don't see it in this list of great messages to you and your folks. On the other hand, apparently one does not need a spike in the head to be dealing with the ability to misinterpret messages. It was fun to read about you in the NY Times, but did you have to go to such extremes to get the good coverage of you and your band! We have such great memories of hanging out with you, especially on the ski trip, which was pretty special to me and Danny who do not get to the snow all that often. Looking forward to seeing you. I'd like to introduce you to a friend who was completely paralyzed after an accident and today is doing great and a leader in the labor movement. So, it's hard to see the bright side when you are fighting to recover, but honest you have a big head start on where you are starting from, so the prognosis is excellent.

Lots of love,

- Sheila and Danny

Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 9:31 PM

Hello Emily, Nick, Alec and Cricket! As your across-the- street neighbors we are immediately available any time you need us, for whatever. I know it's going to be a long haul but we're here for the duration. Much love to all of you!

- Allen and Grita

Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 9:43 PM

Aloha, I'm Lori (Tracy's Cousin from Hawaii). Told all the Ohana(family)here about Nick. We are keeping all of you in our prayers. God Bless.

- Lori Perreira

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 3:47 AM

Nothing I can write can share the feelings I have for your journey. I think of the beauty in the room that first night with Eric tenderly holding Nick's left hand, the long night Nick endured, moving from great pain to eloquent speaking. The fear, the exhaustion, the family, the nurses reminded me of the strength and love we carry for our children.

Now, I think of you all so many times throughout the day. I send strength to Nick for all the hard work he has done and will do everyday. I send strength to Emily and Eric, watching the most difficult thing to do, watch their child struggle, and know that is what needs to be done, and they can't do it for him. It is like those baby steps that we watched and held our breaths for 20+ years ago, when our babes were toddlers.

I watch Amanda, every time the phone rings, hoping for any news always praying for good news and Good Jokes. I am so happy that you will all be together soon. I hope to talk with you often. I feel such compassion and love for the Blossoms' in so many ways. May the way become clear and shining more and more everyday

- Rebecca Brooklyn

Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 9:42 PM

Dear Nick,

It is so great to see the photo of you playing the piano! I know it is a great passion of yours (and your Moms). Many years ago my brother Michael severed all the tendons and the nerve bundle in his wrist. Doctors reattached the tendons and also the nerves...however, the nerve bundle is not color they reattached anything, anywhere. Later, when he tried to move his thumb his little finger would wiggle! If he poked his middle finger he would feel it somewhere else! He had a cast on his arm for 3 months. When it came off he took up the guitar and piano and slowly, slowly, his brain re-channeled all the connections in his wrist so that all the signals worked as before his injury! Jeez, play that music, Nick!! Duets, Emily!! We are rooting for all you Blossoms!!!

Love, Sarah Bade and the Buechi clan

- Sarah Bade

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 4:12 AM

Family French toast al fresco with Laya and the whole gang yea!!! We too had fresh strawberries, ours were with bananas and yogurt- but I know Nick doesn't like yogurt so that wouldn't appeal to him.

Thanks Nick for the photo of my bro, your Papa, by the fountain. Its a good one.

- Aunt Meikle

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 5:46 PM

Hi Nick,

I was going through one of my painting sketchbooks today and found a joke/riddle I thought you'd appreciate. I write down/draw anything in my notebooks and this related to my love of mathematics)

There were three men on a train, an economist, a logician and a mathematician. As they crossed the border into Scotland they saw a brown cow in a field, standing parallel to them.

Economist: "Look, the cows in Scotland are brown!"

Logician: " No, there are cows in Scotland, of which one at least, is brown."

Mathematician: "No, there is at least one cow in Scotland, of which one side appears to be brown."

Cheers! Sarah Bade

- Sarah Bade

Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 8:43 PM

I can't begin to describe how grateful I am that this page has been created. Thank you so much for keeping us all posted and keeping all of us who adore Nick close to everything that is happening. I know we all want to be his top cheerleaders, and this keeps us all united on that front. Thanks again! So much!

- Misha Beiser

Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 12:34 AM

I just want to say how thankful I am that Nick is recovering so well. I had been staying with Corey at the Brooklyn apartment, and I was leaving Friday at about 3 am to go back to Oregon. We woke Nick up so I could say goodbye and give him a hug, and he was very sweet, said he'd miss having me around. I'm so glad I got to see him then because it was the next morning -as I was landing in Oregon- that Nick had his fall. I give my best, and I hope to see him when I visit Corey in Berkeley later this summer. Nick is an important friend, and I'm amazed and overjoyed that he was so lucky. Please tell him hello, and best wishes to all the family!

- Jamie (Corey's girlfriend)

Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 2:44 PM

Nick, Great stride. It is wonderful to see the photo of you up and at it again. It figures music, computers, and basketball are motivating you.

- Aunt Meikle

Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 7:15 PM

Nicky I miss you, my funny friend. Recover quick, and I hope that when you do, you come back swingin'.

- sam dwyer

Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:23 PM

Thanks for the site and continuous update, Eric. It's been incredibly helpful. Nick, just want to let you know we've been thinking of you. It's great to see you up and walking and playing the piano again so soon. Every little step becomes a bigger step on the road to recovery. Of course youth, determination, stubbornness and a great sense of humor (all of which you've been blessed with!) are helpful too :)

All the best to you, your mom, dad, Alec and Cricket,

- Lisa Gleason

Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 3:59 PM

Hey Nick -

it is great to see you improve daily! Keep Lawrence Hoyt and Lawrence LaFoote in check (and away from cell phones for a little while....)

This blog is wonderful for all of us who are following your rehab.

The pictures are great too!

And to Eric and Emily -you are doing an amazing job!

- Stefanie and the boys in Corvallis

Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 10:14 PM

So glad to hear that Nick is making good (miraculous!) progress. I'm sure it feels like it has been months rather than weeks. Thanks for the blog, and keep up that optimism!

- Jane Stenmark

Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 9:50 PM

Absolutely wonderful to see today's updates, the photos, news about the guitar playing. All brought a big smile to my face. Thinking about you lots. Love, Lisa

- lisa Sibony

Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 9:51 PM

I am so happy for all of you--including L.H. & L.LF. I imagine it may feel painfully slow on the inside, but from out here, your progress is amazing!

- Susan Quinlan

Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 3:49 AM


This website page and your recovery does amaze me. Always work hard, continue to improve and my prayers are with you. You probably do not remember me or Joe but we were with you the night of the fall. I am very glad to see that you are doing better and better. Keep going even when there are set backs but they are only small speed bumps.

Lt. Thomas Schulz # 310 FDNY EMS Paramedic

Special Operations Command

- Tom

Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 2:51 PM

Home on pass! What a pleasure to know that you will be right down the hill from us, home in Berkeley, Nick. Have a great evening, night and Sunday morning. We will be thinking of that delicious brunch I'm sure Emily will make!

- Sarah Bade-Buechi

Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 7:30 PM

Hi Nick,

I finally made it through your page and I am amazed by what I read!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since I met you I know you are a great fighter and I am so pleased to be able to be part of your progress!!! When I first met you everything had its very own dynamic, and I saw your family, and how all of you were hoping, praying, wishing for you to become better. I got an idea of what you guys were going through, and I was ready to help you finding your way back into something like normal. The last weeks working with you were great and are still! Your progress is so astonishing to me, and it just makes me very happy to see that YOU are making your way back into life. I know that it is hard for you sometimes to deal with the things that you cannot do, yet, but I am also not getting tired of reminding you of your accomplishments!!! You came such a long way already, you should never lose the courage of going the missing steps, and as long as I will be on your side, I will remind you of that, and so will your GREAT family. And even if you doubt that you might be able to ever pay them back what they are doing for you, I can tell you, that we are all payed off by being witnesses of your efforts, that you make our days bright with every joke, and your charming personality!!! I hope you enjoy home, and I am looking forward to what you will tell me on mon about your adventure of being a visitor in the "Real World"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great time...

- Mareike

Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 8:25 AM

glad to read the progress.

father's day at great.



- ginger Parnes

Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 6:47 PM

Hope you've enjoyed a wonderful Father's Day together. We're thinking of you.

- Susan and Jim (Quinlan & Best)

Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 7:37 AM

Nick I heard you made pancakes for everyone for breakfast. That's cool.

- Auntie Mic

Mon, Jun 21, 2010 at 8:49 AM

Eric , Thank you very much for driving me to visit Nick , and back to Davis. It was wonderful to see you & Nick. Keep up the good work! You are awesome!

- with love your irritating Aunt*

Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 7:20 AM


I loved hearing the music that your Dad recorded. Keep up the playing - it's such good therapy. I am so pleased to be reading all about your progress. I hope I can snatch a quick visit when I breeze through Berkeley on July 3 and 4th. Let me know if there is anything from Boston I can bring you.

Big hugs to you.

- Mindy Scharlin

Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 1:55 PM

Ever since I read the blog I can't help but think about Nick and how music will heal him and how his music might heal others. He has had that gift of musical expression even as young as two, when I took him and Conrad to the music class in Piedmont when Alec was a newborn. We are all so fortunate that he is with us and that he may share his beauty.

Love, Kathleen

- Kathleen White

Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 10:01 PM

I know it has been a while since I've seen and talked to Nick but when I read this story I shiver at the thoughts of what has occurred. He's always been a great guy and this news shows that he's still the same. It's good to know he is recovering well and I wish him and everyone who is caring for him the best.

- Michael Laird

Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 10:49 AM

- Papa

Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 6:53 AM

Dear Nick,

WELCOME HOME. All our love to you,

Molly, Steve, Oliver, Madeleine and Ben

- Aunt Molly

Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 11:11 AM

6-25 I Finally got to this site again! Our library computers have been out since the "tornado?" So glad to see he has improved, & regained soooo much!!!!! Fascinating - all the adaptations, improvisations, & miracles!, ... I feel like welcoming Lawrence Hoyt to the family!

I'm trying to find my extra copy of "Making a Good Brain Great" (Dr. Daniel G. Amen) to send. (address?) If I remember well, the Amen Clinic is somewhere between Berkeley, & Davis. Continued prayers, & positive energy for a complete recovery, & life!!!!!!!!!!! Love, & Peace, Evan

- Evan Blossom

Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 5:52 PM

We just want to say that we are happy to hear of Nick's recovery progress. A definite answer to our prayers.

- Rick and Barb Blossom, Fort Wayne, IN

Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 6:03 PM

Hey Nick -

Have been reading your progress on a weekly basis. Can't believe the stories and pics after seeing you in the hospital 2-3 weeks ago. Had plans to go and see you again in Vallejo, but hey... you're back in the 'hood. Excellent! Got to see your progress with my own eyes. We'll stop by soon!


- David Janse

Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 1:16 PM

Amazing to read and see the latest good news about Nick. Nice haircut, too!

--Lisa and family checking in from the middle east.

- lisa sibony

Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 9:45 AM

Hi all you Blossoms, we are so happy that Nick is home with you. Reading this page I am amazed at the progress that he has made. I couldn't have imagined it. I know it's probably still a long road, but way to go Nick!

- vanessa Hardy

Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:43 PM

Dear Nick and Family:

So amazed to read the updates and to hear of the progress. Every day sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

- Daniel Alexander Jones

Sun, Jul 11, 2010 at 2:38 PM

Wow. The news just keeps getting better and better.

You go, Nick!

- Randy Kahn

Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:21 PM

Dear Eric,

Thank you for setting this up. I am so glad that that Nick is recovering so beautifully. It is really nice to be able to read and read updates. The photos are so sweet, too. I have been thinking of you guys. I am sending you my love.

- Biliana Stremska

Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 8:45 AM

Dear Blossom Family

I am so happy to read of Nick's marvelous progress in his road to recovery. Its wonderful to hear about the love and unique Blossom family approach to pulling through this. I'm thinking of you all and will be eager to read more about Nick's progress, Emily's food, and the Family's adventures.

Much love and comfort to you all.

Cousin Caroline

- Caroline Hazard

Sun, Aug 1, 2010 at 7:52 PM

It has been so exciting to spend the last 3 days amongst the Blossoms. Roshi, Amanda's brother and I have flown to Berkeley/ Oakland from VT to vacation.

I was at the hospital the first night after Nick's fall and today I enjoyed hearing his drumming. So great... and yesterday I sat quietly in the dining room listening to his beautiful piano playing. Such a miracle and such hard work...

- Rebecca Brooklyn

Wed, Sep 22, 2010 at 5:50 PM

Eric: Thanks for the updates. We have been praying for and thinking of Nick and everyone in the family. Glad to hear of the good recovery.

- Rick & Barb Blossom, Fort Wayne, IN

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 10:46 PM

Glad to hear no news is good news and thanks for the update. You go, Nick!

- Randy Kahn

Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 3:09 PM

It was wonderful to read about your NYC visits. I hope to get a chance to see Nick & Amanda. Maybe even perform...hint hint* So happy you visited those amazing professionals, they were very caring of all of us. I'm glad Meikle was there too. Sorry to have missed you, but it was great to be with Mom & Dad sending love

- Aunt Dayna